Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 194: 2nd fire

"Police department, what are you looking at? We thought you haven't come back yet." A police officer named Kenji Yuki asked Mizuma Tsuki who was staring at the police car in a daze.

"I'm researching how to get into the car from above without destroying the roof," Mizumayuki explained while slapping around the police car.

"Clam?" Yuki Kenji felt that a fake police department was back.

"Forget it, did that Kato move?" Mizuma Yue gave up the topic very simply, turned and walked towards the office.

"It's all been explained clearly, but Comrade Chiba from the three departments insisted on interrogation."

"Let him go, after all, he was used by his friends."

"By the way, the Nakamori Yinsan Police Department who searched Section 2 half an hour ago called us to ask about your whereabouts."

"I know." Mizumayue secretly scolded the old gentleman and was really worried.

Walking into the office and successfully focusing everyone's attention, Mizumayue sat in her place carelessly: "Have all the people who should run the circle run away?"

"Run...finished..." Qi Ruoyousi's voice came from six directions, and the six slackers from before were now lying on the table like a mess of meat.

"It's a shame, the last time Chiba finished running, it wasn't as miserable as you guys." Mizumayuki said sarcastically.

Shiratori almost laughed. Chiba ran like this on the fifth lap. After trying to run the twelfth lap, they fainted. After a week's recovery, they insisted on completing the last three laps. After "running", of course, it is more calm than them.

"I won't say more about the rest. Let me ask you one more question. Does anyone still question me now?"


"It seems that there is no more, then I will announce the first bad news." Mizumayue showed a grim smile: "From now on, in about two months, you will all have to work overtime at night, and people who are on public holidays will also have to work at night. gotta come."

The people below began to talk, and they calmed down after Shiratori and another department head, Gongwang Yamaxian, coughed.

"And the second bad news is that I don't plan to apply for overtime pay for you."

The people below were completely blown away. Before Shiratori and Shanxian could maintain discipline, Mizumayue yelled: "Quiet me! With your performance today, are you still embarrassed to get paid?"

Dangdang, knock on the door.

"Come in."

"The police department, the information you want." Fujiwara Sakagi sent the information to Mizuma at the most suitable time, and left without saying anything.

Mizumayuki squeezed the information in her hand and raised it: "Sakagi, you should know a lot of people, and many of them have attended most of my and Sakagi's classes. What's the result? Your performance makes me want to Deny that I have ever taught this class!"

In fact, Shui Jianyue deliberately said something more serious. The real situation is that compared with the second series and the third series, although the basics (observation and carefulness) are more than one step worse due to the lack of direct supervision of Shui Jianyue, but in class Those theoretical things are still memorized and studied carefully. The reason why this case was so bad is that on the one hand, all attention is on the complaints about Moon Mizuma, and on the other hand, it is also the most terrible. If there is Conan appearing. If the "plot case" is a crime with high IQ, the non-"plot" cases handled by the Second Department are usually "low IQ" crimes or even "mentally retarded" crimes.

To put it simply, I have become accustomed to being lazy because of my habit. I suddenly came into contact with this "high IQ" crime that exploited the blind spot of thinking and the police's trust in colleagues.

The purpose of Shui Jianyue's class is naturally to popularize some knowledge, but the main purpose is to kill their arrogance and ruffian, so that they can learn to be obedient. The so-called three fires for new officials, the first fire is that Fifteen laps, the second fire is the second class.

As for the compulsory overtime work and not applying for overtime pay, it's not that Mizumayue wants to make it difficult for them, but that they can't apply for it at all... When the first class started, they volunteered to attend classes after get off work, and naturally no one offered overtime pay. thing.

"Hey, forced overtime is not in line with the regulations, let alone no overtime pay." One person stood up and protested.

"You're right, but I didn't say that these are mandatory. You can't come if you don't want to." Mizumayue surprisingly seemed to be very good at talking, of course, it was just like.

"But, since you have the confidence to not listen to my class, you must be an elite. There are many arduous tasks waiting for you to do for such a person." Mizuma Yuechi-naked-naked threatened: "You If you have any dissatisfaction, you can complain, you can rest assured that I will not do anything outside of my functions."

All Mizuki will do is apply for a conference room or simply give lectures in the office, and whether he listens or not is none of his business, and assigning work to his subordinates is the power and responsibility of the head of the department.

At this time, Mizumayue's cell phone rang, and the unknown number, Mizumayue went to the corridor to answer the phone.

"Officer Mizuma, how are you doing lately?" A voice that sounded older but full of energy came.

"I'm fine, are you?" Mizumayue thought to herself, is this also a neuropathy in the organization?

"Look, I'm so confused I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mikami, Daisuke Mikami."

Daisuke Mikami, Mizuki quickly turned his head and recalled it. Fortunately, he drank a lot of "melatonin" some time ago, which really reminded him of the answer: "Director Mikami? I heard your voice for a while."

"It doesn't matter, after all, Officer Mizuma is much busier than me. Does the officer have time on weekends?" Daisuke Mikami said indifferently.

"Weekend? What's wrong?"

"I listened to your suggestion at the The first part of the special film in the "Gomera vs Ultraman" series that we rebuilt was held on Sunday. The source of inspiration, I hope you can appreciate it and give me some pointers.”

"Director Mikami broke me, I just talked nonsense, where can I talk about the source of inspiration, let alone give advice." God is pitiful, Mizuki has long forgotten that he was talking with Daisuke Mikami. of those cross-world eggs.

"No matter what, you must come." Daisuke Mikami insisted on inviting.

"Well, I'll fight for it. You know what we're doing. Who knows if you'll be busy with work tomorrow? If there's no case on the weekend, I'll definitely go."

"Great, the location is's weekend morning..."

... After Suizuki hung up the phone, she stood there and rolled her eyes for a long time, and then vaguely remembered what he had said to Daisuke Mikami in the Gamera case...

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