Conquer the World

Chapter 684: Let you go back to be king

Chapter 684 Lets You Go Back To Be King


Sometimes you can think quieter.

Fang Jie felt that he was very contradictory, so he felt some pain. He knew how much blood he had stained on his hands now, and he knew he might get more and more in the future.

After leaving the Junbing Camp, Fang Jie didn't know what was wrong with him, and fell into a very different state of mind, making it difficult to extricate himself. Farewell to beggars, Fang Jie walked aimlessly on the street, always feeling that something could not be solved in his heart, so he began to think involuntarily. He walked on the street and watched the pedestrians watching the street vendors, but these pictures did not even come to his mind.

Unexpectedly, when walking to the door of Luofu, Fang Jie suddenly realized that this inexplicable state was actually because of the battle with Luo Yao.

When fighting, even after the end, Fang Xie thought he was facing calmly. But after so many days, the shoddy peace finally broke into a corner. Fang Xie had to face his mood squarely. It was so complicated that he didn't even know how many emotions he had.


Scared after?



He wasn't sure. Maybe it was just a piece of stone that had been crushed in his heart and finally relaxed. But wasn't this sudden relaxation a stress?

What's more, there is the shadow that I don't know is illusion or real. If the shadow is unreal, why would Luo Yao die? If Luo Yao's scene was transformed into a puzzled solution, it should be the solution, but Luo Yao is dead. If it is true, who is it? Why can it be so easy to break through Luo Yaoyao ’s diamond world?

If that shadow is false ...

Fang Jie shuddered involuntarily ... If the shadow was false and was a hallucination made by Luo Yao, then ... there was only one reasonable explanation.

The current solution is Luo Yao.

Fang Xie startled himself, and his heart began to jump wildly.

If the shadow is real, then this person can break through the Vajra kingdom and there are only two possibilities. First, this person is also a Buddhism, and is the same as Luo Yao's Xiu. He knows where the weakness of the Vajra kingdom is. Second, this person has a strong cultivation, much stronger than Luo Yao under the injury.

Both of these possibilities disturb Fang.

Fang Jie's eyes now look so clear.

Who is this person?

This is why Fang Jie's mood is complicated.

Luo Yao was a thorn in Fang Jie's heart. The man died, and the thorn was still there.

Standing in front of Luofu Gate, Fang Xie looked back at the bustling street. It turned out that the beggar was right. At this time, Yongzhou was not dangerous and there was no war, so everyone was human. They greeted each other and talked about homely. Beggars on the street always get alms, just like Fangjie met. Like the beggar, he can even save two bowls of rice. But when the people were besieging the city, when a large number of refugees from the south asked to open the door, the people in the city crowded on the street and shouted that they should not open the door.

Fang Xie looked at his palms, and then the power of the five pulses flowed out.

Then he looked up at the sky and murmured that if you asked me to do something big or your program went wrong, you shouldn't let me reincarnate on such a body.

Fang Jie didn't say what this major event was, in fact he didn't understand it himself.

Luo's collapsed house has been cleared, and Luo Yao's tall building has been razed to the ground. Almost half of Luo's house was destroyed in the Vajrayana kingdom. Although many artisans are still busy cleaning up, they still look stricken. Soldiers on duty at the door performed standard military salutes towards Fang Jie, but Fang Jie did not seem to see it at all.

Entering Luofu, Fang Xie beckoned, and then Xiaoxiao Riding School came over and asked him what he ordered.

"Go and bring King Tuhundobe and Murong Yongduo, and Luo Qiu."

The Xiaoqi School promised, and quickly ran out to bring people.

Since the great break, Tuhundubei and Murong Yongduo have been locked in the Yongzhou prison, and the one who thought that the opportunity had come, so he sent people to contact each of the Pingshangdao Governors who sent experts to kill the solution. It seems that he is the only one left in the city today.

A study was sorted out in the backyard. Fang Xie liked the feeling of being full of books. No matter where he went, there would be a carriage to pull books for him, all collected along the road. Fang Xie has always believed that to understand the present of a world, one needs to walk. To understand the past of a world, you need to read. Fang Jie reads books without any strict conditions, as long as he can read the text.

On the desk was a book he had read half of. It was a storybook of the former Zheng dynasty. It was a story about a shabby scholar who fell in love with a rich lady but was finally forced to fall in love. It seems that no matter in the past or this life, there are many such stories.

The first to be brought in was Tuhun Dobie, where this once proud barbarian still had a bit of domineering arrogance. Part of the people at the Xiaoqi School is from the original guards of the Dainai School. No one knows better than them how to make a criminal honest, and no one knows better than them that they are a criminal.

Tuhunduo's other cultivation is not bad, but there is a way of Daozong's golden needle closure. He has not yet reached that step like Xiao Yijiu, so he can only endure the torture of these days, and it is better to die.

Fang Xie raised his eyes and looked at Tuhunduo, pointing at the opposite chair: "Sit"

Tuhundu don't stagger, then shook his head: "I sit and sit as prisoners, even if I sit down."


Fang Xie smiled and put the book together: "You are the King of the Qiang, and the Qiang are thousands of villages of hundreds and thousands of tribes, all of whom are your subjects. I invite you today to ask for a few things. "

"go ahead."

Tuhunduo don't feel a little let go of the consciousness, and Mei Yuma was already alive. Once a person is desperate, even if he is still alive, the death of his body will spread. This has little to do with whether serious injury or serious illness, even if a healthy and strong person, despair, the natural vitality comes out naturally.

"The first question, do you want to live longer, or die immediately?"

This problem made Tuhunduo do not hold him completely. In any case, he did not expect that he had a chance to live, even if it was a little longer.



"I'll tell you straightforwardly."

Fang Xie took a look at Tuhunduo and said, "I want to start a war with Nan Yan, but I'm not familiar with Nan Yan. I have been to Dali City, but I only know that city. You and Murong Since Shame is an ally, I naturally understand more. If I give you a chance to make you a king again, will you be sure to recruit another army to help me attack Nanyan? "

Don't understand Tuhundo, so I hope to breed it from his heart immediately.

"As long as you can let me go back, I will certainly be able to summon a powerful army. I still have unparalleled prestige in the Dai people, and as long as I appear in front of them, they can only kneel and proclaim!" My tribe, and at least one army of 100,000 people, are all brave samurai. General, can you speak well? "

"Since I came to you, am I just playing with you?"

Fang Jie smiled: "First talk about Nan Yan, how many troops are there, besides Murong Yongduo, what else is there?"

"Although Nanyan also claims to have a territory of thousands of miles, it is mostly mountains and mountains, and it is impossible to live. People are near those dozens of big cities, and there are 10 million people. In my opinion, I am afraid that it is only half. And among these millions, not many of them actually took orders from Emperor Nan Yan of Shaanxi. After Murong Shao had become emperor, the generals and families of the Shang State stationed in Nanyan area did not buy his account at all. . Later, although he was admitted as emperor, he could not control it at all. Otherwise, when the earliest troops were sent to attack Ping Shangdao, there would not be only 30,000 Murong Yongduo. "

Tuhunduo said, "The Nanyan army that arrived later was actually the noble people of Nanyan. After seeing Murong Yongduo breaking into Pingshang Road at one go, he got greedy and put together personal soldiers, saying that it was the emperor of Nanyan. The reinforcements coming in are actually not at the same level as the Nanyan court. "

"That is to say, Nan Yan is not difficult to fight?"


Do not see the hope of life, Tuhunduo, so it seems a little excited: "As long as the general gives me this opportunity, when I go back to reorganize the horses, without the general's iron ride, I can only break through the city of Dali. Yan ’s noble families do not need to fight at all. The general only needs to give them a promise to allow them to retain their original privileges, and they will even open the gates to welcome you in. ”


Fang Jie smiled: "I didn't expect it was so easy, so why don't you fight?"


Tuhundu don't take a moment to sigh, and then sighed: "General, I don't want to fight Nan Yan. When I wanted to fight before, Luo Yao was in Yongzhou, and Murong Sha was like Luo Yao's son. I still respect his father and father. I was afraid to attack Nan Yan and angered Luo Yao. After Luo Yao left, I was too busy to kill those savage toasts who had been close to Luo Yao before, and rob them of their territory. It was delayed. Later Murong sent someone to find me ... "

"Can you guarantee that after I ask you to go back, you will not summon Renma and me immediately?"

Fang Xie asked him.

Tuhunduo's other face changed. He put his right hand in front of his chest and bent down deeply: "General, we are the most honest people. I am the king, and naturally I will not be indifferent. I can Take a blood oath in front of the general, and I will be swallowed up and killed by all men if I betray my faith in the future. "

"That vow is poisonous."

Fang Jie nodded: "This way, I can't put you back immediately. You can write a few letters, I will put a few of your men back to bring toasts of various tribes, you let your trusted toasts in Baishui City and you See you. You should know that even if you take a vow, I still wo n’t trust you completely. I can let you wait for them in Baishui City, and then negotiate this matter in Baishui City. The toasts promised, then I will restore your status as King of Kings and let you lead troops to attack Nan Yan directly in Baishui City. Then when Nan Yan is destroyed, you and I will divide the Nan Yanjiang Mountain equally. "

Tuhundu do n’t hesitate for a while, but finally nodded, biting his lips: “General, since you said so sincerely ~ ~ I ca n’t say anything more, I promised it. Go back to me Just write a few letters and send someone back to the jungle to give to my most trusted toasts, so that they will immediately lead troops to assemble outside Baishui City. "

"it is good"

Fang Jie nodded: "If this thing is done well, you are the king of kings, I will defend the southern Xinjiang, you and I will always be the alliance. I can give you a guarantee, as long as you help me settle the Nanyan, I am black The army will never kill a puppet in the future. "

"it is good!"

Do n’t laugh, Tuhunduo: "The general is happy! That ’s it. The general is more brilliant than Murong Sha, and I like this bold and direct nature. Please rest assured, I am When it comes to Baishui City, the time is when the army of the Tatars is sworn! "

"Go ahead"

Fang Xie hugged his fist: "When the day of Nanyan is flat, I will rejoice with the King."


Tuhunduobei also learned to look like a Han man and clenched his fists, then turned away.

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