At the entrance of the supermarket.

Bai Ming was carrying bags of various sizes, facing countless blazing gazes around him without changing his expression, and stood there very calmly. But those people seemed to feel ashamed, hesitating and not daring to move forward. They could only watch silently, and cheered from time to time.

Bai Ming had long been used to these looks.

As an S-class hero of the Hero Association, Bai Ming is well-known. In particular, his online appearance that is enough to make a living on his face has made him gain countless fans, but he just finds it troublesome and is too lazy to pay attention to it.

You know, the Hero Association has invited him to be its image spokesperson and special publicity consultant many times, but Bai Ming refused them all without hesitation.

Although the Hero Association was founded by Algni, a wealthy man, in memory of the hero who saved his grandson. But with his wealth, it is naturally impossible to support such a large association for a long time, so most of it relies on funds raised from the public to operate.

It might be easier to raise funds if there was a handsome and dashing image spokesperson like Bai Ming.

But how can someone who Bai Ming thinks he relies on his talent to make a living rely on his face?! Doing so will damage his glorious and upright image.

In fact, the main reason is that the Hero Association did not give him enough to get him out of his lazy and comfortable days. Of course, these words should never be spoken.

Due to the small number of people in Z City and the frequent activities of dangerous weirdos, no large supermarkets have opened there.

When Bai Ming returned to his residence, he went to F City, which was close to Z City, to do some shopping. The food stored at home was not enough. The big bald man often came to the door to eat and drink. If he hadn’t seen that he was a good thug, he would never have opened the door for him and told him to get away as far as he could.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!!

“Wow! He’s a terrorist~~~!!”There was a sound of surprise, followed by a commotion

“I’m not! I’m not!”The bald man wearing a rustic yellow Superman suit with a white cape kept explaining,”Look! I am a hero, my name is registered in the hero list!”

The very familiar voice immediately attracted Bai Ming’s eyes.

“Saitama!”After shouting, Bai Ming walked towards Qiyu

“——ah! It’s the S-class hero Thor Hakumei!”

“He is so handsome!”

“I want to join his fan club!!”


“Let’s all disperse!”Bai Ming said casually,”Qiyu is not a bad guy, but a hero.”

“hero? Is there such a frustrated hero?!”

“Since Thor Baiming knows the bald man, it seems that he is not a terrorist from the Taoyuan Group.”


Suddenly, the number of the noisy crowd that gathered gradually decreased. But there are still many people left, who makes one person too eye-catching!

“Why are you here? Bai Ming said to Qiyu,”I don’t remember that today is a supermarket sale day.”

Facing Bai Ming’s inquiry, Saitama had a lifeless expression on his face,”There was a terrorist from the Taoyuan Group, and all the members had their heads shaved.” In today’s society, people with bald heads are often regarded as terrorists and bad people, but I……”

It was already miserable enough to become bald.

But I never thought that one day, even my bald head would be implicated inexplicably.

“……”Bai Ming gritted his teeth with a look that couldn’t help but laugh.

“Just laugh if you want, you don’t have to endure it so hard.” Saitama said angrily.

“Hahaha……, ahem……”After laughing a few times and pretending to cough a few times, Bai Ming raised the corners of his mouth and still couldn’t let go of his smile,”Didn’t you go to take the Hero Association test this morning? Needless to say, you passed the test!””

“Pass……, passed……”Saitama looked dull.

“So, it should be a high level, right?”Bai Ming said pretending to be puzzled,”With your reputation on the roster, you don’t have to worry about others mistaking you for being a terrorist in the future.”

“……”Hearing this, Qi Yu lowered his head, and the background was full of gloomy misery.

He did pass the test of the Hero Association, but his hero level evaluation is not only not high, it can even be said to be extremely low! It’s a passing grade, ranked 388th in Class C, and also ranked last.

There are more than 500 heroes in the Hero Association, and most of the popularity is taken up by those in front. The further behind, the less effective they are.

Saitama is not a handsome guy, but a passerby who can’t be found in the crowd.

In this case, there is no popularity at all

“You see, in order to celebrate that you passed the test and got good results, I bought a lot of good things.”Bai Ming raised the overcrowded bags of various sizes in his hand and said seriously.

“……”Saitama said coquettishly,”My rating is C-level…….”

“ha? Only C level?! impossible!”Bai Ming pretended to be incredulous and shouted.

“Say no more.” Saitama said.

Saitama didn’t care at all about his grade evaluation, high or low.

But Bai Ming didn’t talk about it for the moment. Even his disciple Genos was much higher than him, so he felt that his Being a teacher is really a bit embarrassing

“——I heard there are terrorists here! Where? Just let me, Hell Fubuki, clean it up!”

At this time, a arrogant roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a graceful and tall figure with fair and attractive skin. He was wearing an elegant dark green dress, a white velvet coat, and a pearl necklace. He exuded a mature temperament and claimed to be Hell Fubuki, a cold-blooded woman in her early twenties, walked over.

A pair of turquoise pupils gave out a sharp look. When she touched Bai Ming’s figure, she couldn’t help but be startled, and subconsciously blurted out,”The eighth place in S-class Thunder God Bai Ming!”

“……Alas, I was recognized again! As a popular hero, no matter where he goes, he will cause some dissatisfaction.���Want trouble. Bai Ming turned to Qiyu with a look of helplessness and said,”Tell me, is that so?””

“……”Saitama squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Ming silently with dull eyes.

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You are showing off!!

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