Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 85: Passerby King

"What was written in the diary?"

Jiang Qiao held a bucket of popcorn and watched the live broadcast of the Star Scholars team on the Raccoon live broadcast.

The team of Starry Scholars ranked seventh in the Holy Spirit Division of Raccoon Live, but since he ran to the private library with the Jumping Nucleus Guild and found... Queen May's diary.

He changed the title of the live broadcast room to "Live reading Queen Mayi's private diary, friends who want to watch it, hurry up."

The effect of this title was outstanding. Jiang Qiao watched his popularity soar from seventh place to third place.

It's just that the Starry Scholars team didn't have time to read the diary, because he is now with the Jumping Nucleus Guild... being hunted down by Queen Mei.

"I have no right to answer you. His Majesty May will execute all these thieves." Hornet Knight stood behind Jiang Qiao and watched the live broadcast with Jiang Qiao.

She didn't know what kind of weird magic that translucent picture was, but she was very worried when she saw the holy spirits breaking into the palace.

But this worry turned into applause and applause after Queen May killed several intruders one after another.

"If you don't know how to answer, don't answer. Hey, another new guest is here."

Jiang Qiao put down the popcorn bucket in his hand, and another figure fell into the garden. This figure was the strongest knight under Queen May's command, the Lionheart Knight.

The golden armor on his body had already showed a lot of charred marks from the bombing of the holy spirits, but according to Jiang Qiao's prediction, the Lionheart Knight should still be able to withstand the siege of the players for three to seven hours.

"Noren! You disgusting traitor!"

This was the first sentence the Lionheart Knight yelled when he woke up. Not long after he yelled out, he realized that his environment no longer seemed to be the frontline battlefield.

"Siegel! Were you also killed by Norn?" Hornet Knight immediately came to the Lion Heart Knight, and she asked the Lion Heart Knight anxiously.

"He sneaked up on me while I was fighting the Holy Spirit."

The Lionheart Knight climbed up from the ground weakly, but he was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to stand up. Not long after he stood up, his feet softened and he sat down on the ground again.

"Damn it!" The Lionheart Knight slammed his fist on the ground. The royal city is being besieged by the army of the Holy Spirit. Now is not the time for him to rest!

"Before you plan to kill the red knight, do you want to know what they are doing?"

Jiang Qiao came in front of the Lionheart Knight, and opened another live broadcast room with the Tiangong web browsing tool. This live broadcast room was the live broadcast room where the first nanny of the Holy Spirit added milk without increasing the price.

This nanny started her career as an anchor after she discovered that live streaming could make money, but her popularity is not high enough to barely rank tenth.

"Who are you?" The Lionheart Knight looked at Jiang Qiao dressed up as a summoner. For a while, he hadn't connected Jiang Qiao with the enemy.

"Your future landlord, it's a bit troublesome to explain now. Anyway, read this first. It can tell you what the red knight wants to do."

Jiang Qiao pushed the live broadcast of adding milk without price increase to Lionheart Knight. Lionheart Knight actually wanted to chase after Jiangqiao and ask who you are, where is this place, and what should I do? These three major philosophical questions in life.

But after the Lionheart Knight clearly saw the figure of the red-clothed knight Noren appearing on the live broadcast window, he swallowed all his questions and stared at Noren's figure intently.

That look is like a real lion wanting to eat the red knight alive piece by piece.

And the name of the live broadcast room with milk and no price increase is also very interesting "The second day of breaking into the enemy's interior to pick up garbage".

Adding milk without raising the price is still a passer-by player, just the kind of passer-by king-level nanny. In the era of national leveling, her level is leading all the way. Now that there are more than 2,000 full-level players, her equipment Can also be a mistress in some large guilds.

It's just that... for this copy of the battle of the gods, milk and no price were added, and another path was chosen, that is to surrender to the enemy.

Jiang Qiao didn't know what she had done to gain the trust of the red knight, and now she seemed to be a small follower of the red knight.

Today is her second day as the red knight's servant.

"I admit that the power possessed by your Holy Spirit can actually entangle Siegel and weaken him to this extent."

The red knight is on the top floor of his mage tower, and the players attacking the red knight below are fighting the familiars of the red knight. The red knight itself is very fragile, and he gave all the power bestowed by Queen May own familiar.

This also allows the red knight to focus on the plan at hand from the top of the tower.

"But that's the end of it. When Queen May dies, this broken world will disappear along with those holy spirits."

"Terrible and terrible."

Add milk but not increase the price. While answering the red knight, while the red knight was not paying attention, he stuffed some bottles and cans on the table, as well as books, into his backpack.

Jiang Qiao looked at the vigorous action of adding milk without raising the price, and suspected that the child's occupation was not a nurse but a thief.

But in Jiang Qiao's view, there was nothing wrong with this kind of theft. The logic of the players regarding the items in the game was "I spent money to play this game, so everything in the game is my .JPG".

Although Holy Spirit is a free game, this logic still exists.

"But I also appreciate your strength, so before this world is destroyed, I allow you to go to the new world with me." The red knight turned around and said no price increase for the milk.


Add milk without price increase and stuff a magic crystal into the backpack in front of the red knight.

The player backpacks of the Holy Spirit are divided into levels. The lowest level is the fifteen-slot bag and the highest-level fifty-slot bag. A player can equip a maximum of five bags.

The life occupation that adds milk and does not increase the price is a scavenger. As the name suggests, it is a person who picks up garbage. One advantage of this life occupation is that three "residual backpacks" will be rewarded in occupation-related tasks. This backpack is the most advanced fifty-slot bag. , but only limited to some 'other' categories of items, such as materials, garbage, books and so on are all in this category.

With milk and no price increase, with four broken backpacks, when other players are busy fighting monsters, the city is full of garbage and scrapes.

After scraping and collecting, he ran to the mage tower of the red knight. The red knight didn't kill her, and the superb healing technique won the appreciation of the red knight.

After a brief exchange with Milk without price increase, I felt that adding milk without price increase is a talent, so I accepted her as a small follower.

However, this little follower is about to evacuate the mage tower of the red knight.

Jiang Qiao really doubted... After she packed up the items in the mage tower, she would start using skills to dismantle the mage tower into bricks and take it away.

After all, the bricks of this mage tower are quite valuable.

"The Legion of Annihilation is coming, and they will give His Majesty Mei a fatal blow. I think they should understand me. There is no point in saving this decaying world." The red knight added.

"Understand understand."

There is no price increase for milk, and while talking, he packed a wooden table into his fifty-grid bag.

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