Crazy Mobile Games

Chapter 260: The Effect of the Stone Curse Bow

There are more than 400 Minotaurs in the Minotaur barracks, and the elites account for about a quarter of them.

This kind of monster is not easy to deal with, because they not only have rough skin and thick flesh, but also have extremely high attack power.

The physical attack of ordinary Minotaur can directly catch up to the elite of the same level, and the attack power of the elite Minotaur is even stronger, and ordinary people can't bear it at all.


Do they seem slow and unresponsive?

In fact, all Minotaurs have charge skills.

So once the handover is handed over, it will definitely crush you to the point of doubting your life.

"Oh, boss."

"There is a minotaur team ahead."

"Nine in total, seven ordinary monsters, and two bronze elites."

Hang Yu launched an eagle-eye investigation and found nine big men, all of whom were at least four meters tall, burly and strong, with big bull heads on their heads, and seemed to be patrolling, with slow and heavy steps.

The seven minotaurs wear only a pair of shorts and carry an axe. They are ordinary Minotaur soldiers. The two Minotaurs were wearing simple mail armor, and besides a more sophisticated axe, there was an extra huge round shield. This was the Minotaur battle captain, a level 7 bronze elite monster.

The battle captain's fighting power is bursting.

He has more than three fighting skills.

Unless it is a defensive fighter like Lao Zhao.

Otherwise, at this stage, it would be difficult for those at the same level to withstand the offensive.

Two elite minotaurs at the same time? Then even Old Zhao would feel very strenuous!

"Oh, Boss, the number of enemies seems to be a bit high." Er Gou said a bit squarely: "Although Boss Boss is unparalleled in bravery and Ben Wang is very witty, but with only one person and one dog, I'm afraid he is no match for him at all."

"Go and cool off, you useless dog."

"Okay, boss!"

Huskies wagged their tails and immediately stepped aside to watch the boss perform.

Hang Yu first drank two bottles of potion, one bottle of turtle breathing potion and one bottle of latent potion. The former can make people not breathe for a long time, and the latter can hide the smell on the body, both of which can assist in hiding and sneaking. A bottle of mental power recovery potion to ensure sufficient mental power later.


here we go!

Hang Yu drew the stone curse bow and assisted with eagle eye.

He was separated by more than 300 meters of shrubs and jungles, and a level 3 enhanced sniper arrow was shot directly. An unlucky bull-headed soldier was hit between the eyebrows, without even humming, he fell on his back and died!

Level 7 bright green longbow + full-level enhanced skills + fatal position strike.

No matter how strong the vitality of the Minotaur was, it couldn't withstand a sniper arrow from Hang Yu.

First-order heritage archers have three skills.

Assault arrows, sniper arrows, and quick-fire arrows each have their own characteristics.

Assault arrows have a shorter range, a longer cooldown, and are the most powerful.

The sniper arrow has the longest range, short cooldown and strong power.

Rapid Archery has the shortest range, the shortest cooldown, and weaker power.

When the sniper arrow is strengthened by the archer, it can not only effectively kill the target of four or five hundred meters, but also the sound of the arrow piercing through the air is hidden, so it is silent and very sharp.

The minotaur roared angrily again and again.

Searching for the assailant's location.

The Minotaur's attack, defense, strength, and physique are extremely high, but its spiritual sense attribute is very low, so its perception ability is very weak, and its sense of smell and hearing are also average.

Sniper arrows have an extremely long range and are silent.

So in a hurry, the Minotaur couldn't find the target.

Five seconds later, another sniper arrow shot over, and another bullhead was shot.

This time, the Minotaurs finally found the direction of the arrows, and immediately ran towards the jungle where Hang Yu was hiding. They had already entered the normal range of bows and arrows.

"Ambush attack by the wind!"

A new skill is activated.

Hang Yu disappeared transparently.

Let the seven Minotaur lose the target again.

Arrows shot continuously from different positions in front.

The Minotaur was horrified to find that the enemy was clearly nearby.

They were moved and shot face to face, but they just couldn't see where this guy was, and under the effect of the sudden wind attack, Hang Yu would not show up because of the attack.

The level 7 bright green longbow is amazingly powerful.

Even with ordinary attacks, there are still two arrows and one bullhead!

The Minotaur slashed at the air frantically, but couldn't touch Hang Yu at all.

Screaming again and again.

They all fell to the ground.

Hang Yu used the effect of the gust of surprise attack to bully the tauren with low spiritual awareness, and shot five tauren soldiers head-on, leaving only two elite tauren captains, and the arrows continued to fly towards each other.

The two Minotaurs were shot with two arrows respectively.

One of the bull-headed captains suddenly stiffened, and his fur all over his body turned gray, showing the texture of stone... This is the petrification effect of the stone curse bow was triggered!

And at this moment.

Hang Yu's surprise attack disappeared, and his figure reappeared.

Another bullhead captain roared and was about to launch a charge skill.

Hang Yu wouldn't give him this chance - Level 3 Enhanced Assault Arrow!

A radiant arrow was shot from the stone curse bow, like a meteor hitting the bull-headed captain, and the bull-headed captain's skills were interrupted instantly, causing it to retreat several meters in a row and fell into a dizzy state.

Next, Hang Yu launched another archery technique—level 3 enhanced speed archery!

He drew the bow so fast that afterimages almost appeared, three or four arrows were fired at twice the speed of normal arrows, and flew at twice the speed of normal arrows, landing on the two bull-headed captains respectively.

The petrification effect of Captain Bull Head is just about to fade.

It was covered by a new round of petrification effects.

The archer's inherited skill "Rapid Archery" is not a powerful attack skill.

It is very weak in improving the power of arrows, but it can increase the speed of drawing the bow and the speed of arrows, thus having the effect of increasing the rate of fire in an all-round way. This skill is a bit like Feng Gang's "Quick Fist", with almost no cooldown, and mental strength If you can hold it, the arrows will be poured out continuously.

On average, Hang Yu can shoot nearly twice a second.

Arrows shot out like rain, and the speed of the arrows was astonishing, constantly attacking the two captains.

The two majestic elite bull heads were completely suppressed by the stone curse bow. They were like frozen robots. Every time they took two steps forward, they would petrify and freeze for a while, without even a chance to activate their skills.

Stone Curse Bow with Level 3 Enhanced Rapid Archery!

It is not something that two bronze elites can fight against!

Relying on his powerful mental recovery ability and the assistance of the mental recovery potion, Hang Yu's stamina was also amazing. One of the bullhead captains was shot to death soon.

The two bull-headed captains were under the pressure of the stone curse bow.

They could still barely move slowly.

Now concentrate on dealing with one, it is completely frozen in place and cannot move, no matter how powerful the skills are, it cannot be activated, leaving no room for resistance at all.


There was a scream.

The bull's head also fell.

Huskies widened their eyes in disbelief.

Boss, this is too tough!

Pure hard anal a minotaur squad!

Forget about your hard-lived minotaur team!

It actually suppressed all aspects and beat the opponent immobile!

The aura of the Minotaur is very rich. Ordinary minotaur soldiers have 6 or 7 points of aura, and elite minotaur captains have 90+ aura, of which 70% or 80% are absorbed by Hang Yu, and 23% are given to Gouzi.



"It's so cool!"

Er Gouzi jumped around happily.

Although he got less aura, it was too fast and easy.

Hang Yu picked up the spoils.

He glanced at Gouzi: "Do you know how powerful it is? Continue to lead the way!"

Er Gouzi thinks that at this speed, it is not impossible for the boss to collect thousands of auras a day, and he can get a lot of loot, and it is not impossible to destroy a lord monster!

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