“Ouch ouch ouch ouch————————!!!”

On the spot, Silver Wolf looked up to the sky and roared angrily at Bai Ming.

Its roar shook the air and spread far in all directions. Suddenly, the blood-curdling howl of a wolf echoed in the area for a long time, and everyone who listened to the sound felt invisible fear in their hearts.

At the next moment, the silver wolf’s body seemed to be inflated, and it was visible to the naked eye that it was expanding rapidly and crazily.

Soon, what appeared in the eyes of the world was a giant silver wolf. The size is definitely over fifty meters, a terrifying monster beyond imagination!

The power ‘Legion of Hungry-wolves’ was usurped by Woban from Apollo.

In other people’s minds, Apollo is a god with solar attributes. But in fact, his mother Leto is the goddess of the earth, and he was also born in an underground cave, so he has the attributes of darkness and earth.

The wolf is Apollo’s beast of darkness and earth.

Woban can not only summon infinite demon wolves, but also transform into a wolf, gain beast-like strength, and manifest a huge size.

“At this time, isn’t it time for the wild Ultraman to appear?!”Bai Ming murmured.

In fact, on the outskirts of the city this time.

Although the thunder, storm and rain were loud, they could not cover up the frightening howling of wolves that filled the sky. While many people were frightened, they were also very surprised.


Why are there wolves here?!

With a strong desire to explore and learn, they subconsciously looked along the source of the sound, and saw in their eyes a creature with an unimaginable size. A huge demonic wolf.

A pair of grandmother’s eyes flashing with bloodthirsty color, and the sharp fangs exposed by the huge jaws. It is so unforgettable that it can even cause nightmares at night.


Does this kind of monster still exist in the world?

What about Ultraman?

Why hasn’t Ultraman shown up yet?!

Countless people only felt that their world view was shattered, hoarse and lung-splitting panic sounds followed, and chaos ensued.

It can be said that the official history compilation committee will be busy next.

Woban, who had transformed into a giant wolf, ignored the ant’s thoughts. He stared at Bai Ming with his violent eyes, his wariness repulsing him.

He wanted to give this newcomer a hard lesson and make him understand deeply. How should you treat him when facing him?

“Ouch~!”Woban roared.

At the same time, he jumped up with his legs on the ground, and with agility that was completely inappropriate for his body shape, his terrifying claws cut through the void and tore straight towards Bai Ming’s body.

“——‘paradise lost’!”

Seeing this, Bai Ming showed no trace of nervousness on his face and spoke in a calm tone.

What is Paradise Lost?

This can’t help but remind people of”Paradise Lost”, one of the three major works alongside”Homer’s Epic” and”The Divine Comedy”!

The main story is that the arrogant and rebellious Satan resisted the authority of God and was sent to hell, but he refused to yield and sought revenge in the Garden of Eden. The possessed snake tricked Adam and Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge.

But the ‘Lost Paradise’ that Bai Ming mentioned is one of the skills of Lucemon, the fallen form, one of the seven demon kings.

Facing the giant wolf that was tearing apart with sharp claws, Bai Ming came in front of it faster and fiercer, waving his fists crazily. Each punch contained strong power, shaking the air and making loud noises.


, Bai Ming stopped his fists, and kicked the giant wolf higher into the sky.

This scene was staggering, and he couldn’t imagine what kind of power was contained in such a small body, which could send the huge body of the giant wolf flying high..The next moment, Bai Ming appeared on the giant wolf that was still flying high, and stepped on it hard again and again.


There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the smoke and dust rolled up high. The fragile earth could not withstand such force. The area was shaking violently, a large area of the ground collapsed, and the cracks spread to the surrounding area.

In fact, this was still something Bai Ming had not yet done.” The power of”Lost Paradise” was fully demonstrated.

You know, Lucemon’s fallen form used”Lost Paradise” on CaesarGreymon and ArmorGarurumon, not only easily knocked them down, but even caused a The force directly bombarded the entire planet.

Therefore, if Bai Ming fully displays the power of ‘Paradise Lost’, it may cause unimaginable natural disasters.

“Where are people?”Bai Ming was suspended in the air, looking down condescendingly, and muttered.

However, the body of the giant wolf that was bombarded to pieces by Bai Ming disappeared without a trace. Even Woban’s figure could not be found.

He does not think that Woban has been completely killed.

Over the past hundreds of years, Woban has killed many gods, and he holds the most power among all god-killers.

According to Bai Ming’s knowledge of Woban’s power, Regarding the ability of resurrection.

Like the power ‘Otherlands Dragon’ that Woban usurped from Inanna, the mother goddess of the earth in ancient Mesopotamia, the immortality of the dragon and snake makes the soul immortal and the body intact. Even turning into ashes can consume a lot of spell power to achieve an intact resurrection.

And like the power he usurped by killing Osiris, the god of harvest and Hades in Egyptian mythology, the ‘Death Ring’ can imprison the soul at will. , control life and death. If you think about it differently, it can also be used on yourself to achieve the resurrection effect.

“Tui!”Thinking that Woban could travel freely underground, Bai Ming spat and curled his lips in displeasure,”Could he have run away?”

Perhaps Woban realized that among his many powers, he was unable to withstand Bai Ming’s ‘Paradise Lost’, so he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

In fact, the gods killed by the Godslayer were the highest. King-level.

The highest-level gods in mythology cannot incarnate and come to the world due to the carrying capacity of the world. Otherwise, the world will be destroyed.

“He came menacingly, but didn’t say a word when he left.”Bai Ming said with disgust,”It’s so rude!”

Bai Ming said profoundly that he was a polite person, but he wanted to give Woban a favor, but the other party did not give him a chance, which made him very disappointed.

The reputation of the God Killer was indeed ruined by Woban.

Suddenly, Bai Ming didn’t know anything about it. Don’t hesitate to blame Wo Ban!

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