He was a warrior, but he was also a "strategist".

He knew very well what needed to be done now.

With both hands clenched in the Jewish Oath, Otto sprinted as fast as he could, jumping in the air along the opponent's body.

With the weight of the Jewish Oath, it falls down quickly.


In the blink of an eye, the sharp blade in Otto's hand slashed at the Honkai Beast.

Eventually, the Jewish Oath unfolded, and all weapons were directed at the Honkaimon's head.



The terrifying weaponry was like being able to fire continuous shotshots, directly tearing apart the body of the Honkaimon.

Of course, this powerful force also knocked Otto to the ground.

The blood-stained shirt dragged the broken body, but Otto, with great perseverance, stood up again.

As long as he doesn't give up, then everything has a chance.

And this pain in my body is nothing compared to the despair of 500 years ago.

At that moment, he watched as Karen was killed by the Honkai Beast. The pain that went deep into his bone marrow, he never wanted to experience it a second time.

Victory is at hand, and there is only one last step away from success.

Outside the light curtain.

Seeing that Otto was about to succeed, the audience's hearts were also extremely excited.

Some people even applaud directly through the video, who doesn't admire such a strong willpower?

In other words, if it were themselves, I am afraid that they would have died in those red deserts a long time ago.

Not to mention wielding a sword to fight monsters!

As a result, the content on the barrage has undergone new changes.

[Bangsan Kiana: Come on! It's just the last point, it's just a little bit away, and you can succeed!!Victory is just around the corner, don't fall!]

[Star Dome March 7: Chong Chong Chong! You must be able to! It's all come to this point137, don't give up. 】

[Sister Xing: What are you kidding, how could he give up. A person who is not even afraid of death, there is nothing in this world that can make him afraid. 】

[Honsan Bronia: I really didn't expect that his love for Karen would be so deep that he could even make him a transcendent being. 】

[Honzo Raiden Mei I: I'm looking forward to him creating a world with Kalian.] 】

[Dr. May: It's surprising that we have gathered the power of the entire civilization and can't do it, but we have a man named Otto do it. 】

[Elysia: Uh-huh~, after all, this is the power of "love", a power that can make people transcend infinity. 】

[Mebius: I didn't expect that such a power could make him persist until now, it's amazing. 】

[Bensan Kevin: "Love" is the source of strength, which can continuously support him in battle. 】

[Honsan Otto: But that's also the most selfish and simple existence. 】

[Star Dome March 7: Uh-huh~ But the manifestation of love is "selfish" in itself? ]

[Honsan Kiana: Oh~ Is that so?]

[Honsan Bronia: That's right. 】

[Star Dome Silver Wolf: Tsk, it's complicated. 】

At this moment, the audience once again really felt Otto's love for the pitiful.

It is precisely because of this strong "love" that he has survived until now, breaking through one impossible level after another.

Looking at Otto standing in the red desert, the audience's eyes were full of admiration.

Who doesn't admire such a strong man?

Continue to return to the video, the content is presented.

Although Otto stood up, the black-green lines had already covered a large area of his face.

If this continues, he will soon become one of the "Otto the Dark".

The time left for him is almost gone!

His rickety body staggered forward.

There is only one point left before the fulfillment of the long-cherished wish.

At the same moment, a character song dedicated to him played.

【Regression- (Regression)】


The past is too long, but the memory is too short [long years, people can't remember]

There are too many words left, but there are few readers [too many left, people can't read them]

Between heaven and man, all beings are bustling [bustling with people, in the world, in heaven]

Along the path of time, [all beings are walking according to time]. "

With the melodious singing, Otto finally came to the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers].

He slowly raised his right hand and gently placed it on the [Imaginary Number Terminal].

A world with "her" was born!!

Outside the light curtain, looking at the picture in front of them, the audience was excited.

Is it finally going to succeed?

[Honsan Kiana: It's coming! It's almost coming! It's finally going to be successful, as long as you raise your hand to touch it, his 500 years of hard work will be rewarded.] 】

[Honsan Raiden Mei Yi: Yes! Finally come to this point, Otto is not easy to ..........]

[Honsan Bronia: Sure enough, the energy of "love" is far beyond human imagination, it can make people become a transcendent existence, powerful and terrifying. 】

[Bangsan Delissa: 500 years of hard work is just waiting for this moment! Grandpa's long-cherished wish is finally coming true. 】

[Bangsan Zigfei: This is really a moment to witness history!]

[Bensan Kevin: It is a happy thing to fight for the people you love. 】

[Elysia: Hmm~ How do you feel that Kevin has something to say in your words?]

[Eden: That's true. 】

[Bangsan Otto: Yes, it is indeed a very happy thing to be able to fight for the people you love. But I've always been a sinner. 】

[Bangsan Karen: Don't say that..........]

[Star Dome March 7: But with "love", it is really great to be able to get to this point. 】

[Sister Xing: It's a miracle all the way. 】

[Star Dome Silver Wolf: I thought you would .......... at the initial stage] (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Star Dome Himeko: Fight for love, a real man!]

[Star Dome Kafka: This kind of will and belief is indeed very good. 】

Although everyone praised him sincerely, Otto always considered himself an unpardonable sinner.

How can he accept praise from others!

He's a sinner! a sinner who deserves to go to hell!

He doesn't want anyone to beautify him, and he doesn't need to feel pity for him!

For a sinner like him, hell is his final destination!

He only hopes that after creating a world with "her", he will meet death safely.

Back in the video, the content continues to play.

Standing in front of this golden tree of imaginary numbers, Otto was about to complete his final step.

The background screen switches, and the timeline comes to Europe 500 years ago.

Quickly breaking free from the shackles, Karen rushed forward, doing her best to help the people evacuate.

But such a wave of Honkai beasts is the ultimate disaster for humans.

The only thing Karen can do now is to evacuate the crowd and guide everyone to evacuate quickly. []

As for trying to save all the people, it is simply impossible.

And just as Karen turned, she saw a little girl, who was stopped by the giant Honkaimon.

Looking at the bloody mouth in front of her, the little girl was directly stunned in place, and the huge fear enveloped her, making her directly lose control of her body, and she couldn't even lift her feet to leave.

Suddenly, a white figure stood in front of her, and this person was Karen!

She used all her strength, barely blocking the Honkaimon's attacks.

But this can only be said to be blocked! and it cannot be defeated.

Because she had to be distracted to protect the child behind her, Karene couldn't get out of such a posture, she was completely defenseless.

On the other side of the light curtain, in an office at the Mandate of Heaven Headquarters.

Watch the nightmare reappear again.

Otto's heart was already pounding.

The pain weighed him down, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Karen in the picture.

No matter how long the process was, I always remember this nightmare scene clearly. "

"Every time it comes to mind, I suffocate in pain. "

"This time, can it finally be over?"

"The future me, go beyond everything, cross all the futures, and create a world with her!!"

At this moment, Otto is also cheering for his future self.

Although through the video, his voice could not be transmitted over there.

But while he is encouraging the future, he is also encouraging his current self!

As long as he has firm faith and never gives up, he will finally realize his long-cherished wish one day!

He must see a world with Karen!

Back in the video, the content continues to play.

He had all the power and finally came to the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers].

The figure of Karene came to mind, and without the slightest hesitation, he put his right hand up.

Is it finally coming to an end?

After more than 500 years, he is finally about to accomplish his goal!

But at this most critical moment.


Time freezes.

A sharp spike pierced Otto's broken ribcage.

Otto's eyes widened, and he looked down in disbelief at the pitch-black spike.

It's just a little bit close!

He could have succeeded!

Outside the light curtain, when the audience saw this scene, they also gasped, and the excited deer in their hearts jumped off the cliff in an instant and died on the side of the road.

And the mood of the audience has also become very angry!

Obviously, he has paid so much, and he has finally come to this point, but why, why not let him succeed!!

That's all there is to it!!

PS: Today's first update!.

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