Conquer the World

Chapter 673: That was mine

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Chapter 673 That Was Mine

Regarding the commentary of the gambler and the rich, Fang Yao said that he understood.

So Fang Jie laughed. Although he looked extraordinarily embarrassed now, the smile on his face was so bright. He seems to be about to win the same smile, as if the gambler is not him, he is the rich man.

There is nothing absolute in this world, never, hasn't it?

Luo Yao's arms were raised sharply, and his body became more transparent. He has no physical body, and the pure vitality of the body can be seen clearly every time the inner strength is used. When confronted with an enemy, the enemy can find out in advance that he is going to do it by observing his vital body. But he is Luo Yao, he doesn't care about this drawback.

The world of King Kong changed.

The outside world of King Kong has also changed.

Within twenty miles of the sky, the vitality of the heavens and the earth violently fluctuated, and then rolled towards it like the Yangtze River. The Vajrayana was like a deep pit, and the blue heaven and earth vitality poured in torrents. The Diamond World is a bottomless pit that absorbs the vitality of the heavens and the earth, so that the world has become blue.

With one person's strength, **** the vitality of the world for twenty miles.

Both the practitioners who are rushing here and the practitioners who are fighting outside Luofu are suffocated. Their cultivation is based on the supply of heaven and earth, and the vitality within twenty minutes is almost exhausted by the Vajra Kingdom, making them instantly uncomfortable.

Practitioners above eight grades can cut off their inner strength immediately, and those below eight grades are not so lucky. It is not only the heaven and earth vitality that they can control, but also the inner strength stored in their bodies. In just a few seconds, I don't know how many people were sucked into the job.

Vajrayana is a huge black hole, greedily sucking the vitality of heaven and earth.

Luo Yao, do your best.

If he is a rich man, he is now desperate.

Fang Xie's words stimulated him, and he suddenly understood why Fang Xie could stay in the Vajra kingdom for so long without falling down, and also understood what Fang Xie's biggest preparation was. If Fang Jie is really the gambler, then the cards in his hands are really better.


Luo Yao squeezed two words out of his mouth, and then pressed down with both hands!

For a moment, half of the people in Yongzhou felt breathless, followed by the heart and began to jump uncontrollably. I don't know how many people were evacuated and fell to the ground softly, but they didn't I don't know what happened. The sky became dark, and even the sun was blocked by the cyan air current, such as overcast sky. On this day, everyone in Yongzhou City looked up at the sky, thinking that heaven was coming.

The cyan in the Vajra kingdom became more and more intense, and in the end it became completely black.

Luo Yao floated up in the air and stood down from the top of the arc of King Kong. By this time, people outside could no longer see the solution in Vajrayana. There is a big mass of black paint, and what happened inside is probably only known to Luo Yao and Fang Jie. But just because he couldn't see it, everyone outside knew that Fang Xie had reached the most dangerous time.

At this moment, Shen Qingfan and others could no longer remain sane.

Shen Qingfan, Mu Xiaoyao, Foaming, Mulberry, all four well-established women began to exert their strongest cultivation power, plus the three veterans from Xiang Qingniu and Qingle Mountain looked at the same time Force, but no matter how arrogant the offensive with so many of them, they just don't care about the Diamond World.

Can't break, can't break!

Luo Yao, standing on the top of King Kong Jie, glanced at those outside the world, muttering a word that he was letting him go. Then he heard the voice of Fang Xie in the world intermittently: "I ... have stood still!"

Luo Yao stared for a moment, raised his foot and stepped on it!


With King Kong as the center, all the houses within 100 meters collapsed! Like a huge metal ball, the entire Diamond Kingdom sank several meters underground! The bluestone slabs on the street shattered, the house shattered and collapsed, and cracks like spider webs spread around.

Almost the whole city of Yongzhou was shocked!

"I want to see how you stand still!"

At this time, Luo Yao was clearly angry.

He looked at the dark diamond world below: "You are just a gambler. What if you have a good card in your hand? You think you can win because you know that the rich are the only ones who dare not The only thing is to gamble with you! Because the rich is too rich, he is reluctant to die! But the rich also has a good card in his hand. No chance of death! "


A faint voice floated out of the Vajrayana again: "Use your ten thousand family wealth ... crush me, come, come, come, I'll wait here."

Luo Yao's eyes changed constantly, and then he raised his foot and stomped it down severely again: "The card in your hand is indeed very good, which is beyond my expectation. You have cultivated to a realm but have not yet entered the bright realm, but Even a person who has stepped into the sky with a comfortable foot may not be able to support me for so long in the world of King Kong. But haven't you thought about it, the more powerful you are now, the more surprised I am! "

After leaving Daxueshan, there is really only one foot into the sky. But the freedom in Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain is heaven!

He stomped down and kicked, Yongzhou City trembled!

The Diamond World is constantly sinking, and the cracks on the ground are getting bigger and bigger! One house followed the collapse of another. Later, even the black flag cavalry on the periphery of the three hundred steps had to retreat. The cracks on the ground became wider and wider, and those who responded slightly more slowly fell into it. Disappeared.

At this time, Luo Yao became like a demon, so crazy.

Xiang Qingniu and others have been backed up by this huge internal fluctuation, although they are still struggling to display the most powerful cultivation power, but it seems to have no meaning to the world of Vajra. At this time, Luo Yao finally made people see his terrible place.

He didn't even look at the offensives of many practitioners.

"If I move my mind, the sky will fall!"

He stepped on it again with a fierce kick, a loud noise, and the huge Vajra kingdom was stepped on the ground!

"Wan Guan family wealth?"

When Fang Xie was carrying a heart, the voice of the stubborn boy again came from the ground: "Come again ... keke ... come again!"



The giant Vajrayana looks like a huge sphere, and this sphere was inlaid into the ground by Luo Yao. With every step he stepped on, there were thousands of calamities in the world of Vajra.

At this time, the solution, the clothes on his body were already torn, his face was as white as snow, without any blood. Because of the huge pressure, his eyes were protruding slightly. His arms were still raised, bracing the crumbling little world.

His little world was covered with cracks, and it seemed to be broken in the next second. But this is the case. The next second elapses, and the next second elapses. Fang Xie still stands, and the small world still stands.

His arms trembled and the muscles on his legs were so tight that they bulged like iron blocks.

The endless tide hits his small world as well as the tide. Under such a fierce and aggressive offensive, the overwhelming practitioners in the near sky have already been smashed into residues, but he barely stabilized Nine The guy in Pin Xiuwei still stood there, never bowed.

Two hours!

Three hours!

Four hours!

The sky is already dark, but it is even more thorough in the Diamond World.

One day went by like this, the people outside were mad to attack the Vajra kingdom, and Luo Yao was mad to use Vajrayana to make Fang Jie surrender. No one can understand how the solution works. He had carried it for a day, and it was by no means just a matter of will.

Shen Qingfan and others have almost demobilized, but are still attacking.

"Stop it!"

Sang Yue shouted suddenly, then stopped first: "I see!"

Mu Xiao waist and others stopped subconsciously, all looking at her. Mulberry's face was very red. It was an overwhelming reaction. She gasped slightly when she spoke, apparently trying her best: "Let's not fight again!"

She took a breath and said earnestly: "The reason why Luo Yao ignored our offensive was because he wanted us to attack it! If nothing unexpected happened, the diamond world can absorb all the external forces and turn them into pressure on the other side. ... in other words, all of us's offensive has been transformed by the King Kong ... "

Shen Qingfan's face changed abruptly: "Do you mean, our previous attack was like hitting Fang Jie directly?"

Mulberry nodded: "This is the case with ten or eight of ten. I just want to understand what is happening in the Vajrayana ... this world is not a strong defense, but this world can absorb all The energy! So, this world is an absolute defense! Because it can transform the power of the outside world into the power of the world! "

As soon as these words were finished, everyone was frightened.

If Mulberry's speculation is true, then ... Fang Xie not only carried Luo Yao's pressure, but also carried so many people's crazy attacks for almost a day!

Everyone froze and was at a loss.

"Fight again ... I'm afraid ... It's not Luo Yao who killed Fangjie, but us."

Mulberry was a little lost when he said this, and his voice was hoarse.

They all stopped, their faces were ugly.

They are not sure if Sang Ying's analysis is correct, but they are afraid to start anymore. In case Sang Ying is right, how much pressure will Fang Jie face? It's hard to imagine, Mo said, and Luo Yao's strong cultivation, but under the joint attack of these seven practitioners, Fang Xie could resist for so long!

"No sound ..."

Mu Xiao waist murmured, suddenly squatting down and crying: "I can't hear the sound of Fang Jie ..."

Shen Qingfan was pale, and Mo Ningzhi was silent.




Fang Jiehua vomited a lot of blood ~ ~ and then smiled horribly: "This group of idiots ... now understand what the ghost world is ... fortunately, if I fight again, I will really Hang up. "

In the darkness, his little realm still shone with a faint light.

This light comes from his Dan Tian, ​​Dan Tian who has no gas!

At this time, the five-colored cyclone was slowly turning at Dantian again. It seemed to be turning so slowly and slowly that it would stop next second. The light was too weak to be seen by those who were so weak outside.

At the top of the world, Luo Yao glanced at the people who stopped his hands, and smiled coldly: "I just understand now, don't you think it's late?"

He looked at the following and said to himself: "Fang Jie, can you still hold on now? I'm here to take your good card, it was mine!"

He stooped down, put his hands down and moved one point to the other side, dividing the Vajrayana into a gap and then fell! As his figure disappeared into the realm, the mouth healed, and nothing happened.

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