COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 496 Kao: I have slept in coffins before

"Is this... I came back from a trip and brought you a gift?" Amuro raised his eyebrows as he watched the scene where the white cat seemed to be offering a gift.

Tsushima Shuji:  …

"The cat can't get the invitation, who gave this invitation to Hill?" Green Chuan looked at the white cat.

The white cat was quiet, let them look at it, and looked a little leisurely.

"Is Hill a male cat? Take it to be neutered." Amuro said with a smile, squinting.

The leisurely white cat suddenly exploded.

"Meow!" it called out loudly.

Shuji Tsushima looked at Hill as if he was really thinking about the feasibility of sterilization.

Under the gaze of the other party, Hill silently fell down.

"Why don't you scold him? How can I sterilize you? It's too cruel... Pffhahahaha..." Tsushima Shuji faced Hill as if to make a suggestion, but he couldn't help laughing.

Hill: can I scold? Can a normal cat speak human words? I scold him with meow meow? This is stupid.

Existence like you is really disgusting.

"How could the cat scold me..." Amuro said with great interest, then paused as if thinking of something.

Speaking of...

Has Harrow scolded himself before?

With the woof...

Although I didn't understand it, the other party started to bark after Kaa gave the swearing order...

Most likely you are really scolding yourself.

Then Hill might be able to scold himself with Meow Meow Meow?

Toru Amuro, lost in thought.

Hill silently stared at the malicious Toru Amuro and the smiling Midorikawa, and then silently looked away.

These two...

It's been blacked out.

It's so black it can't be washed out.

Crazy smell fills the nostrils.

Especially... In addition to these two people, there is a source that is so black that it is completely invisible.

Hill really wanted to run.

If he doesn't run, maybe he won't be able to run away.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell that person to let you go..." Tsushima Shuji apologized innocently with a smile.

"Well, but since you've already come back, then accompany me to an auction before leaving." He extended his hand to invite.

Hill: ...

The white cat looked at Shuji Tsushima quietly for a few seconds, then silently stretched out the cat's paw and placed it in Shuji Tsushima's hand.

"Very good." Tsushima Shuji shook the cat's paw up and down.

Hill: ...I don't want to either.

But I can only please him in order to leave.

Toru Amuro touched his chin and the brain turned frantically.

Hill also suddenly appeared in the apartment at first, and now also suddenly appeared in the apartment.

Could it be that they were sent here again this time?

The one who appeared in Kaa's mouth too, and the one in the mouth of the impostor Gerald Pegasus? Who on earth is it?

Too bad Kaa wouldn't tell them.

Toru Amuro thought sadly.

He also wondered what kind of person Kaa could call that person.

After all, when Kaa mentioned organizing BOSS, his attitude was very disapproving.

But when he mentioned that person, although there was a lot of ridicule, it just... gave people a different feeling.

Or maybe feel a little closer?

"Why did you send Serent's auction invitation specially..." Amuro said in a puzzled tone.

If it is an invitation from the auction house, it should be in the mailbox, not directly sent to Kaa by Hill.

"Let's see what's in the auction..." Tsushima Shuji opened the auction catalog that came with the invitation.

Catalog with simple lot pictures and names.

At the top is a ruby ​​called Pandora's Eye.

It is said to be a ruby, but it is not just pure red. Compared with the popular pigeon blood ruby, the color of Pandora's Eyes is deeper.

But it has a strange charm.

Gu Zhe

It's like... the shadow of misfortune and curse is hidden in the gem.

Just like its name, Pandora's Eye.

Pandora is the gift of the gods, and it is also her hand that opens the magic box of disaster.

Since then, the meaning of Pandora is to bring disaster.

Therefore, another name for this gem is called the Eye of Calamity.

23 carats.

Bidding starts at...


The key is……

"This gem looks a little familiar..." Midorikawa frowned and looked at the introduction map of the lot.

Then he shifted his gaze to Tsushima Shuji's face.

That... kite-colored left eye.

It is very close to the color of the so-called Eye of Pandora or Eye of Calamity.

When they got close to their first reaction when they saw this gem, they thought of Shuji Tsushima.

Almost everyone who knew Shuji Tsushima would think of each other's eyes when they saw this gem.

Although only similar, not exactly the same.

But it gives a very similar feeling.

Shadow...or Calamity?

"And... immortal roses."

"Naturally formed rose amber..."

"Blood of God..." Tsushima Shuji's eyes stopped on the so-called "Blood of God" catalog.

The introductory picture is a drop of red liquid in a crystal bottle.

Tsushima Shuji:...God's blood or people really believe in it?

"What do you guys think about me buying a hundred of these bottles and putting blood in them to auction?" Tsushima Shuji touched his chin without discussing with Toru Amuro and Midorikawa.

"One hundred million dollars a bottle." The tone was very serious.

The white cat that was lying quietly on his stomach suddenly pricked up his ears, and the hair all over his body exploded.

His eyes were full of horror.

"No idiot would believe it." Amuro said angrily.

"Yes, too much is worthless." Tsushima Shuji said with a pity.

There are also antique china from eastern countries, as well as objects from Egypt at first sight.

Golden mask, golden dagger, golden talisman...

"These look like things in the tomb..." Amuro had a complicated expression.

"It's a pity there are no mummies and coffins." Tsushima Shuji said in a dazed tone.

"Coffins and mummies can't be auctioned... Should I say it's okay, or should I say it's a pity?" The blond man smiled brightly.

"...Even if it can be auctioned, no one will buy it." Lu Chuan was speechless and helpless.

Does anyone really want to buy coffins and corpses to go back?

"Kaor, what are you thinking?" Amuro looked at the suddenly silent boy.

"I seem to have slept in an Egyptian coffin before." The boy raised his head thoughtfully.

"No wonder the idea of ​​mummies and coffins pops up in my mind when I think of Egypt!" The young man immediately clapped his hands.

"...You still have this kind of experience???" Amuro was stunned.

Could it have something to do with Osamu Dazai?

What did Osamu Dazai do to Kaa!

Egypt's coffins are out? ! !

"Ah... I seem to have had such an experience. I don't know how long I lay in the coffin..." The young man recalled.

"Anyway, when I woke up, I found myself in..." He said lightly.

But suddenly it got stuck.

hey... where did it appear?

Can't think any more.

will be confusing.

"Well, anyway, I slept in a coffin before. I wrapped myself into a mummy. I think, I am probably going to auction myself." The young man said indifferently after he recovered.

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