Conan’s World Stand-in

Chapter 92: Neon police?

"Kamidai Kei... Was an organization sent to test me?"

Sitting back in the classroom, ignoring the enthusiastic and curious eyes of the girls in the gossip group, Guan Dounan scribbled randomly on the notebook with a pen, but he was thinking about the picture he just saw.

When there were only two people alone in the conference room, he once summoned Kokuro to test the reaction of Kamidai Kei, but the latter didn't seem to be able to see Kokuro, which meant that he might be an ordinary person.

However, out of prudence, Xiao Hei was summoned when he left the conference room. Using the sensory sharing feature of the avatar ACT2, the main body walked in the corridor, but he was able to see every move, every word and deed of Kei Kamdai in the conference room. , that is, he was facing the video recorder, as if he was reporting something, and he didn't know all about it.

"Is Belmod pretending to be Kamidai Kei? No, if it's her, there's no need to be so circumspect and just come to me directly. So, is it someone else in the organization? Because Belmod's secrecy is too good , they thought they found new members who could be absorbed into the organization, so they came to test first?"

Guan Dounan drew a large circle on the paper, and then drew two small circles in the large circle that did not touch at all, which represented the winery black organization whose code name was Jiu Ming, as well as Belmod and Elixir. In addition, other members of the organization who may be fooled.

"It's not impossible that..."

"When he was recording that video, he first mentioned that 'time, space, emotion, visual and hearing, etc. are not strange', is he avoiding the influence of superpower or avatar ability? From this point of view, they may doubt I have super powers, but I don't know the exact type of power..."

"As mentioned later, the hazard level is rated as D. If it is based on the ordinary SABCD rating, it should be quite low. So it will be said later that it can be further contacted, protected and absorbed... Contact and absorption are understandable, but protection, Not like what that group did."

Guan Dounan wrote a capital letter D, slowly drew a circle next to the letter, then drew a line between it and the previous circle representing the black organization, and finally made a deep cross on the line. No.

Guan Dounan won't be surprised what the winery can do. After all, although he hasn't seen the theatrical version in which Gin drove a helicopter to shoot down the Tokyo Tower, when he was watching the episode of Pure Black Nightmare, he was complaining about Gin. When Jiu was driving a helicopter to sweep the Ferris wheel, he was told something even more outrageous than this by his ex-girlfriend next to him.

Although he said so, Guan Dounan felt that there was only one thing that the winery would not do, and that was "protection", or more precisely, "protecting people outside the organization".

"However, when it comes to being organized, others are hazard-rated, approached, protected, absorbed..."

Guan Dounan suddenly thought of a more likely option, that is, in theory, he should have been in contact with him long ago, but he did not know why it was always hidden, and even people almost forgot its existence, according to Belmode. The public security department that is arranged to specifically manage those with superpowers or avatars.

"I remember that the person named Anshitou seems to be a member of the police, or an undercover in a black-clothed organization. Will I meet him this time?"

"Three sets of key information, external sources of information. Are you talking about three incidents where I intend to show my abilities? The external sources of information are the efforts of Yusaku Kudo..."

"I just don't know which three times, the old Seba who shuttled through the painting? The battle with Belmod? The pod-faced kidnapper? The case of Nippon TV? Or something else..."

"But there is also a possibility that this is an autonomous small group composed of people with various abilities. The tendency may be biased towards orderly good or neutral good, and it wants to admit me. After all, I did not call out Xiao Hei several times before. Pay attention to whether there are other people around, it is not unusual to be seen..."

"Ah, being a detective is too much trouble, how does that guy like Kudo Shinichi get fun out of this kind of thing?"

Looking at the paper that was scratched in a mess, Guan Dounan began to add various patterns and patterns on the lines, just like bird seals, destroying the original orderly drafts with meaningless patterns, even if people got this. The paper is also completely incomprehensible.

"Feeling like I'm turning into an old silver coin is a true reflection of the theory that people gradually turn into people they hate..."

Knowing that the information is still insufficient, Guan Dounan did not easily use Xiao Hei to [reflect] the identity of Kei Goddai, so he waited until school time. The classmates in the class were discussing where to play on weekends in twos and threes, while Guan Dounan left immediately after school time, avoiding the gossip team of Didan High School who wanted to gossip, and waited for Yuedong Linghua at the school gate.

"Do you still want to go to the library today? You look so addicted to that book yesterday."

"Well... Actually, I'm not in a hurry. Tomorrow is the weekend, so I have enough time to read." Yuedong Linghua thought for a while and replied like this.

She looked at the students around her, but no one seemed to notice it, she put her toes up close to Guan Dounan's ear and asked in a low voice, "By the way, I heard that someone came to the school today to specifically ask you to go out, shouldn't it be a problem? "

"It's nothing, I didn't tell you before that I might become an actor or something. This is an opportunity."

Guan Dounan breathed a sigh of relief and replied casually. If Yuedong Linghua is still addicted to that book, he has to think of a reason to fool her, let her stay away from the library temporarily, collect enough information from the side, grasp the intelligence advantage, and find a way to communicate with her. Conan resolves the matter of the librarian together.

"Really? Senior Guan, are you going to be an actor?"

Sometimes you can't talk You can't even think about it in your mind. After all, you never know if the person you are thinking of will suddenly appear next to you.

Guan Dounan looked at Conan who was following Xiaolan with a helpless face, and forcibly suppressed the twitching at the corner of his mouth.

"'s just a chance. By the way, this is Edogawa Conan's child who temporarily lives in Mouri's house. He and Kudo Shinichi are also distant relatives. She is my classmate, you call her Yuedong. Sister is fine."

Guan Dounan gave the two a very normal introduction to each other. After all, in theory, Conan has never met Yuedong Linghua, and vice versa.

"By the way, from Didan Elementary School to Maori Detective Agency, shouldn't you take this road?"

"Ah, because the teacher told us to leave school early, I just wanted to come to Xiaolan... I'm going back with my sister." Conan waved his hand, and finally turned around, "By the way, sister Xiaolan, tomorrow there will be world treasures at the Mihua Art Museum. The exhibition, a few new acquaintances want to see me with me, do you want to go too?"

"Eh? The world treasure exhibition, there should be a lot of treasures, right?" Xiao Lan seemed to be very interested in this.

"Yeah, it is said that there are precious jewels, lost calligraphy and paintings, and treasure maps of lost treasures." Conan said with a smile, "Such a large-scale exhibition can attract that self-righteous thief. It's over."

"Thief?" Xiaolan blinked, not understanding what Conan was talking about, but Guan Dounan suddenly thought of a certain white figure that would attract a group of fans if he appeared, almost a white figure with guaranteed box office.

"It's the guy who once boasted about Haikou and said he was going to steal the Jianggutian Bell Tower, the guy named Kaitou Kid."

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