COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 459 News headlines resident guest

The case ended with the prisoner being killed by a bomb he planted.

Reporters also discovered that Moritani Teiji was the prisoner who planted bombs everywhere.

Including the previous stoppage of trains on the Circle Line, it was also caused by Moritani Teiji planting bombs between the tracks.

The other party was also responsible for the explosions in many buildings such as the Kurokawa family home.

Including the incident where the elementary school students rushed to the river with a bomb and the explosion occurred, it was also because of Moritani Teiji.

The bombing of the city hall was also caused by the bomb planted by Teiji Moritani.

By the way, the person who helped the police find the bomb installed between the railroad tracks was the police consultant Shuji Tsushima.

As for why such a famous architect as Moritani Teiji embarked on the road of illegal crimes, it was clearly written in the news.

[In the pursuit of the ultimate in perfect symmetry, Mr. Moritani Teiji gradually lost himself, controlled by paranoia, and wanted to destroy the imperfect buildings he had designed. ]

As for Edogawa Conan...

A brave, just and kind little detective.

Shuji Tsushima, a young genius, was born as a god on earth to save the world.

A group of people once tried their best to create a god plan, but it failed miserably when White Crow himself and Shuji Tsushima stabbed him in the back.

But this time, after Tsushima Shuji solved the case because of Moritani Teiji's actions, his halo became even more dazzling.

In addition, major journalists and the government tried their best to gild Tsushima Shuji.

He was forced to possess a golden body.

When reporters mention Shuji Tsushima in the news, they have begun to call him "Son of God who descended into the world", "Messenger of God", "God on earth" and "Angel who descended into the world".

Everyone knows that President Tsushima is a beautiful person with a kind heart.

After all, Tsushima Corporation made great efforts in the rescue operation after the explosion at the city hall.

The same goes for the subsequent treatment, and Tsushima Corporation was responsible for most of it.

You can hardly find anyone who hates Shuji Tsushima.

On some social networking sites, many people posted that no one can say no to Shuji Tsushima.

There are also some people who call themselves [Tsushima disease patients]

These people usually wrap the same white gauze made by Tsujima Shuji around their body, or wear a white eye mask, or put medical cotton on their face.

And at this moment.

President Tsushima, a kind-hearted person, was sitting on the sofa in his apartment, reading the newspaper and fell into silence.

"Tsushima disease..." He looked numb at the so-called social phenomenon reported in the newspaper.

And those weird people who are interviewed by the news.

Shuji Tsushima looked at the TV silently.

"Excuse me, are you a Tsushima disease patient?" A reporter asked the interviewee with a microphone.

"Can't you see? We are not." The boy and the girl who were not wearing bandages rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Then you are...?" the reporter then asked.

The boys and girls held bright red roses in their hands and stuffed them into their mouths in unison without saying a word.

Then while coughing, the red petals spit out again.

“We are flower vomiting sufferers,” they said, spitting out rose petals.

"And if we want to cure our flower vomiting syndrome, we need President Tsushima's kiss of true love..."

"Otherwise we will keep vomiting bloody roses until we die." They said with painful and melancholy expressions.

The reporter's hand holding the microphone trembled slightly.

"Yes, that's it...ah hahahaha..." You can feel the reporter's helplessness through the screen.

"So, President Tsushima, come and save me, I'm..." A teenager shouted while grabbing the camera.

"Ahem, this interview ends here. It ends perfectly. You can see that President Tsushima is indeed very popular..." The camera can only see the reporter's back as he flees.

and the constant shouting from behind.

Finally, the reporter’s running figure stopped.

Panting, but still smiling, explaining with a professional atmosphere.

Tsushima Shuji removed a crab leg with an expressionless expression.

On the sofa, Midorikawa Mu looked at the expressionless boy taking apart crab legs, then at his friend who was laughing wildly, and silently changed the channel.

"Yeah!" The primary school student nodded vigorously.

"What kind of wine are you going to bring to that high school detective?" Toru Amuro asked, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

Kaa was quite nice to the high school detective.

The free-range ones are indeed different from the ones raised in captivity.

"Balkans or Grenada?" The black-haired boy put down his phone and tilted his head.

"As for Balkan vodka and Grenada rum... the alcohol content of Grenada is higher than that of Balkan." Mumo Midorikawa was listening and suddenly answered.

The organization really has members with these two code names.

It’s just that neither Scotland nor Bourbon has seen them.

"It's 88 degrees in the Balkans, 90 degrees in Grenada...actually there's not much difference..." Shuji Tsushima rested his chin on one hand, as if he was seriously thinking about which one to choose.

"Forget it, let's go to the Balkans. I don't like rum." He sighed after thinking for a long time.

"Rum's appearance really makes me want to kick him out of the organization." The tone was very harsh.

Although vodka does not look like a handsome guy, at least vodka is more pleasing to the eye than rum.

"Tia just told me that Chablis's research is in some trouble, well..." Tsushima Shuji turned around on his phone.

"Let her try the semi-finished medicine made by Chablis first." He began to reply to the message.

"That old guy's research progress is as fast as ever." Toru Amuro said in a complicated tone.

"Chaplis can be regarded as your life mentor, and... based on the research results left by Miyano Hiroshi, his wife, and Shirley, it would be easy for Chablis to produce semi-finished products." Shuji Tsushima blinked. Blink.

"It's just that the drugs he developed have not been tested yet, and the specific effects are not clear." He said while leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Tiamali will probably deliver Chablis's semi-finished medicine tomorrow.

When the time comes, give it to primary school students to try and see how it goes.

Experimental subjects should fulfill their responsibilities as experimental subjects.

"That old guy..." Toru Amuro had a complicated expression.

Although in a sense, the other person is his life mentor.

At least when he was still organizing the orphanage, the other party did teach him a lot.

But even so...

I still can't respect the other person from the bottom of my heart.

[Crazy researcher - Chablis]

"Kaa asked me to deliver Chablis' medicine to him. It seems that the young master wants to do the experiment himself." The girl with pink hair and pink eyes, wearing a black sailor suit, sat on the experimental table and kicked her legs gently. road.

"Isn't Chablis' medicine just a semi-finished product?" The tall figure with a brown high ponytail and a white mask said while observing the chemical reaction of the reagent.

"It's just because it's a semi-finished product that it needs to be tested." The pink-haired girl kicked Penon's lower back.

The opponent's hand is still steady.

"Do you need me to accompany you to see the young master?" Penuo asked, lowering his head.

"No, I'll go by myself." Tiamali jumped off the table, patted her skirt, and waved happily.

"I went to find Chablis to get some medicine."

"I'm really looking forward to it. After the drug research is successful...Shirley...the angel's child..."

"I will let her sleep happily." The pink-haired girl held her face in her hands, her pink eyes sparkling with strange light, and her face flushed with excitement.

"Come on." Peino lowered his head and continued to do experiments while saying.

But there was only a sound of the door closing.

Tiamali has left.

"Chabli has to face Tiamali in an abnormal state again..." Peino shook his head.

I was worried for Chablis for a second.

Hope the other person is okay.

Although Tiamali is a member of the organization who is known to hate the presence of researchers.

But in fact, Tiamali just hated the researchers who had experimented on her.

For example, Mr. and Mrs. Miyano, and Shirley.

As for other researchers doing human experiments...

Tiamali didn't care at all.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so close to Penno.

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