Crazy Mobile Games

Three hundred and ninetieth chapters trap

Dang Hang Yu used Hawkeye to investigate.

A towering building stands in the vast desert, tens of meters high, and occupies quite a large area.

Hang Yu is very clear that what he can see with his eyes is only a small part of the building, and most of the parts are buried deep under the sea of ​​sand. What he sees now is just an entrance.

Two centaurs are prowling nearby.

They appear to be quite alert and seem to be observing their surroundings.

Hang Yu stopped investigating and nodded to several people: "Well, it's locked. Both should be warriors, but one is holding a gun and the other is holding a longbow, which means that one is a melee fighter and the other is a long-range archer."

Er Gouzi himself has arrived near the temple.

He activated the latest skill Shadow Demon Wolf. With the cover of this powerful innate skill, the dog was very close in time. As long as he didn't get close to within a hundred meters, he would generally not be spotted by the opponent.

The deity is scouting ahead.

The avatar continued to report the situation: "The ability to hold a bow is slightly weaker, it is at level 13, and the ability to hold a gun is stronger, it is at level 14, but even if it is slightly weaker, it is still stronger than the few little lords defeated before. There are many."

Hang Yu was mentally prepared.

Shamoduo, the envoy of Shaquan City, is no longer as powerful as an ordinary little lord.

Shamoduo was at best an errand runner in Shaquan City.

His status is not as high as that of Highlord Kalimro's close confidant.

These two centaurs are very powerful, so it is not surprising.

Two centaur warriors from Sand Springs.

Maybe there are two or so third-order inheritances.

They have a lot of skills, very good equipment, and their basic attributes are not low. If they fight alone, Hang Yu doesn't have much confidence, let alone others.

Xu Tianhua said: "One is a long-distance attacker and the other is a melee fighter. If we join hands, the combat power cannot be underestimated. Perhaps we should find a way to separate them and kill one of them together."

Zhao Ming said worriedly: "There are open areas all around, and with the centaur's advantage in moving speed,

If they take advantage of their movement speed and rely on their strong mobility to attack us, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to deal with them. "

Hang Yu observed the surrounding environment and began to think about countermeasures.

At this moment, the 14th-level centaur warrior Shaheiwei and the 13th-level centaur archer Shag are patrolling bored near the entrance of the ruins.

Shag held a war bow glowing with blue psychic halo, with an unhappy expression on his face, and complained: "Why doesn't the lord let us enter the ruins? There is no gain in this place!"

Sand Heiwei glared at him and said, "You dare to blame the lord behind your back? You don't want to live!"

"I just feel that it's a pity. I heard that this relic only appears once in a few decades, and there are countless treasures and treasures buried there." Shag said aggrievedly: "I dare not ask for extravagant treasures. I wanted to take this opportunity to , and get some evolutionary energy, which will bring me one step closer to upgrading."

Sand Heiwei said lightly: "Although there are no other great lords nearby, there may be some troublemakers. Don't complain a few words. The great lord asked you to watch the sentry. That is because he thinks highly of you and will definitely benefit you afterwards!"

It can only be the!

Shag was very dissatisfied though.

But in front of the great lord Kalimlo who possesses absolute strength and power.

He didn't have the guts to express his dissatisfaction, and the sand black viper in front of him was the most trusted subordinate of the great lord. If he sued himself afterwards, he might not be able to bear it in the future.

Shug just wanted to say something after reading this.

Suddenly, several sharp eagle calls were heard.

He still hasn't realized what's going on.

The two arrows suddenly descended from the sky with a strong momentum, like falcons pouncing on their prey, hit Shagg's body and knocked him back a few steps.

Shag looked at the arrow, his face suddenly changed: "The eagle attacked the arrow? Someone sneaked up!"

Sand Heiwei was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that someone really came to make trouble.

"Search the true eye!"

Shag himself has the inheritance of the archer sequence, and has activated the third-order inheritance of this sequence. He is naturally very familiar with the second-level skill Eagle Strike Arrow, and as a qualified archer, it is inevitable to be equipped with scouting skills.

Searching for true eyes is a sharp third-level skill.

Shag locked on to the attacker in an instant, "Hey, it's a few races I haven't seen before. They are so brave. How dare they attack our people in Shaquan City."

between talking.

He drew his bow and sent an arrow into the sky.

When the arrow fell, it became tens or hundreds of times larger.

It suddenly turned into a giant arrow that was more than ten meters long and twined with dazzling light!

Hang Yu immediately shouted, "Old Zhao! Take precautions! This is the third-order Sky Attack Arrow!"

Sky Strike Arrow is an advanced version of Eagle Strike Arrow. It is more powerful and has a longer range. It has group attack and group stun effects, which makes people dare not underestimate it!

"The Shield of Heaven!"

Tier 3 skills versus Tier 3 skills!

The huge energy arrow condensed by the white light hit the defense, shattering the defense almost instantly. Although a shock wave was weakened, it still enveloped several people present, causing them to suffer some damage and feel dizzy at the same time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked: "This guy's skills are so strong!"

Hang Yu didn't even think about it, "Withdraw!"

Seeing that he disrupted the opponent with a sky attack arrow, Sha Ge couldn't help sneering in his heart, "With such strength, do you want to grab food from the mouth of Shaquan City? Let's kill them and get rid of them. It's all just looking for something out of boredom." pleasure!"

"Even if the opponent's strength is really not strong, don't be careless, but don't forget what our mission is, and we must not let any mouse get in to disturb the high lord." Sand Heiwei was worried that the opponent would use Tiaohulishan, so he said to Shag: " I'll stay here, you go deal with them, don't take it lightly."

Shug said nothing.

Blessed with several skills

He rushed out like a gust of wind in an instant.

Take it lightly? nonexistent!

The speed of this group of miscellaneous fish is too slow!

Shag is blessed by several speed-up skills, and he thinks that his movement speed can crush the opponent. He has a third-tier archer, and the opponent with the longest attack distance is only a second-tier sniper, and he only holds a second-tier sniper in his hand. Take the green bow.

Movement speed and attack distance are absolutely dominant.

How could there be a risk?

Just fight from a distance.

What can they bear with me?

"Rain of arrows!"

After Shag quickly narrowed the distance, he shot another light arrow. When the light arrow flew over the heads of Hang Yu and the others, it immediately exploded like fireworks. Reaching more than 100 meters is a bit frenzied.

"Pay attention to defense!"

Zhao Ming activated the innate skill Holy Steel Armor.

Then launched a Tier 2 defensive skill.

He blocked most of the attacks by himself, and tried his best to protect Xiaoqiang and Qin Mu, the two crispy anemic guys. As for Hang Yu, Xu Tianhua, and Jiang Nan's defense power is not low, they will not be caught in seconds.

Hang Yu shouted: "Continue to retreat!"

Is there only one centaur chasing after it?

It's a pity that the other centaur chose to stand still!

Hang Yu symbolically fired a few shadow sniper arrows to counterattack, but this attack was meaningless to the centaur. Shag drank a bottle of health restoration potion, grinned grimly and continued to pursue. In his opinion, the opponent's movement speed It is too slow, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to pose a threat to itself.


Chased out more than a thousand meters.

Hang Yu is a little embarrassed here.

If it weren't for Zhao Ming to resist the damage, Xiaoqiang and Qin Mu would have died long ago.

At this time, Sha Ge who was chasing quickly felt something was wrong. A large number of giant ants emerged from the front and rear sand dunes. Just as he passed through the area, they quickly gathered to form a surround.

"A monster?"

Shug didn't care.

He could feel that these giant ants were at most level 11.

Even if it is the leading one, it can't survive the bronze lord, and it can't pose a threat to himself at all. However, when he just had this idea, dozens of giant ants around him lit up at the same time. Before he had time to break through, they instantly caused an explosion.

Nearly a hundred meters were covered.

Shag was engulfed by the explosion at once, and his vitality almost bottomed out in an instant. The lethality produced by more than thirty self-exploding giant ants in an instant is very amazing!

If not run fast.

Lucky to avoid the explosion center.

It's not surprising to be killed in an instant!

(biqu library)

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