Cultivation Begins with Cultivating Spiritual Roots

Chapter 188 King Yang's second hand, a ray of life

Patriarch Dongri and Yang Buyi scuffled together, cursing angrily while fighting.

At the end, I had no choice but to say angrily: "Is it really impossible to solve it now?"

"I really can't solve it, maybe I can solve it in the future, ancestor, you should feel wronged first, besides, I didn't do it on purpose, why did you suck my soul fire?" Yang Buyi said innocently.

"It's unlucky!" Patriarch Dongri was annoyed and at the same time stared at Yang Buyi secretly, "How could your soul fire be golden? After absorbing your soul fire, I actually regained my memory. It's incredible."

"I don't know either, maybe it has something to do with the body training method." Yang Buyi activated the Golden Body Art, and a faint golden light appeared on the surface of the bone body. He would not tell Patriarch Dongri that it was even himself. It is caused by the gold thread that I can't figure out.

"Physical training technique?" Ancestor Dongri stared at Yang Buyi with disbelief, and he had no choice but to accept the fact.

"Boy, what are your plans?" He then asked.

"Cultivate, evolve, find a way out! Presumably the ancestor also thought the same way." Yang Buyi said slowly.

"I don't like body training, ancestor. It seems that I have to practice here, lest I can't even beat you." Patriarch Dongri said, the soul fire jumped for a while, and the mental fluctuations spread out. The creature issued an order, "You all come to Bone Castle!"

"Emperor!" Not long after, a group of bone creatures walked in and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Patriarch Dongri said nothing, and threw the golden halberd in his hand, instantly blasting all the bone creatures, and then gathered the scattered soul fire and bone essence.

Parted out half and handed it to Yang Buyi, "Do you want to eat?"

"These low bone creatures are not very useful to me now, only the White Jade Bone King is useful to me." Yang Buyi shook his head and said.

"Old Ancestor, I know that these are all knocked out from the creatures of hundreds of clans, so I asked you if you want to eat?"

"If you say that, the ancestor will give me half."

Yang Buyi smiled, took the bone essence and soul fire, and walked out of the bone castle with Patriarch Dongri while absorbing it.

"Let's search the surrounding area to see if we can find anyone else," Patriarch Dongri said.

"Okay!" Yang Buyi nodded.

In the next few days, the two searched within a radius of a hundred miles, but did not see a second humanoid bone creature, but saw one or two humanoid skeletons, but no soul fire was born, and the bones were all decayed.

If they didn't find it, the two of them didn't search any more, and they joined hands to head into the depths of the dead place.



Yang Buyi held the hard Heavenly Knife, split open the skull of a white jade king, picked out the blue soul fire inside, and melted it into his own soul fire.

"How many times is this?"

Yang Buyi knocked on the bone ferociously, absorbing the bone essence inside, and asked casually.

"This is the eighth white jade king-level creature." Patriarch Dongri replied casually.

"Is there an eighth?"

Looking at the golden arms, Yang Buyi said slowly, "I don't know how long it will take to reach the Bone Emperor realm!"

Jade bones can be called bone kings, and bones that turn golden can be called bone emperors.

The Patriarch Dongri did not meet the requirements but claimed to be the Bone Emperor.

This is because he owns the immortal rope and has killed too many white jade bone kings. He boasts that he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the bone king, so he shamelessly calls himself this.

After absorbing it, the two went on the road again, moving forward, killing the bone creature to evolve.

A few months passed, and the two of them traveled a full five hundred miles.

During this period, Yang Buyi was used as a bait, and Patriarch Dongri secretly helped him with a fairy rope, and the two joined forces to end too many enemies.

Among them, apart from bone creatures, they also saw evil spirits and half-ghosts.

The evil spirit is a creature formed by the condensed evil spirit, while the half ghost is another creature formed by the evil spirit swallowing the soul fire of the bone creature and occupying the bone body.

Bone creatures occupied by evil spirits will grow blood and flesh on their bodies, but they are rotten and smelly.

The half ghost is very powerful, not only has the advantage of evil spirits attacking soul fire, but also has the advantage of hard bones.

Of course, the title half ghost was also called by Yang Buyi and Patriarch Dongri.

These days, the two cooperated closely and seamlessly. In a few months, dozens of bone kings were beheaded, and half ghosts also killed quite a few.

Yang Buyi's arms and legs have undergone metamorphosis, becoming golden like gold.

The soul fire is burning fiercely and vigorously in the skull, and it has also been greatly enhanced, and the perception is more acute.

Patriarch Dongri also went a step further, turning golden from the chest down.

In the past few months, the hearts of the two have already calmed down, and they are used to living in a dead place.

Grow and evolve!

All day long, they are in full swing to find the mighty Bone King.

Harvest soul fire, absorb bone!

But as they continued to go deeper, the creatures they encountered became stronger and stronger, and every time they encountered creatures whose strength surpassed them, it was a life-and-death struggle.

But Yang Buyi and Patriarch Dongri have an advantage, they already have the memories of today.

Although the previous techniques cannot be used without the support of aura, the ordinary techniques are still there, which can maximize the combat power.

Yang Buyi's set of Tiger Fist has been practiced to a state of perfection, and he has shown his supernatural power. He has killed creatures stronger than him several times with his superb techniques.

The two continue to kill powerful enemies and absorb evolution.

After several months, Yang Buyi's Golden Body Art has reached the sixth level, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.



A few miles away, there were bursts of terrifying roars, shaking all the bones in a radius of ten miles trembling.

As they went deeper, Yang Buyi and the two didn't dare to be too ostentatious.

In the depths, there seem to be more and more high-level bones.

A few days ago, they met a quasi-bone emperor, a bone turtle of hundreds of clans.

Its soul fire is hidden very deep, and its bones are extremely hard and difficult to break.

The movements were extremely agile, even though Yang Buyi suppressed it, it took a long time to kill it.

The roar ahead bursts!

Yang Buyi was keenly aware of the abnormality, and the roar sounded again not long after.

This is a roar from a different bone.

He and Patriarch Dongri speculated that there might be a battle ahead.

The two touched forward, and there was a terrible roar in front of them, and there was indeed a big battle, and it was very fierce.

Yang Buyi and Patriarch Dongri stood on a high slope, staring down, the light from the soul fire pointed directly at the battlefield inside and outside.

There were three quasi-emperors fighting there, frantically fighting together for evolution.

They know that as long as they kill each other and absorb their bone essence and soul fire, they can successfully evolve into emperors.

"Judging from the momentum, it seems that the red-eyes are killing people. Some of the three quasi-bone emperors must fall."

Patriarch Dongri stared ahead and said in a low voice.

"Restrain the coercion, let's get closer." After Yang Buyi finished speaking, he jumped down quickly.

These days, he has been groping for how to suppress his breath.

After several months of trying, he finally figured out some methods slowly.

The soul fire is introverted and calm, like wood turning into steel and carbon. It seems to have cooled down, but it actually contains great energy.

This is the way he found out.

Patriarch Dongri's soul fire suddenly subsided, and he also followed.

The sky was black and the wind was whistling.

Yang Buyi turned into a black light beam, as fast as lightning, there was no stiffness when it shuttled, and the bones did not creak.

The distance of several miles seemed to be close at hand, and soon he arrived with a sky knife.


They are all ferocious skeletons of hundreds of clans.

One hundred clans looks like a spider, one hundred clans looks like a wild monkey, and one hundred clans looks like a hyena. They fight heartily and get carried away.

Here's an opportunity!

There are three quasi-emperors in front of them. If they swallow them all, the strength of him and Patriarch Dongri will surely rise to a higher level.

The three most powerful emperors in this area are fighting each other. If they don't seize the opportunity at this moment, it will make them regret for several years.

The three quasi-emperors fought, and the sparks generated by the fierce collision of bones lit up the sky. This night was undoubtedly cruel.

Yang Buyi turned golden from the chest down, but he was still some distance away from Zhun Huang, who turned golden except for his head.

Patriarch Dongri also failed to reach this step, he only evolved to the shoulders.

His evolution is slower than Yang Buyi's, and Yang Buyi who has the Golden Body Art may soon catch up to him or even surpass him.

Evolution is hard.

The two discovered that the further they go, the harder it is to evolve, and they need to devour a large number of peers to be able to transform.

From the white jade king-level to the current half-gold bone body, he has devoured fifty king-level bones.

This is scary!


The fierce battle ahead interrupted his reverie, and he couldn't help letting go of the distracting thoughts in his heart.

A mile ahead!

The bone monkey is nimble, sensitive and fast, making side attacks, and the golden bone hand shines brightly, like a killer.

The bone hyena is ferocious, fearless of life and death, and its long golden fangs seem to be able to crush everything, fierce and domineering, with boundless ferocity.

The bone spider is firmly on one side, with eight golden bone legs as sharp as spears, baring its teeth and claws, dancing wildly.

Obviously, they have been fighting for a long time.

The surrounding area has been razed to the ground, and no matter what object it touches, it will be shattered.

At this moment, the bone monkey turned into a ghost, dodged the bone spider's spear, shuttled in, and grabbed its lower abdomen.

But the bone hyena went around behind it and went straight to its back door, this is to show its unique skills.

In just a short moment, the situation of the battle changed drastically, the melee of the three bones gradually turned into monkeys and hyenas teaming up to fight the bone spiders.

Yang Buyi was not surprised either, as a bystander, he saw the battle situation very clearly.

The bone spiders were indeed stronger, faintly crushing any of them.

It's no wonder they join forces.

Facing enemies on both sides, the bone spider was a little flustered, but it didn't move half a step away, even if it paid the price of breaking a leg.

This move surprised Yang Buyi, and he watched every move of the bone spider in amazement.

A golden bone leg of the bone spider was bitten off, and its body tilted slightly. The bone leg was like a spear, deeply inserted into the ground, stabilizing its body.

Its soul fire bloomed with a bright blue light, and seemed very angry about what happened to itself.

The bone spider retracted its body, and its bone legs, which were originally seven or eight meters long, began to shrink back. It looked like it was scared.

The bone monkey and the bone mane screamed, extremely excited, as if they wanted to drive it away from this place, but didn't intend to kill it.

The bone monkeys scurry back and forth in the air as a way of deterring them.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

When the bone monkey was flying across the sky, the bone spider suddenly fell to the ground, and its seven golden bone legs joined together as one, directly piercing the bone monkey in the air.

This attack had been prepared for a long time, and the bone monkey had no time to scream, the soul fire was pierced by the bone spear, and died tragically in an instant.

The bone hyena roared, and subconsciously took a step back, but the ferocity in its bones did not allow it to back down, and it roared back and forth at the edge.

Yang Buyi and Patriarch Dongri looked at each other, both showing doubts.

Every creature is afraid of death, and the performance of the bone hyena at this moment surprised them a little.

Not afraid of life and death, apart from feelings, there are only interests left.

There must be something here that makes the bone hyena's heart beat, otherwise it wouldn't put life and death aside.


The bone hyena roared, its hind legs continued to dig the ground, and the black soil splashed backwards like running water.


The bone spider also made a sharp sound, bursts of mental fluctuations penetrated the sky, and countless trees and rocks exploded.

They can become emperors, obviously they have already developed a good spiritual wisdom.

At this moment, it is undoubtedly impulsive to be able to escape from the war.

However, Yang Buyi didn't believe that all three had lost their rationality, and there must be other reasons besides blood feud.


The bone hyena and the bone spider fought together again, without the restraint of the bone monkey, the advantage of the bone spider was magnified infinitely.

It controlled the distance with its seven golden bone legs, blocking the way of the bone hyena.

Although the bone hyena is brave, it can't resist the spear-like spider claws, and it is pierced every time, which is very miserable!


Rocks and sawdust pierced through the air, and black soil filled the field, and the battle situation became more and more anxious.

The bone hyena didn't retreat, and the huge force shattered everything around it with a destructive force.

I thought that the bone mane would retreat very quickly, but it actually became more and more courageous as it fought, as if it was put to death for the younger generation, and had already abandoned everything.

Although the bone body has been scarred and scarred, it is still strong, and it is very likely that if it is not a demon, it will not survive.

Half an hour has passed, and the tragic battle is still going on.

Half of the bone hyena's body was cracked, but the ferocity remained undiminished, and the bone spider also broke a few bone legs, which was also miserable.

In the end, their arrogance was wiped out by each other, and the bone hyena was finally afraid.

Just when it relaxed and was about to retreat, the bone spider finally unleashed a fatal blow.

It was the same move as the one used to kill the bone monkey, and the bones were also merged into spears, piercing through the shattered bone mane.

The enemy fell to the ground, and the bone spider also collapsed, lying on the ground in a pile of scattered bones.

Seeing the two blue soul fires with enormous energy on the ground, Yang Buyi didn't rush out, but waited for a while, and only went out when there was no movement at all.


Just approaching the battle site, all of a sudden, the scattered bones exploded, and a golden bone spear came into Yang Buyi's eyes with majestic power.

With such a swift and fierce attack, a long golden streak was drawn in the air, and sparks crackled and exploded.

The golden bone spear has the potential to penetrate him with one blow.

This bone spider is so sinister that Yang Buyi is surprised, this is his unique trick to make a fortune, I didn't expect that the bone spider is also familiar with this method.

Faced with this attack, Yang Buyi was not afraid, and cut horizontally with the Heavenly Saber in his hand.


With a sound of collision, it was immediately sent flying by the bone spear.

The bone spider neighed, taking advantage of the victory to pursue, and its sharp bone legs came together again to kill.

At this moment, a thin golden thread appeared out of nowhere, entangled all the bone legs of the bone spider, preventing it from getting any further.

"Hey, it's over if it's locked by my ancestor's fairy-binding rope. Boy Yang, it's already dead and has lost its fighting power. Hurry up and kill it with one knife." Ancestor Dong Ri smiled and said.


The bone spider's golden bone legs were restrained, and it was extremely annoyed immediately. It looked at Patriarch Dongri ferociously, as if a little surprised that a low-ranking white jade bone king dared to offend its quasi-emperor.

Feeling the aura of the bone spider and the turbulent struggling strength, Yang Buyi smiled, and secretly sighed that this guy was really pretending to be dead before.

The bone spider was annoyed, it struggled to no avail, it was actually a little scared.

Seeing this, Yang Buyi stopped hesitating and rushed out decisively.

Although the bone spider is powerful, it has already been maimed by the bone mane and the bone monkey, and now it has its bone legs locked, so it has lost its combat effectiveness.

Yang Buyi jumped up immediately, and slashed down with the Heavenly Saber, although there was no spiritual power flashing from the saber light, but it condensed the supreme saber momentum, which can be called terrifying.

With a powerful slash, all the golden bone legs of the bone spider were cut off with a bang.

Flipping the palm and swinging the knife, he slashed out again, and the bone spider was instantly opened, and the skull was instantly shattered, leaving only a group of intact blue soul fire.

There were bursts of mental fluctuations screaming in the soul fire, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!" It was the bone spider begging for mercy.

Yang Buyi slapped the knife, and smiled with great interest: "Don't kill you? Tell your secret, maybe I will spare your life!"

"Secret? What... secret? I don't know?" The bone spider kept trembling.

"I don't know, then you go to die!"

Without hesitation, Yang Buyi closed his bone hands, his power spread, and in the next second the bone spider's soul fire would explode, and his consciousness would be completely annihilated.

"No...don't..." The bone spider screamed again and again.

"Huh?" Yang Buyi paused, "Do you have any last words? I have always been kind-hearted, and I allow you to say it."

"My lord, they just want to devour my soul fire, there is really no secret..."

With a bang, before it finished speaking, Yang Buyi directly blew its soul fire.

"If you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, death is not a pity."

Yang Buyi's soul fire didn't fluctuate at all, it was cold and heartless.

Patriarch Dongri looked at him and said, "Boy, what do you think?"

"Just now the bone spiders guarded this territory and refused to leave, obviously their secret is here." Yang Buyi pointed to his feet.

Immediately, he raised the Heavenly Knife and slashed towards the ground. With a loud bang, a large crater several meters deep exploded on the ground.


The sky knife kept falling, and the mud pit was gradually getting bigger.

A few meters, ten meters, twenty meters, until thirty meters, a faint fragrance wafted from the pit.

This fragrance is very special. When smelling this fragrance, the soul fires of Patriarch Dongri and Yang Buyi jumped violently, as if they were ignited.

"This fragrance is..." Ancestor Dongri and Yang Buyi looked at each other, their souls trembled, and they went towards the pit at the same time.

There is a pool of green liquid below, and a faint green mist lingers on the surface of the liquid, rolling without dispersing.

The two showed shock after just one glance.

"What is this green liquid? It actually contains huge vitality, and it also contains extremely pure spiritual energy. This... is this a kind of earth spirit liquid?"

Yang Buyi's soul jumped violently, and he was a little incoherent, "Old Ancestor, you are well-informed, do you know what this green body fluid is?"

He looked at Patriarch Dongri.

"I don't know, but there is no doubt that this green liquid is definitely an extraordinary heaven and earth spirit. The earth spirit liquid is not a fart in front of it. My ancestor, I feel ashamed just by looking at it. Muscle is growing, boy, we seem to have a hair!" Patriarch Dongri looked at Yang Buyi and became excited.

"Live! A gleam of life, old ancestor, do you think this is the gleam of life that senior Xu Jieyang said? His backhand?" Yang Buyi suddenly thought of this.

"Absolutely, otherwise how can there be life in this dead place? It's just that although this pool of green liquid contains a huge amount of life, it's a little less. My ancestor, I have a vague feeling that it's not enough for me to reach the point of bone regeneration." Dong Dong Old Ancestor Ri said.

"Old Ancestor, since Senior Xu Jueyang has left behind, then this green body fluid is definitely not limited to this one place, there must be other places." Yang Buyi concluded.

"I hope so! Boy, get it up quickly!" Patriarch Dongri was in a great mood.


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