“Tendo Kiku no Cheng, his death would not be a pity!”Haku Ming said indifferently.

The person who mixed holmium into the mixture to make cheap giant stone tablets, and then pocketed the excess funds was Tendou Wako, the Tendo clan. And Tendo Kiku no Cheng was an insider. In order to preserve the political status of the Tendo family, he instead used The gastrea killed Tendou Kisara’s parents who wanted to report him.

Why Hiroko Yingyin knew about the existence of the ‘Legacy of the Seven Stars’ was also related to Tendou Kikinochei. In order to prevent the Holy Emperor from promoting the”New Gastrea Law”, he even ignored All other situations can be said to be taken advantage of.

As for how Tendo Kikunojo treated those innocent girls secretly, let’s not say more.

“Shut up!”

“……”In response to Bai Ming’s wanton sentence, Tendo Kikinochei wanted to say something, but was restrained and unable to say a word.

“right!”Tendou Mugen gritted his teeth and said.”Tendou Kiku no Cheng, his death is not a pity!”

Speaking of which, Bai Ming wanted to kill Tendo Kiku no Cheng, and it was not just a matter of a day or two.

“you you……”Facing Bai Ming’s words of judgment, Satomi Rentaro couldn’t suppress the excitement in his body and could not help but tremble slightly.

Tendo Kikinochei is kind to Satomi Rentaro, so Satomi Rentaro naturally cannot watch him being judged.

“Sister Kisara, don’t be stubborn!”Satomi Rentaro hissed.”Do you really want to execute Tendo Kiku no Cheng?”

“yes! This is revenge!”Tendou Bokusara’s pretty face was twisted, and he muttered,”Tendou Kikunojo, Tendo Wako, Tendo Hinata, Tendo Xuanpei, Tendo Ximin……”

“——All must die!”

Seeing that Tendou Mu, who was in a blackened posture, couldn’t listen to his words, Rentaro Satomi turned to look at Bai Ming.

“Bai Ming! Even if you are a superior god, you cannot treat humans like this at will!”Satomi Rentaro shouted angrily.”Humans have human ways of dealing with it!”

What is the way humans deal with it?

Hearing this, Bai Ming found it funny.

What Tendo Kikunojo did was not enough for him to be convicted?!

Thinking of the original work, Tendo Kikunojo was the mastermind behind the Hiroko Shadow Yin incident, which almost made the entire There was a mass extinction in the Tokyo area. And Satomi Rentaro came to Tendo Kikunochori, just to vent his anger, but in the end it was nothing.

The matter was over like this?!

What about the victim ?……

In particular, Tendou Mugen later imposed sanctions on Tendou Wamitsu because Tendou Wamitsu cut corners on the giant stone monument, which triggered the”Third Kanto Battle”, but directly and indirectly killed many people.

However, due to the power of the Tendo family and Tendo Wako, as well as a large amount of money, he was able to escape easily.

In a private life-and-death duel with Tendou and Mitsuru, Tendou Mizara faced one of his parents’ enemies, and as seen from the previous incident, it was difficult for the law to punish him. Tendou Mizara killed Tendou and Mitsuru without hesitation..

Afterwards, Satomi Rentaro asked Tendou Kisara why Tendou and Mitsuru were executed. He also asked, what kind of justice would that be?

This makes people curious. If it’s not justice to execute scum like Tendo and Hikaru, what is it?!

Then please explain Rentaro Satomi, what exactly is justice?

Could it be that? Want to forgive him?!!

You know, should those who died in the ‘Third Kanto Battle’ deserve to die? Many of them are Satomi Rentaro’s comrades.

Therefore, Bai Ming has always been disdainful of Rentaro Satomi’s views, and has never acted with him since joining the Tendo Civilian Security Company.

I just think it’s better to ignore him.

“——No!”Bai Ming’s lips curled up deeply,”I can!!”

“you——”Satomi Rentaro was furious

“Not only Tendo Kiku no Cheng, but others too……”Bai Ming turned to look at Rentaro Satomi.

Satoko Rentaro was shocked.

But he saw that Bai Ming was not talking about him, but someone else.

“The God who was full of compassion and wanted to save the world is no longer there……”

Bai Ming raised his head and pretended to look up at the sun, but he said serious nonsense,”Now, what is actually here is the demon king who has witnessed too much darkness in human beings and thus fell from the gods…….”

The next moment, the six white wings on Bai Ming’s left side instantly turned into six devil wings.


The unexpected situation shocked everyone present, and they were even more shocked by Bai Ming’s gesture.

Half of the twelve wings that symbolized the purity of God were transformed into devil wings. It was simply incredible. Doubtful.

And Bai Ming exudes a sacred aura, and is also infected with darkness.

This……,What’s happening here……

Could it be true, as he said, that he fell from a god to a demon king?

Unlike the holy God, the Demon King contains a strong sense of ominousness that is not frightening.

Are humans forcing the god who wants to save them to become a demon king?!!

Yes, I obviously want to be a good person, but I am forced to become a bad person by some people. Naturally, those people will bear the blame.

“Now! I am……”Bai Ming declared”——The Arrogant Demon!”

After saying that, he threw the blazing ball of light in his hand violently out of the window.

Soon after, a burst of brilliance that stung people’s eyes, overwhelming the sun, bloomed over the Tokyo area.

The earth-shattering sound, In one fell swoop, all the sounds in the world were suppressed, constantly destroying people’s eardrums, making people temporarily deaf.

And the energy impact that diffused spread out layer by layer like ripples, sweeping up a huge storm and attacking the surroundings, causing There was considerable damage and loss in the urban area.

After a long while, the world slowly calmed down.

Everyone present looked up at Bai Ming blankly, unable to say a word, completely stunned by him.



Not a god, but a devil created by humans!

“The world will turn according to my will!”Without any objection from others, Bai Ming declared indifferently.”I will clean up all the residue!”

“……”There was silence.

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