COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 444 Tsushima Shuji: You guys are having a good time...?

Midorikawa Muya among the cowherds saw a face that he had seen on Tsushima Shuji's cell phone not long ago.

Members of the organization codenamed Moscato...

The Godfather of the Italian Mafia…

At that time, Kao told them that when Moscato got tired of being the godfather, he might run to Neon just to be a cowherd.

Bourbon and Scotland were still puzzled.

However, when I saw Moscato standing in the area belonging to the Cowherd, his aura was fully aroused as if he was the leader, and he wanted to scream to let everyone notice his appearance...

Scotland: Just a cowherd.

There is no sense of violation and.

Midorikawa Mu's eyes only glanced briefly and then looked away. To outsiders, it seemed that he did not cast unnecessary glances at anyone.

The guests are all fashionable women.

And most of them are women over thirty years old.

More than half are married women, some are divorced women, and only a small number are unmarried.

They all look like ordinary people.

They didn't seem frightened, but kept complaining to the police.

They said that the police were too slow and asked them to find the murderer quickly. They also wanted to continue playing with the Cowherds.

Could it be that the police are really so useless that they can't even find the murderer?

Officer Megure listened to their speeches with a serious face. He wanted to refute but didn't know how to refute.

So I had to look away.

When he saw Shuji Tsushima, Officer Megure looked rescued.

"Brother Tsushima, you are finally here." Officer Megure left the suspect's area in a few steps and came to Shuji Tsushima, breathing a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect to see you, Officer Megure, here. I thought you should be busy arresting the guy who... hit the police twice in the face." The black-haired boy looked surprised.

Officer Megure: ...It pricks my heart.

I also want to catch that guy! But the arrest operation, which could be described as a carpet search, failed to find anyone.

It is impossible for me to really run around looking for people in person. Finding people is all done by the auxiliary police.

He could only wait for others to provide clues and results.

"Ahem, let's not talk about this anymore." Officer Memu coughed and waved his hand.

"Brother Tsushima, look here." Officer Megure pointed to the ordinary sofa.

With the cowherd, guests, and police standing on both sides, the only person sitting on the sofa stood out.


Shuji Tsushima looked at the body on the sofa with an expressionless expression.

Yes, corpses.

The other party was wearing a white shirt and a black suit jacket, and the chest of the white shirt was stained red with blood.

He had black hair, his head lowered, and his hands hanging limply on his sides.

Midorikawa Mu looked at the corpse and then at Tsushima Shuji.

His expression became extremely complex.

Because the corpse's appearance can be said to be exactly the same as Tsushima Shuji's.

Even his right eye and hands were wrapped in bandages.

"The deceased is the cowherd of this club. His nickname is William. He was also the top player in the club before, because... the other party is famous for playing Tsushima brother." Officer Megure listened to Officer Takagi's report with a particularly complicated expression. , and finally hesitantly turned to Tsushima Shuji.

Shuji Tsushima: ...Someone who plays me can become the top...

But I am prohibited from entering such a place because I am underage...

"It is said that there are many cowherds who play Tsushima brother, and they are all very popular..." Officer Megure looked at Tsushima Shuji's expression and continued.

Brother Tsushima doesn't seem to have any reaction...

Why do you want to hand a business card to a minor?

Kaa is only 14 years old——

You are old enough to be his mother!

What do you want to do to him like this?

Could it be said that it is maternal care?

Midorikawa Mu looked at the lipstick mark on the business card with a complicated expression.

This cannot be the overflow of maternal love!

Don't use the ambiguous tactics between adults on Kaa!

There are also some cowherds who want to observe Tsushima Shuji up close in order to better impersonate each other and prevent another OOC accident from happening again.

They were all pulled away by the boss.

Until everyone left, only Shuji Tsushima, Mu Midorikawa, and the boss were left.

"Those business cards..." Tsushima Shuji looked at Midorikawa Mu.

"What did you say?" Midorikawa Wumo threw all the business cards into the barrel and turned around.

He poured all the wine on the table into the barrel.

"...No, it's nothing." Tsushima Shuji looked at the business card soaked in wine and shook his head.

"Underage people can't think about these things." Midorikawa Wu showed a caring smile.

"Obviously there are quite a few underage people in Neon who date the opposite sex and even hit home runs..." Tsushima Shuji muttered.

"At least wait until you are sixteen and reach high school to talk about this." Midorikawa smiled without making any mistakes.

"Well, if you do adult things too early, it will affect your growth." Midorikawa marked Tsushima Shuji's height.

"Maybe you won't even be 1.8 meters tall in the future." He looked pityful.

Shuji Tsushima: ...I don’t know whether I will still have a chance to go to high school...

And grow taller...

Ever since he asked the system if he was really 1.7 meters tall when he was 14 years old, his height...

Something went wrong.

Got a little shorter.

About the same height as a dark slug...

No, it's at least three centimeters taller than the slug.

Shuji Tsushima: I should have known better than to ask. There is no need to be so restorative about height——

"Did you come to Neon because you have too much time?" Tsushima Shuji glanced at the man sitting on the dead man's sofa drinking.

"No, no, no, it's just too boring over there." The black-skinned boss waved his hand.

"Want a drink?" asked Midorikawa Mu.

"Thank you, but no need." Midorikawa said impolitely.

"Young Master, would you like a drink?" Compared to the other cowherds in deep v-shirts, the dark-skinned man is wearing a simple white shirt. Of course, he has a few buttons left unbuttoned and his sleeves are rolled up. Show arms.

Chest muscles, and looming abdominal muscles, as well as arm muscles.

A hormonal scent that most women can't resist.

And...honey-colored eyes filled with affection every second.

"No." Tsushima Shuji ignored the other party's dissolute appearance and decisively refused.

"Next time I see a cowherd playing me..."

"I'll strip you naked, tie you up on Tokyo Tower, and blow up into fireworks." The black-haired boy said with a kind smile.

What a coincidence, the deceased happened to be the cowherd in his business.

The murderer also happens to be his... um... ardent fan?

It just happened to be at this club.

"It's so scary... It's a shame that I thought you were an angel, young master, and wanted to fall into the arms of the Lord." Moscato sighed.

"But don't worry, this will never happen again in the future."

"After all, I can't stand these fakes." The man put the cup back on the wine tower, stretched out his hand and pushed it gently.

The wine glasses piled up from goblets suddenly collapsed, and the glasses shattered on the floor.

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