Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2783 really understands yin and yang strangeness

"Ayumi said that she will go with her mother to visit an aunt she met before. Genta's father is attending baseball training recently, and Genta is going to cheer on his father tomorrow. Mitsuhiko plans to tidy up the books at home with his sister tomorrow." Conan did not want to hide Chi Feichi, took stock of other people's arrangements, and thought of his tomorrow's task, "As for me... Tomorrow I will do vacation homework at the detective agency..."

While talking, the car stopped downstairs of Maori Detective Agency.

It was evening, the sky and the ground were gradually painted orange, and the window glass of Café Poirot also reflected orange light.

Chi Feichi noticed that the light outside had become a little dazzling. After thinking about it, he felt that the light would not become so blurry that he couldn't see clearly, so he didn't take out the sunglasses and put them on.

Conan opened the car door and got out of the car. He raised his eyes and saw the Poirot Cafe, his eyes gradually became more solemn.

Since the children sent the video to the Mori Detective Agency the night before yesterday, Mr. Amuro seems to have asked for leave yesterday.

If Amuro-san has disappeared since last night, it is doubtful...

Of course, Shi Liang, who went to the Gunma County Police Station the night before and was busy returning home, had no news yesterday, which is also worth noting.


The door of Poirot's Café was opened.

Toru Amuro went out wearing an apron, still holding a mop in his right hand, and greeted Chi Feichi and Conan who had just got off the car with a smile, "Consultant, Conan, why are you two here together?"

Conan froze.

Is Mr. Amuro in Poirot today...

"I saw Conan on the road, and brought him back by the way." Chi Feichi was not surprised to see Anshitou staying in the Poirot Cafe, and went forward to chat with Anshitou as usual, "Have a dinner with the teacher upstairs, shall we go?"

According to the news from the African-Mexican Legion, Amuro and Belmode did go to Qunma yesterday, and a crow saw Anshi in the forest of Qunma.

However, at noon today, Amuro terminated the investigation in Mount Gunma, returned to Tokyo, changed his clothes at home, and went to Poirot to continue working without taking a break.

"Xiaolan went downstairs and told me just now," Toru Amuro turned his head to look at the store, and said with a smile, "I felt a little unwell yesterday, so I asked Poirot's boss for a day off. Miss Xiaozi didn't buy too much food last night, and Poirot didn't prepare too much food today. It was sold out in the afternoon. The store can be closed early today. After I help clean the store, I will go up to meet you for dinner!"

"You're not feeling well. Could it be that you caught a cold from the teacher?" Chi Feichi pretended not to know the inside story, and looked at Conan who was standing still, "Conan also had a cold yesterday..."

"After I took the medicine yesterday, I'm much better." Conan responded, looking up at Toru Amuro's usual calm smile, his heart was shaken.

Mr. Amuro is not missing, he looks the same as usual, there is nothing strange, could it be that his nerves are too tense...

"I did catch a cold yesterday, but I took medicine and rested for a day. It's not as serious as Mr. Mori," Amuro said with a smile, "Anyway, I'll clean up the shop first, you guys go up first!"

An hour later, Chi Feichi and Amuro Toru each contributed half of the dishes for the dinner, making Mori Kogoro look at a table of Chinese cuisine and Western cuisine, and he was delighted from ear to ear.

Just as the Maori Detective Agency was having a lively dinner, Belmode had dinner at a restaurant in a hotel in Kubado, returned to his room and took a shower, washed off the dust and smoke he had brought back from Mount Gunma, and went to the living room with only a towel wrapped around him. He poured a glass of wine without haste, sat down on the single sofa in front of the French window, looked at the night view outside the window, laughed after a while, and picked up a glass to drink.

She actually wondered, if she didn't live in a hotel room with such a high floor tonight, but found a nearby building with a yard, would a white cat have already come to her door asking for food...

But Wuming came to her without any regularity, and it wasn't the right time for her to pet cats recently.

If the plan didn't go well, she still had work to do.

"Ding dong!"

The mobile phone placed on the table rang, and a mail pattern was displayed on the illuminated screen.

Belmode put the wine glass on the table, picked up the phone and looked down at the new email, and found that the email he sent earlier had received a response, exited the email, and dialed a phone number.

The call was quickly answered, and Gin's cold voice came from the phone, "Is what you said in the email true, Belmode? Bourbon found Shirley's trace, and you searched in the deep mountains of Gunma but found nothing, but you still have another clue..."

"Yeah, I made it very clear in the email." Belmode smiled, and unhurriedly repeated the content of his email. "Shirley used someone else to book a pass for the mysterious train, and let the other person send the pass to Mount Gunma. The person she used found something wrong and planned to find a detective to investigate. So she found Bourbon, who had been in contact with the other person, and sent this clue to Bourbon."

"What surprises me is, have you already gone to Qunma to investigate?" Qin Jiu said surprise, but there was no trace of surprise in his tone, "And you haven't gained anything yet..."

"We didn't search too deliberately. We just went to the road where Shirley appeared in the third party's eyewitness testimony. We pretended to be people going camping and searched nearby. After we found no trace of Shirley, we withdrew," Belmode explained. "If we alerted her because our search was too obvious, she might change her plan and never appear on the mysterious train again. By then, the clues we had finally obtained would be broken. It is not easy to find a hidden person in the deep mountains." , It’s much easier to catch her in that moving train, and you don’t need to think too much about how to choose... That’s why we didn’t organize a team to go there with great fanfare, and prepared to focus our plan on that mysterious train. Bourbon has already reported our thoughts to that person, and that person also agreed to follow our plan.”

"However, the mysterious train... the Suzuki express train that leaves in a few days?"

Driving in the car on the street at night, Gin took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, "I don't think Shirley would take such a ostentatious train..."

"Oh, that might be the reason why she chose that train," Belmode said in a serious tone, "Because the train is too ostentatious, we think she can't choose that train, so she won't pay attention to the situation on that train, so she chose that train specially, and the deluxe compartments of that train are all separate compartments. After she boards the train, she can hide in the compartment without contacting other people. If she wants to escape Kanto from our eyes and ears, don't you think that is the best means of movement? It'll be on that train then, and that'll be our best hunting chance, won't it?"

"Yeah..." Gin lit a cigarette with a cigarette lighter, and a bloodthirsty sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "As long as we prevent her from getting off the train, the train will be a speeding steel cage. We only need to fear her like a deer hunter, and she should appear at gunpoint by herself."

"I specially leaked such important information to you, you should know why?" Belmode asked.

Qin Jiu thought about his relationship with Bobbon, so he didn't feel that Bobon would be happy to give himself the sovereignty of the operation. Then he thought that Belmore showed his interest in Shirley in the email. He guessed that Belmand didn't want to intervene in. The sound came with a hint of ridicule. I heard the name Shirley, I am very happy. Originally, I was worried that you would be kind to her because of the same woman ... "

"What nonsense, who do you think I am?" Belmode laughed, and quickly restrained the smile on his face, "By the way, don't tell Lak about this, and I don't intend to tell him about it."

"Oh? I remember that he will board that train too. Tell him the news. Maybe he can help you keep an eye on Shirley's whereabouts..." Qin Jiu asked in a calm tone, "Or, do you have any reason why you must not let him know?"

Belmode sighed in his heart that gin really understands yin and yang, turned his head to look at the wine glass on the table, and said with a smile in his voice, "Well... it's because of Bourbon's wishes. This time, the person who got the clue of Shirley's whereabouts is Bourbon. Bourbon doesn't want to give this opportunity of hunting and performance to others. This opportunity should also be given to Bourbon first. You also know that rake wine is the kind of wine that can cover the smell of other drinks with its strong smell. It's hard to say who the prey belongs to... Lark met Shirley before, but he didn't catch anyone, right? If it wasn't for this incident, I would ask him not to make a move for the time being and give us the chance of the first round of hunting. He should consider agreeing to me, but with this incident, I'm not sure how he would choose..."

When Bourbon called her to go to the horses, he made it clear that he didn't want to be robbed of this opportunity by others, and he didn't want those troublesome guys to participate in their hunting operations.

This idea coincides with her, and she also wants to prevent other people from intervening in the hunt and get rid of Shirley herself as soon as possible.

Of course, her purpose is not to compete for prey or to show off, she is worried that other people will discover Shirley's secret and notice that Kudo Shinichi has also become a child.

Especially people like Lark who have been in contact with the shrunken Shirley and Kudo Shinichi for a long time need to be on guard the most.

If Lark finds out that his primary school student sister is Shirley, he will definitely suspect Conan immediately, and the situation will be out of her control at that time.

She didn't dare to bet that Lak would have friendship with those people, and would be reluctant to kill them. After all, Lak might also be angry because he was deceived, and chose to kill Shirley and Kudo Shinichi together.

Therefore, in addition to persuading Gin to give them the first round of hunting, she also had to find a way to stop Lak so that Lak could not participate in their hunting.

Yes, rather than asking Lak to agree not to get involved, she felt that it would be safer to let Lak not get involved directly, and it would be better to let Lak stop getting on that train.

As for how to make Luke unable to participate in the operation, she already has some ideas, but she needs to persuade Gin to help.

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