It can be said that Yang Sheng and the group of people in the Wanshiwu usually maintain a minimum of contact, but they suddenly invited themselves to the party, which made Yang Sheng a little puzzled, after all, Yang Sheng felt that his friendship with them was not good to that extent.

However, Yang Sheng was not worried that the group of people in the Wanshi House would find him because the group of guys in the Wanshi House had bad intentions or something, after all, the two sides had never been unhappy over the issue of money.

In short, just go and deal with it casually, and then go home quickly, thinking that these twists and turns are not Yang Sheng's style, and Yang Sheng's brain can't handle these things.

Drove to the

designated location of the house, from the outside it looked like a well-decorated clubhouse, after handing the post to the janitor, the car drove to the underground garage and then was led by a younger brother to take the elevator to the clubhouse.

Then Yang Sheng soon saw the desk man, the door opener, and the grumpy brother who he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Boss Yang, I haven't seen you for a long time!" the desk man said hello and walked in front of Yang Sheng and stretched out his hand to Yang Sheng, and Yang Sheng also shook his hand with him.

"You too, I haven't seen you in a long time. Yang Sheng looked at the desk man from top to bottom, his dress was already much more upscale than at the beginning, so he said: "You have changed a lot, if it weren't for your figure and tone, I wouldn't have recognized you." "

"Hahahaha, this is all thanks to Boss Yang's blessing, if it weren't for Boss Yang's willingness to take care of our Wanshiwu, we wouldn't have developed so fast and so well. And Boss Yang, you too, the style of clothing is two styles compared to when we first met. "

"Anyway, I was invited by you, and I don't want to dress too casually, otherwise wouldn't I lose your face?"

"Boss Yang, you are too worried, if anyone thinks that you have lost my face, then you are really losing my face...... Don't talk about that, I'm sorry to keep you standing here, so let's go in and sit down and talk. "

"Hmm. Yang Sheng was actually a little bored by this time, and he just wanted to hurry over the time and then go home to spend the night with Shirakawa Yueai and Hagiwara Shayu.

According to the desk man, during this time, Yang Sheng

gave them a lot of entrustment money, so they were able to take the territory of this store this week, and also said that some foreign currencies that could not be exchanged for local currency for the time being, Yang Sheng was willing to operate for them, and he was really grateful.

But Yang Sheng didn't understand this, so he could only say something such as, "As long as you can handle the things I entrust, I won't ask about the rest." After saying this, the desk man smiled even more happily, although Yang Sheng didn't know why he was so happy.

Then after some time, the party began.

Wine and food, cigarette beauties - these are not Yang Sheng's favorite things, after staying for a while, Yang Sheng talked to the desk man and then found a corner where no one was around.

No one here knows Yang Sheng except for the

desk man, the door opener, and the grumpy brother, and no one will look for Yang Sheng, so Yang Sheng is also happy to ...... leisurely

"Bang!" the door was kicked open very hard, and the loud noise immediately drew everyone's attention.


saw a fierce man in sunglasses holding a machete and shouting into the room: "It's you boys who don't know how to rob the territory of the Eagle Palace Group, right? Today I want to see if you can snatch it and whether you can defend it!" After speaking, he threw a human head in.

Yang Sheng was directly stunned, what is the situation now? I just came to a party to attend a party, why did I suddenly see a human head?

However, although Yang Sheng was stunned, the reaction of the others was very fast, and in an instant, all the women present screamed loudly and hurriedly looked around to find a place to hide, and Yang Sheng also hurried to find a blind spot to hide like them.

The group of guys in the house of everything directly fought with the group of people who broke in, but they didn't do it, and soon the room fell silent.

The group of people who broke in began to search for the people hiding in the room, and the woman said that the man who did not cooperate was hacked to death, but the cooperative person was also hacked to death, and in the end, Yang Sheng was still unable to escape and was found and had to walk out of the hiding place tremblingly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, in addition to the women kneeling in the distance, there were only men lying on the ground and men standing panting, to Yang Sheng's surprise, although the one who broke in at the beginning was still standing well although he had some color on his body, and Yang Sheng was now directly facing his search.

Yang Sheng asked, "I said I have nothing to do with them, do you believe me?"

The other party nodded and said, "Believe, why don't you believe it?"

Yang Sheng then asked, "Can you let me go?"

The other party said, "Yes, of course, let's go!".

It seemed that after searching all the places, the other party was full of confidence, and he shook his hand and put on a gesture of farewell to signal that Yang Sheng could go.

But Yang Sheng didn't dare to go, because all of them

looked at him, because the positions of all of them didn't move, and now Yang Sheng could see the positions of all of them, so Yang Sheng was not frightened, but to let Yang Sheng turn his back on them, Yang Sheng didn't have the guts.

"What? don't you want to leave?" after the other party said this, he raised his machete and began to walk towards Yang Sheng: "Then stay here with them?"

Yang Sheng didn't know what was going on here, Yang Sheng only knew one thing, that is, his life began to be threatened, to Yang Sheng's surprise, Yang Sheng at this time was not as scared as he was at the beginning, and even felt that he was extremely calm, and his heartbeat began to slow down.

After that, those present only saw Yang Sheng reach his companion before the machete was swung, and then smash his head with a punch.

Yang Sheng didn't know what

they were thinking, only that he was still in danger, so he quickly picked up the machete in the hand of the corpse in front of him and slashed at the nearest person, Yang Sheng didn't know what knife skills and forgot that it was better to cut the neck, so he directly cut the other party diagonally from the shoulder to the waist and cut him in half.

At this time, no matter how stupid the others were, they reacted, and immediately everyone rushed towards Yang Sheng, but the opponent had a large numerical advantage and a large number of weapons, so he naturally chose the safest way and began to throw the knives in his hands at Yang Sheng one after another.

Yang Sheng looked at the projectile flying over, although it couldn't be as magical as bullet time, but he could feel where to hide and the shape of the projectile.

It's a magical experience, parrying a throwable object while taking the opportunity to hold the right throw in your hand, and the moment you hold it in your hand, you can feel its weight and shape and then throw it out, which is thrilling and addictive the same time

The projectiles on the opposite side were all parabolic throws, but what was thrown from Yang Sheng was a straight line, and because Yang Sheng's strength was too great, the thrown things could also penetrate everyone in a straight line until the throws hit the wall.

After a trip, Yang Sheng was the only

one left standing in this room, and the women had already taken advantage of the chaos to run out of the door, so Yang Sheng came to ...... in front of the only person who was still alive in the group who suddenly broke in

"Blah!" he threw the knife in his right hand to the ground, knelt on the ground, and pleaded with snot and tears in his eyes, "Please, please spare my life!

"......" Yang Sheng looked at the other party like this, threw a machete in his hand in front of him and said, "Which hand was holding the knife just now?" "

When the other party heard Yang Sheng's request, he

still had an unacceptable feeling and raised his head suddenly, but when he looked up, he saw Yang Sheng's eyes as if he would crush his head the next moment as long as he didn't agree to the request.

The other man immediately lowered his head, remembering the fluttering entrails of his companions and their deathbed screams, and his crotch gradually began to warm...... There's no way, in order to make money, dare to give it away, and what's unacceptable to be ruthless to yourself in order to survive?

With a twist of his heart, the other party held the handle of the machete high and then swung it down, the long pain was better than the short pain, and in an instant his palm fell to the ground and separated from his arm.

After completing Yang Sheng's request, the other party looked up at Yang Sheng, and found that Yang Sheng had just opened a distance of two or three steps from himself in just a little effort, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only quickly take off his shirt and wrap his bleeding wrist.

"Get out. "

After getting Yang Sheng's order, the other party happily fled here without looking back, at this time, there was only Yang Sheng left here, and Yang Sheng finally didn't have the feeling that his life was threatened, but the tension in his heart still couldn't be relaxed, and he kept tense no matter what.

"What is this...... depressed Yang Sheng walked to the underground parking lot the way he came, and checked the things on his body when he got into the car: "Hmm...... The blood is all dry, right?" scratched his shoes on the ground and saw that there was no blood, and his clothes were touched everywhere with his hands that there was nothing red, and the blood on the rest of his body had already been disposed of before it came, "It looks like it's dry, so that the inside of the car won't get dirty." After confirming, Yang Sheng got in the car and returned home.

After driving the car into the garage and walking to the entrance, Yang Sheng began to take off the clothes on his body one by one after closing the door.

"Uncle, you're back...... Why did you start undressing as soon as you entered the door?Uncle, did you really start to occupy your lower body and start to forget the shame that humans should have?".

"Shayou, you're too much...... Do I look like the kind of person who doesn't know what to do?".

"Isn't it like, uncle, you're the kind of person who doesn't know shame?"

"Uh...... Although what you said seems to be right, Sha You, but I'm not doing that kind of shameless thing now! It's just that these clothes are stained with dirt and don't want to wear them into the house, Sha You, you can throw these clothes away. "

"Dirty laundry, right? If you have dirty laundry, you can just wash it, right?"

"Forget it, forget it, these clothes look unlucky, and they won't be worn in the future, so they will just throw them away to save their position. "

"I don't really understand, but since you've said that, uncle, it's okay......


"Then I'm going to take a shower first!"

"Well, the hot water has been turned on for you, uncle. "

"Uh...... It's great to have Shayu here......


Changing into indoor shoes, Yang Sheng jumped and walked towards the second floor, and as soon as he went upstairs, he saw Bai He Yueai, who was wearing a very transparent nightdress that he had bought before, opened the door and said: "Yang Sheng,

Sha You told me, but I still think that I ...... as a girlfriend" Then Bai He Yueai saw Yang Sheng who was only wearing a pair of indoor slippers, and paused for a moment, and then Bai He Yueai continued: "Silly, I'm so stupid, I should have long understood the difference between humans and beasts, and it's ......" After finishing speaking, Bai He Yueai silently closed the door and returned to the room.

Yang Sheng didn't understand what was going on, but after seeing Bai Heyue Ai in that dress, he forgot about everything else at once, and ran to the bathroom to take a bath excitedly.

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