My name is Sakurazawa Mo, a first-year student at Shuangluishui Women’s University. I am 19 years old this year and still have one year left to reach adulthood.

He is 155cm tall. Although he is a little short, he is not dissatisfied. By the way, his birthday is March 20th every year.

What else should I say to introduce myself? By the way, I am a Pisces, and I still have type 0 blood. above


I also got up at 4 o’clock today.

The alarm clock next to the bed still has five minutes left before it catches up with me.

Change out of your pajamas and get ready to brush your teeth.

On the sink, the water glass was prepared last night as usual.

After all, Xiao Mo feels uncomfortable if he doesn’t brush his teeth immediately.

Brush your teeth well.

The first thing in the morning is to practice calligraphy.

Feel the fragrance of ink

——Summer is hot!

Then squeeze it tightly and throw it into the trash can

“Ha, ha.”

I took the dog Yiyiyan I brought from my hometown and went out for a walk together.

I was greeted by an old man one-sidedly.

However, Xiao Mo was often shy and just bowed in response. It was really embarrassing!

But today, , he let go of Yan’s dog leash without paying attention. When he saw other people running, he followed them directly. It was hard to go out and disturb him by himself.


“Don’t worry, Ms. Sarakurusha, this dog just wants to run with us.”

Kazuya saw that the dog had a leash on it. It must have been that its owner accidentally let go.

“Woof woof.”

The fluffy puppy looked up at Kazuya. The dog stuck out its tongue and waggled its tail quickly at Kazuya. It was indeed saying hello to him.

Kazuya looked at such a cute dog and couldn’t help but chuckle.

Although I prefer cold and arrogant cats in my heart, in reality he is more popular with dogs.

Most of the cats I see often behave very arrogantly towards him. Could it be that there is less time? There are only arrogant cats. The time for him to be arrogant has not come yet, but the time for coquettishness has not yet come.

Kazuya looked at the reaction of the little white dog. He didn’t seem to be the type who hates contact with people. He squatted down and reached out to touch the unknown breed of dog. The dog’s head.

The dog was very comfortable being massaged by Kazuya. His eyes were closed and his tail was wagging more cheerfully.

Seeing the envy in Ruka Sarada’s eyes, Kazuya said to her:”Miss Sarada, do you want me too?” Come and touch”

“No, I don’t like dogs that much either.”

Strange, what does the envy in her eyes mean?

Does it mean that she also wants to be patted on the head?

No, Kinoshita Kazuya quickly put this strange thought out of his mind, and Ms. Korusha is not a dog. It is too rude to think like this. Got it

“By the way, the owner of the dog must be very anxious when he sees it missing. Do you want to help it find its owner?” Sarada Ruka stared at Xiaobai and suggested.

White dog – → Xiaobai

“I remember that most dogs nowadays have their owner’s contact information on their nameplates. Let me take a look first.”

Kinoshita Kazuya fixed the dog’s head with one hand, but it seemed that he was reluctant to massage it with Kazuya, and he did not take the initiative to move the dog’s head.

“Sakura Ze, Sakura Ze Mo.”Kazuya saw Xiaobai’s owner’s name on the nameplate.

“Do you want to contact her now?

Ruka Sarada has been staring at Xiaobai since she arrived. She wonders if their auras are not compatible.

But it’s just Ruka Sarako’s one-sided rivalry with Xiaobai.

“Just wait another five minutes. Maybe Xiaobai’s owner is nearby and he just didn’t pay attention because of something.”

Kazuya continued to tease the dog, raising his hand and asking it to hold its paw.

Xiaobai is very smart, and it seems that his owner has educated him very well.


“”Stare one by one.”

A gaze looked out from the darkness behind the two of them.

Secretly observing, Sakurazawa Ink.JPG

A girl poked her head out from behind Kazuya and the others. She had short red hair and was dressed in the outfit of getting up early to exercise.

University One senior

(“The little cherry face is dazzled, and her face is red after saying nothing.”——Sakurazawa Mo is an extremely”shy” cute girl who can only communicate through typing even if she stands in front of you. She is even ashamed of herself and hopes to change. )

She is Xiaobai’s master, because Xiaobai ran away with the others because of his carelessness.

Because she was afraid of strangers, she was too embarrassed to show up to ask for Xiaobai, her inkstone, back.

Kazuya and the others are currently practicing behind the wall.

“That, that,….”

“Yes, sorry, get up,….”.

“Inkstone is my dog……”’..

Just thinking about talking in front of strangers just doesn’t work.


“That, that….”.

Kazuya looked at the short red-haired beautiful girl who suddenly appeared in front of him. Kazuya was a little surprised how he often encountered such S-level beautiful girls recently.

Nanami Asami, Mizuhara Chizuru, Kikuchi Fuka, Sarashina Ruka, and she in front of me

“Hello, what’s the matter?”

Kazuya felt that the child was a little shy and said thoughtfully.


Ying Zemo nodded, immediately blushing and lowering his head.

Looking at her appearance, I thought of myself when I was a child and met unfamiliar relatives. I didn’t want to say a word, leaned behind the adults, and ran away as soon as I had the chance to leave.

Seeing her eyes drifting towards Xiaobai, Kazuya felt that she was probably Xiaobai’s mistress named Sakurazawa Mo.

“Are you here for this dog??”


You keep your head down and are so shy. Could it be that you are a high school student like Sarada Ruka?”?

“I’m sorry, even if you are the owner of the puppy, I can’t trust you directly. Can you please tell me the name of the contact person on the puppy’s nameplate?”

Although Kazuya felt that the shy beautiful girl in front of him must not be a liar, this did not affect his decision. Xiaobai’s responsible thoughts



It was obviously summer, but the girl in front of me shyly ran out of the winter heat.

“Okay, Miss Sakurazamo, I already know that you are the owner of the puppy, so there is no need to say anything more.”

Kazuya looked at the girl who was clearly saying her name but acted like he was bullying her, and understood.


The beautiful girl with short red hair breathed a sigh of relief.

Kazuya was about to hand her the dog’s leash

“Great, Mr. Kinoshita, the dog has found its owner.”

Because Kazuya was in charge of the conversation, Sarada Ruka didn’t say anything.

Kazuya turned to look at Sarada Ruka and said,”Yes, it’s a good thing that the dog can find its owner.”

For such a missing incident that caused no loss, Kazuya laughed from the bottom of his heart with satisfaction.

Perhaps he has always hated sudden separations since his grandmother’s dog was lost when he was a child.

Kazuya felt like a little kid Cat fur-like catkins fell on his palm, making people feel itchy.

Kazuya turned his head again, and happened to look at the beautiful girl named Sakurazawa Mo, and her cheeks suddenly burned like clouds. became red


I only heard her saying goodbye in a weak voice, as if I wouldn’t hear it if I didn’t pay attention.

“Goodbye, Miss Sakurazawa.”

Kazuya knows how to deal with shy people, because he used to be such a person.

Don’t approach suddenly, she will not be used to it; don’t suddenly distance, she will have random thoughts; everything is natural.

Miss Sakurazawa has done it. He planned to leave.

However, Xiao Bai Yan seemed to still be at Kazuya’s feet……

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