Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2925 The teacher is indeed not simple

Suzuki Sonoko frowned and added reluctantly, "But she's not a bad person, because the concert was organized by THK. When the police called Toshiya to confirm, Toshiya said he could help her. I bought tickets or gave her two tickets as a gift in the name of the organizer, but she still refused, saying that she didn’t want to take advantage of others.”

"I feel like that young lady is the kind of person who is persistent and true, and doesn't rub sand in her eyes!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile.

"Isn't this very similar to Sister Yuanzi?" Conan joked with a smile, "Maybe it's fate that you met today!"

"We are not alike, and we don't want this kind of fate," Suzuki Sonoko was still depressed and complained, "You don't know how fierce that woman talks..."

"A woman who is persistent and sincere, has no dirt in her eyes, and speaks fiercely, is not the type that makes people feel cute no matter how you think about it..." Mouri Kogoro muttered in a low voice, and Fei Yingli's cold face appeared in his mind, and he was instantly shocked. Shivering, a heavy dry cough interrupted Suzuki Sonoko's complaint, "Ahem! Okay, let's talk about what you encountered today later. I have something to announce now. Before you decide which shrine to go to, I think you It would be better if you listen carefully!"

Seeing Maori Kogoro's serious face, Mao Lilan became curious, "Dad, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Suggestion? Just barely..." Mouri Kogoro curled the fingers of his right hand and rubbed his chin, deliberately putting on a deep expression, but soon he couldn't suppress his lips and smiled proudly, "Before you go to the shrine to worship, do you want to Where should we travel first? It doesn’t matter if you take those little devils with you, I’ll treat you!”


Maori Lan and Suzuki Sonoko looked at Maori Kogoro with the eyes of strangers.

Ike Feichi, Koshizui Nanatsuki, and Conan also looked at Mouri Kogoro with careful eyes.

In the moment of silence, Mouri Kogoro felt uncomfortable when others saw him, and the smile on his face dropped, "Hey, what's your reaction? I'm so generous to invite you to travel, don't you think so?" Should I express my gratitude cheerfully?”

Mao Lilan murmured blankly, "It's just because it's too generous..."

Suzuki Sonoko complained bluntly, "I always feel that something is not quite right..."

Chi Feichi thought thoughtfully, "Before leaving in the afternoon, the teacher took away the morning newspaper of the horse racing."

Conan took over, "So, uncle went to bet on horse racing in the afternoon..."

"It seems that Mr. Mori won a lot of money." Koshimizu Nanatsuki concluded.

Suzuki Sonoko continued her venomous remarks, "But this is still unbelievable. Can an uncle actually win a lot of money betting on horses?"

Mao Lilan looked at Maori Kogoro with suspicion, "Could it be another mistake like mistaking the show?"

"Humph, stop looking down on me!" Mouri Kogoro took out three prize redemption slips and put them on the table, feeling full of enthusiasm, "I have already redeemed the prizes, how could I make a mistake?!"

Others looked at the prize redemption slip on the table.

Even Chi Feichi was aroused and joined the queue to watch the prize redemption.

Although other people do not participate in horse racing, they can still understand the date, horse racing number, and prize redemption seals.

Chi Feichi and Conan were taken to the racecourse by Kogoro Maori not once or twice, and they were no strangers to the style of prize redemption slips.

The group took a look and could confirm...the three prize redemption slips were all genuine!

"You actually won three games in one day?" Mao Lilan happily picked up the prize redemption slip and looked at it. "Although I didn't win the first place jackpot, I bought the top three prizes in every game. The total of the three games There is also a big bonus! Dad, you are so awesome today!"

The corners of Mouri Kogoro's mouth raised crazily, and he hummed proudly, "Hmph..."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Mouri Kogoro with suspicion again, "Speaking of uncle, did you steal Xiaolan's luck today? That's why we were unlucky enough to encounter a theft and spend an afternoon in the police station. !”

Mouri Kogoro was waiting for others to praise him with a proud face. Hearing what Suzuki Sonoko said, he choked up, put away his smile, and said speechlessly, "Don't talk nonsense, I won this with my own strength." of!"

"Participating in horse racing betting is not just about randomly choosing a horse that you like and just winning the lottery. How can you say you have any strength?" Suzuki Sonoko retorted.

Chi Feichi looked at the code names of the three horses bought by Maori Kogoro and felt a little familiar.

It couldn't be what he thought...

"Don't you understand this? There are many ways to do horse racing." Mouri Kogoro tried to prove his point with examples. After thinking for a while, he failed to find examples and gave up the proof. "Of course, luck is also important, but I bought these three horses today, and I didn't just choose the ones that suit my taste... Fei Chi, do you think the names of these three horses look familiar to you?"

Chi Fei saw Mouri Kogoro take the initiative to mention it. Seeing Moori Kogoro smiling with pride, he still didn't understand what was going on. He nodded and said the names of the three horror stories he told last night. "Old events in memory, weather, scandals."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan looked at the horse code on the prize redemption slip and found that the three words Chi Feichi said were very similar to the horse code chosen by Maori Kogoro, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"On the way back to Tokyo last night, you all fell asleep. Fei Chi told me three scary stories to cheer me up," Mouri Kogoro took the prize redemption slip from Mao Lilan and pointed at the prize redemption slip one by one with a proud look on his face. Said, "Today I bought the horse based on the name of the scary story he told. The first story he told was 'Memory of the Past', so I bought the horse named 'Memory of the Past' in that scene, The second story he told was about the weather, so I bought the only horse with weather in its name, which was "Sad Sunny". The third story he told was about the scandal, so I bought the last horse race. 'Red News'..."

Conan remembered that when they parted at noon, Mouri Kogoro looked suspicious and frightened after going out, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Could it be that when the uncle arrived at the racecourse, his mind was filled with the horror stories told by Chi Feichi, so he subconsciously chose these three horses, and all of them won the prize?

"What?" Suzuki Sonoko couldn't bear to see Mouri Kogoro's complacent look, and raised an eyebrow, "If that's the case, then Brother Chi is also responsible for winning the prize, right? If Brother Fei hadn't told uncle you about those three Horrible story, you can’t buy these three horses, so your luck in winning is half of Brother Fei Chi’s… No, maybe Brother Fei Chi’s luck accounts for two-thirds or three-quarters!”

Chi Feichi did not participate in the luck discussion. He watched Mouri Kogoro retort to Suzuki Sonoko with his eyes calm and calm.

He remembered that the bet amounts on the three prize redemption slips were not small, they were considered large bets...

Of course there was an element of luck involved in winning the lottery, but he suspected that his teacher bought these three horses on purpose just to eliminate the impact of his three stories last night.

If he didn't win the lottery after buying these three horses, his teacher would lose a lot of money. Every time he thought of those three stories, he would feel sorry for the money and would like to go to the racetrack and bet on two more horses to make up for the loss. Naturally, he would not think about those three horses again. The monsters in this story are so scary. After all, becoming a poor ghost is the scariest thing in the world, and everything else has to be put in the back row.

And if you win the lottery by buying these three horses, let alone the high odds and high amount of heavy bets placed by his teacher, you can make a small profit as long as you win one horse. Let’s talk about his family’s usual luck of not winning ten times out of ten. Even if he wins a prize without any loss, it is still a good thing worth celebrating. In this way, when his teacher thinks of those three horror stories, he will think of the joy of winning the prize, and his fear will be dispelled. .

Looking at his teacher's triumphant look, he knew that those three horror stories had become representatives of 'happy messages' in his teacher's mind.

The three scary stories that could scare Conan for at least three or four days only lasted one night with his teacher, and were eliminated by one move the next day. Even he couldn't think of those three scary stories now. All that's left is a sense of absurdity and comedy...

He said his teacher was not simple, so no one would object, right?

Those who object should first convince Gin and then convince him.

On the side, Mouri Kogoro and Suzuki Sonoko argued for a while. Realizing that they couldn't argue with Suzuki Sonoko, they immediately took a step back, "I didn't say that Fei Chi had no merit, so haven't I decided to give you the bonus and invite you to travel outside? Are you ready? Fei Chi, tell me where you want to travel! As long as it is a trip within Japan, I will invite you to go. After you come back from the trip, you can consider going to a shrine, or you can also travel to a place with a shrine! "

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