Keigo Atobe and Seijuro Akashi watched Tsushima Shuji disappear into the apartment building before getting into their cars and leaving.

Shuji Tsushima got on the elevator silently and came to the apartment.

By the way, there is only one household on the first floor of this apartment building.

Shuji Tsushima lived on the top floor, and even the rooftop was turned into a private area.

A place to park helicopters, and...afternoon tea.

Although the number of times of use is very small.

But that guy really likes afternoon tea.

It's an out-and-out antique hobby.

Shuji Tsushima pushed open the door of the apartment, and the room was empty.


A figure rushed over quickly.

Shuji Tsushima immediately closed the door of the apartment with his backhand, jumped up from the wheelchair in an instant, and avoided the flying figure.

Even the hanging arms were freed.

The scary figure squatting on the sofa and throwing itself on the wheelchair met each other's eyes.

"Who let you out." He asked with a smile.



Amuro Haro replied innocently.

He changed direction again and rushed towards the figure on the sofa.


"silly dog--"

"Stop it for me—"

"Don't come over—"

Shuji Tsushima was hanging in the air with the chandelier in his arms, looking numbly at the Shiba Inu who was raising his head, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail wildly.

"Ah..." He let out a breath in silence.

It's like spitting out the soul.

It's decided, just hang on the lamp all the time, and scare them when Bourbon and the others come back!

So when Toru Amuro came back, he saw a dark room, and subconsciously turned on the light.

The next moment, a figure rushed towards him.

Amuro reflexively tried to dodge and dodge, but...

But he was still forced to the ground.

"Ahem——" He lay on the ground, coughing unrequitedly.

"Get up for me!!" One hand slammed the floor furiously and roared.

Shuji Tsushima sat cross-legged on his back, held his face in his hands, closed his eyes and said, "Don't—"

"That silly dog ​​was released on purpose by you, Bourbon."

"I was so scared that I hung on the lamp for a long time pitifully."

"Bourbon is too much." He said, jumped off Bourbon's back, stepped on his back before he got up, turned and ran.

After finally propping up his upper body and preparing to get up, Bourbon was trampled back abruptly.

Feel the cold floor temperature.

Bourbon: ...

"Woof—" Haro Amuro squatted in front of him and called out.

"Are you mocking me?" He picked up Harrow and rubbed the dog's head frantically.

Trying to take out the dog's head as Kayo's head.

"Do you know who ruined your dog food—"

"It's that guy—" Toru Amuro was heartbroken, looking like Haro Amuro didn't know anyone.

At first, he didn't know why Harrow didn't like dog food, until after he observed carefully, he found that the bag of dog food was faintly green, smelled of celery.

Think again of the celery that suddenly disappeared in the kitchen that day.

Bourbon: Kayo must have done the right thing.


He has one more unsolved mystery, such as...

How did Kaa know Haro hated celery?

As he sat on the ground and Harrow looked at each other and thought, Scotland returned.

He also held a black-wrapped letter in his hand.

"Why are you sitting on the ground?" Scotland looked at Bourbon who was sitting on the ground and fell into doubt.

"...It's cooler on the ground." Bourbon silently put down Hello, and stood up.

"Oh." Scotland looked convinced.

"Where's Kaa?" he asked.

"Just went back to the room, what's the matter?" Bourbon asked curiously.

"I received a letter for him." Scotland shook the black letter in his hand.

Walking to the door of Shuji Tsushima's room, he knocked on the door and said, "Kao, I have your letter."

"This guy... really..." Bourbon's eyes were unclear.

Neither he nor Jing Guang will receive letters or couriers, only Kao.

Almost every once in a while, I will receive letters or gifts from different people.

Bourbon: Sure enough, there are too many people deceived by Kayo!

"Letter? Who sent it?" The black-haired boy seemed to have finished washing, changed into pajamas and was about to go to bed.

"Well... the signature is the forgotten person." Scotland looked at the column of the sender's name.

The young man lowered his eyes with an inexplicable expression.

"...the forgotten person?" He lowered his head and chuckled.

With a little sarcasm.

"Who is the forgotten person?" He stretched out his hand to take the letter, said nothing more, and opened the envelope directly in front of Scotland and Bourbon.

[I have prepared a gift for you at the Spider Mansion in Puppet Ridge, if you want it, you can pick it up yourself.

And... long time no see. ——a person who should have died]

The black-haired boy clutched the letter paper with a gloomy expression.

"Who cares about your gift—" He rolled the letter into a ball, but instead of throwing it away, he held it tightly in his palm.

He lowered his eyes as if thinking about something.

"Forget it, I'd better go and have a look, the so-called gift." He thought for a while.

Shuji Tsushima:! Look how tangled and complicated my performance is! Full marks, must give me full marks!

"Kayo...?" Bourbon called out tentatively.

This is... who sent the letter?

All he had to do was look down and read the contents of the letter.


The letter said that a gift was prepared for Kayo, but Kayo didn't look happy at all.


The last sentence, long time no see, and the signature - a person who should have died.

what does it mean?

He and Scotland looked at each other with solemn expressions.

"It's just an ordinary letter." The boy smiled, seemingly indifferent.

"Tomorrow we will go to the spider mansion in Puppet Ridge." He announced calmly.

"I'm also curious about what gift he will give me." The voice was low.

Then the door was closed.

There are secrets.

This sentence was written in the eyes of Bourbon and Scotland.

Scotland shook his head.

Told Bourbon not to be too curious.

"The way he looks..."

"It's not some happy secret."

"Don't do this to him." Scotch said earnestly.

"Yes Yes--"

"I'm not a bad guy who only pokes people's pain." Bourbon raised his hand and said helplessly.

"It's better to get along with Kayo when he laughs." Scotland said.

"Ah, that's right." Bourbon's tone suddenly became deep.

he did...

I don't really want to get along with Kayo who asked him with despair in his eyes, is life really meaningful.

Kaa like that...

Desperation seemed to infect those around him.

Drag people into the abyss.

Kayo, who is wayward and childish, is more interesting.


That night, the game impressions of the closed beta players have come out.

Unanimous praise.

"Unbelievable! You can't even imagine how much fun Sword Art Online is—"

"Is this really a game? If there is no operation panel, I will think that I have traveled to another world..."

"You must experience Sword Art Online! This is a different existence from all the games in the world now—"

As a result, discussions arose about how fun and incredible Sword Art Online is.

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