Conquer the World

Chapter 570: Cross the river and discuss events

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Chapter 570 Crossing the River and Discussing Major Events

Fang Xie did not insist on leaving Zhuo Yi, because he knew that Zhuo Yi would definitely leave. Forcibly retaining him by himself is not helpful, but will mislead Zhuo Buyi's practice. A person's personality determines his life direction. The reason why Zhuo Buyi cultivated into a prison is because he is too kind in heart. Draw the ground as a prison.

The army was so murderous that it would not help him to practice.

The squadron marched along the official road, killing a bandit was only a very small episode, and even the soldiers would not care, just as a joke. Jin Shixiong's scout has been following the team, but Fang Jie was too lazy to care. Jin Shixiong is a big man, but if he can't get out of the northwest, he will be a giant shark trapped on a shoal, and sooner or later will suffocate and die.

And he is a dragon into the deep sea.

There are still many rebels under Li Yuanshan on the Mount Mangshan. Some people had the courage to invest, and Fang Jie refused to accept them. The hearts of the people in the Northwest have been slippery. Most of these soldiers come to eat rice. A brave soldier will not necessarily drive others to be brave, but a soldier who is afraid of death will definitely drive others to be afraid of death.

Nothing along the way, the team successfully reached the ferry when Fang Xie Yongzhou was first released. When he arrived here, Sun Kaidao and other talents found that Fang Jie was safe. Already there is such a detailed arrangement that the Snap Riding School has been allocated in advance to go to the river to collect ships in advance.

The scene I saw on the waterfront shocked everyone!

On the river, countless large ships lined up. There are many masts, and Qianfan is exhibiting.

The flag on the ship trembled in the wind, and the big line above it was particularly eye-catching.

Cargo Skyline

At the beginning, the fleet that was able to transport goods through the sky could easily send nearly a million troops to the northwest. At this time, it was not difficult to transport less than 100,000 cavalry across the river. When all the soldiers saw the endless ship, the admiration of the other side came to their heart. A capable leader will make people feel secure. They found out that General Fang was so immensely capable that he could use the fleet of cargo transportation to assist the army to cross the river.

And the most surprising thing is that the **** for the fleet was actually the Great Sui Marine Division!

At least two hundred large and small warships wandered back and forth across the river, as shocking as the giant whale that emerged from the air. The large ships that can call the cargo transportation to the sky have shocked the soldiers of the Black Flag Army, and their surprise and joy when they saw the Great Sui Division was beyond words.

Fang Xie has become omnipotent in their eyes. Obviously, he has been in the northwest. How can there be so many ships and even sailors?

The soldiers were shocked by the scene on the river. They did not know who cheered first, and the whole team was boiling. The soldiers thought that the most difficult thing was to cross the river. If the Yangtze River sailor intercepted it, the loss would be heavy. Who would have thought that the warships of the Yangtze River Marine Division actually escorted them!


Fang Xie quickly walked forward, and worshipped Wu Yi who had been waiting here long ago: "If it wasn't for Hou Ye, you would have troubled me today!"

Wu Yidao smiled indifferently and pointed at the person standing beside him.

At this time, Fang Xie discovered that Wu Yidao was also an old man.

"General Duan?"

Fang Xie stunned for a while, and found that this man was actually a great Sui Shui division general who had helped him!

Duan Zheng's opponent lifted his arms and said: "General Fang, long time no see!"

Wu Yi, who was wearing the iconic royal blue brocade, smiled and said, "I wrote to General Duan and asked him to come here to meet him, but he didn't agree yet. I let Jiuxuecai take a trip and knew that you were going to the southwest section. The general answered immediately. It turns out that you already knew each other, but I knew it later. "

Fang Xie quickly said: "At the time when he went north, General Duan strongly assisted, and today General Duan helped, Fangmou was grateful! But General Duan was not near Luoshui, Hedong Road, why did he come back here?"

Duan Zheng quickly waved his hand: "In the beginning, I admired General Fang's courage, so I gave him a helping hand, not to mention a little thing. As for how I came here ..."

Duan sighed, and then made a please gesture, Fang Jie and others immediately entered a pavilion near the trestle bridge, where the pavilion had long been set.

"At first I was instructed to take the Yangtze River Marine Division 1 to Hedong Road to assist the imperial army to cross the Western Expedition. Since then, I have not left, and I work under His Majesty Wang Yiqu. It is also leisure to take the fleet to and from the patrol. Tai and Wang Yiqu joined hands to make a mess. I happened to take the fleet to cruise the river that day. When I returned, the camp had changed flags. Wang Yiqu knew that I was not his companion so I did n’t disclose anything in advance, and I was cautious and never Merging the fleet into the water village of Wang Yiqu saved him from death. "

"After I brought the ship back, Wang Yiqu ordered the fleet to encircle. I saw that the situation was wrong and immediately ordered the fleet to retreat. That day should also be lucky for me and the wind turned to the rudder. Therefore, the fleet evacuated in time. Although dozens were lost The boat, however, rushed out with most of the people. I meant to find a way to contact the emperor, but I could n’t be contacted after being sealed. Then I took the fleet back to the Yangtze River and wanted to find the General of the Yangtze River Marine Division Discuss today, who knows ... Bo Jin has brought people to Luo Yao. The Yangtze River Marine Division has joined forces with Luo Yao's army and entered Jiangnan. "

"So I took someone to live in the old village of Shui Shi, and I was really worried all day. It was just when Hou Ye's letter arrived and I was asked to eat and discuss. I was disheartened at the time. Where was this thought? Later I learned that the people I met with each other turned out to be And General Fang you, what a fate! "

Fang Xie was also happy, and toasted them a few glasses of wine.

Wu Yi smiled and said, "Not only is General Duan, but in the name of your uncle, the commander of the Inner Guards Office, Luo Weiran, I will also pick it up for you, but the first few days, I guarded the fleet to transport food to Suzaku. It ’s a mountain, you can meet when you get to the cottage. By the way, there is a little **** named Mu San. "

Fang Xie laughed: "The oldest people in this life are most fortunate! Be drunk!"




Duan Zheng sighed heavily and lowered his glass. Then he said suddenly, "I took the fleet northward, and I was still very excited. I felt that the chaos in the northwest was not good enough. His Majesty's imperial conspiracy, the morale of the army was like a rainbow, and there were more famous men in the country. It was natural to sacrifice power for a while. Who thought that this was the end result. When the emperor handed over 200,000 soldiers to Gao Kaitai, how could it be expected that this person had ruined the return of the army to the West? "

After a few glasses of wine, the man who was once known as the best young general of the Great Sui Marine Division had poured out his unhappy heart.

"The former Zheng Kingdom, the last 50 years of war chaos was frequent. Today, the west side reversed the chaos of the east side tomorrow. Even so, Zheng Guo was still breathing for more than 50 years. It was not until the Emperor Taizu led an army to end the chaos. Zheng Guo officials are greedy for the world, their national strength is poor, so it is difficult to do so, and they have experienced two emperors before they annihilate the country. Most of the Sui soldiers will have a wide national strength, and the strongest in thousands of years cannot be overstated. This rebellion shakes the foundation? "

In fact, these words have revealed the true heart of Duan Zheng, who is hailed as the most hopeful of becoming the Governor of the Marine Division in the future, and cannot be relieved. After he was famous, he always had great confidence in the court. Now that the Central Plains is full of war, he still cannot understand how it suddenly became like this.

To be honest, in the Sui Dynasty, Jiucheng people have such confusion.

The single sentence flourishes and fades, apparently a little pale.

Wu Yidao looked at the calm river calmly and said: "The prosperity of the Great Sui Dynasty is truly ancient, but the internal worry is also the highest in history. Because it is well known that Zheng Guo emphasized the use of literati in the previous dynasty and dismissed the generals. Back to heaven, since the founding of the Emperor Taizu, Da Sui has been reusing the generals. The power of the 16th Guards General is actually stronger than the Governors. For all time, the emperors of all ages have been powerful and can hold back. However, today His Majesty is seriously ill, and the Prince is very young, so he has hidden danger. "

"When Luo Yao starts his army, which of the major generals with heavy soldiers doesn't think about himself? Only when the culture and the military are in harmony, can the country be established.

These words are relevant, but they do not seem to explain the collapse of the Sui Dynasty.

Sun Kaidao sighed slightly: "Your Majesty, I'm too anxious and too confident ..."

Everyone agreed with this statement.

"lets change a topic!"

Wu Yi smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to be together today. Come here, just toast for this fate!"

Everyone toasted it.

Wu Yi finished drinking and filled Duan Zheng with another cup: "Thank you very much for General Duan's readiness to help in the past, but I don't know if General Duan has any plans for the future?"

His opponent gave a color, Fang Xie nodded slightly.

"Where are you going!"

Duan Zheng was a little drunk and sighed on the table. "Several days ago, my generals asked me where to go. I had the intention to kill the thief for the country. Now I can't tell who the thief is. With the two hundred in my hand What can the boat do? The lives of more than 10,000 brothers are on my shoulders. Sometimes I think about it, I really want to dissolve the soldiers and send some silver to let them go home to farm and fish! "

Sun Kaidao took a look at Fang Jie, and said in full color: "General Duan, your 10,000-plus sailors certainly don't want to see you so decadent. They also expect you to take them on a clear path and a future."

"Ming Lu?"

Duan Zheng sat up and smiled bitterly: "If you see me as a friend, please point me where the road is?"

"Here it is!"

Sun Kaidao fiercely sat up straight and looked at Fang Xie and said, "My general will send 100,000 soldiers southward. If General Duan is willing to bring the sailor battleship and the general together, we may not be able to give his brothers under General Duan a Glorious future. Would General Duan be willing to sink and give up like this? Then wouldn't it be bad for you to learn for twenty years? A good man should have great ambitions. In my opinion, General Duan should also cheer up. "

Duan argued a bit, then his face changed: "But ... but I'm an official of Da Sui after all!"

Wu Yi said leisurely: "Who isn't?"

Duan Zheng was dumb, suddenly lying on the table and crying, "I have the heart to support the country, and I can't go back to heaven!"

"If you can't go back."

Fang Xie patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go forward."




Yinluocheng Tonggu Academy

This academy is much older than the founding of the Great Sui Dynasty, and has a history of at least 300 years. The academy was built by erudite Confucianists during the Da Zheng Dynasty and has always been a sacred place in the minds of literati in the south of the Yangtze River. If the literati could claim to be of academy origin, his identity would immediately appear elevated.

The academy occupies a small area. It is close to the river in the south of Xianluo City. A row of weeping willows is planted along the river outside the academy. It is the same age as the academy.

There are three entrances to the academy ~ ~ the front is the place where students read, the middle is the residence of the academy's teachers, and the last is the academy's library building and the residence of the dean.

Students are not allowed to enter the backyard without permission, even if they go to the library to borrow. This is the rule established by the great Confucianist who founded the institute at that time, and it has been severe for 300 years.

So no one knows that a group of distinguished guests will come to the dean's home study every three months. When these people come, the study will pull up heavy curtains, and no one can see inside.

There were at least twenty people around the house. It seemed that none of them had merit, all were commoners, but all of them were very talented. They are not valuable people, they are nothing but the staff of the accountant, but when these people come together, they can make the world uneasy.

"This time, it's mainly a discussion, how to get rid of Luo Yao ... This person is now the top priority. Since you are here, the proprietors will also talk about it."

Sitting at the top, it is the current president of the college, Dong Qingfu.

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