"Uh-huh...... Hum...... Go to the aquarium on weekends...... Hum ......


Just when Yang Sheng was

humming a song and was about to switch the TV program to a program that he liked very much recently, which was very similar to cross talk, Yang Sheng's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Uncle ......


"Wow!" The sudden voice startled Yang Sheng, Yang Sheng turned his head and saw that it was Ogiwara Shayu who was talking behind him, patted his chest and calmed down, Yang Sheng said: "What, it turned out to be Shayou, don't scare me suddenly......


"I'm sorry ......."

"Forget it, it's not a big deal, what are you looking for me?".

"It's nothing, it's just that your girlfriend is going back?".

"Ah, yes, she can only come over for a short time when she has a strict control over the house. Anyway, it's only a little bit of time since I went out and came back, did you just stay at home?".

Hagiwara Sayu was shocked, but still answered honestly and whispered, "Yes, I stayed in the room just now. "

"Well done. Yang Sheng nodded and said, "I don't see any traces of others at all, you really remember what I said and did a good job, you want to keep it like this in the future?"

Ogiwara nodded again: "Well, I will." "

It's not too early.,

Hagiwara Sayu walked into the kitchen and started to prepare to cook.,But because it's really not early.,If you start cooking now, you can only make some simple food if you want to eat quickly.,If you want to eat well, you need to eat later.。

Sayu Hagiwara opened the refrigerator and looked at the ingredients stored in it and asked, "Uncle, are you in a hurry to eat?" "

"I'm fine if it's too late, but I'm worried that too much will be hard to digest, huh...... You decide, as long as it's delicious, I'll do it. "

After hearing Yang Sheng say this, Hagiwara Shayu also made a difficulty, it seemed that anything could be done, but Hagiwara Shayu couldn't make up his mind for a while as to which one was more suitable.

"I see. "Anyway, respond to Yang Sheng first, and then Hagiwara Shayu thought about it and decided to follow the ordinary, probably a little later, but not too late, because Yang Sheng likes to eat more flavorful food, so the taste can be aggravated a little, but considering that it is dinner, it should be controlled a little, and after compromising and adjusting, dinner was ready after about an hour and a half.

"Delicious!" Yang Sheng praised the food made by

Hagiwara Shayu, on the one hand, the food made by Hagiwara Shayu was indeed delicious, on the other hand, Yang Sheng also waited for nearly two hours after doing a lot of exercise, and with the blessing of the two factors, Yang Sheng took a big bite of dinner and happily solved the dinner.

Ogiwara Sayu ate more slowly than Yang Sheng, and when Yang Sheng was in his seat after dinner, Ogiwara Sayu

was still trying to solve dinner, and then when Ogiwara Sayu finished dinner, Yang Sheng had already finished resting.

After dinner, Ogiwara Sayu began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and then he had to wash and clean up the kitchen,

and there were still many places to clean, so Ogiwara Sayu said to Yang Sheng: "Uncle, I still have to clean up the kitchen, can you go take a bath first?"

"Hmm...... That's right, then I'll go take a shower first. By the way, I'm going to just stay in the room after taking a shower and won't come down, so if you're done cleaning up here, you can just shut down the waiting?"

"I see. "

"That's hard work for you. "

After Yang Sheng

said this, he went upstairs to take a bath, while Hagiwara Shayu watched Yang Sheng go upstairs before he began to clean up the kitchen waste.

After taking a bath, Yang Sheng lay comfortably on the bed, how to say it, today is not the happiest time since I came here, but at least it can be regarded as the most comfortable day. You don't have to worry about housework or anything at all, although Yang Sheng didn't worry much about it himself, and he used to spend time going outside to pick a restaurant that he was interested in, but today Ogiwara Shayu can make his favorite food according to his own needs, and he only needs to lie down and wait, which is extra worry-free.

made Yang Sheng

feel comfortable, which was already a very important thing for Yang Sheng. Ogiwara Shayou is not here to eat and live for nothing, but can also help himself clean up every day, for himself to cook his favorite meals, Yang Sheng felt that for such a diligent child should give her more rewards, but after thinking about it, I don't know what to reward, and in the end, Yang Sheng, who was so poor that he only had money left, decided to give her a "salary".

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