Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 311: Zong Tianwei's invitation!

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Bai Zhenshan's situation is not optimistic. Although Wan Dong promised to give it a try, he was at the risk of living and dying with Bai Zhenshan. This made everyone's mood as heavy as the lead. The next banquet, then Some are boring. Even if the chef's cooking skills really shine, they haven't fully mobilized the atmosphere of the banquet.

After the hasty end, Wandong took Luo Xiao back to Dingshan King's Mansion. That night, he began to use Dao Qi to continue the meridian for Luo Xiao and make up the Yuan Mansion. Luo Xiao had doubts in his mind at first, but when he felt for himself that his already broken meridians were slowly rejoining, even the broken Yuan Mansion was reunited again, under the radiance of a golden light, closing slowly, All the doubts in the mind disappeared immediately, and the fighting spirit rose again.

This lasted for three days, Luo Xiao's broken meridians and the broken Yuanfu have been restored, and even the repairs were restored to 10%. In Luo Xiao's view, this is simply a miracle, and naturally a surprise.

Wan Dong also breathed a sigh of relief. He originally estimated that it would take ten days for Luo Xiao's cultivation ability to recover as before. Now it seems that at most six or seven days, Luo Xiao will be able to recover.

"Brother Luo, how are you doing, are you better?" Liu Kerr carried a plate of dim sum that looked very delicious, and walked in with Wang Yangde.

Three days ago, when Wan Dong brought Luo Xiao back, seeing that Luo Xiao was bathed in blood, and looked weak, Wang Yangde and Liu Kerr did not mention how nervous they were, and felt even more angry. If it were n’t for Wan Dong ’s solemn refusal, Wang Yangde ’s designation would rush to Guoshi Mansion.

Luo Xiao looked at the two of them and smiled, "Brother Xu has healed me, and you have taken good care of me. I can't think of it anymore! Haha ..."

As the injury slowly healed, Luo Xiao regained his former demeanor. This was Wang Yangde and Liu Kerr, who were most happy.

"Come, try the crispy rice cake I made. After eating, keep your hello faster!" Liu Keer smiled and handed the dim sum in front of Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao was about to reach out, and Wang Yangde beside him suddenly said, "Brother Luo, please leave me a few pieces."

Luo Xiao was stunned and asked, "Why, didn't you eat?"

Liu Kerr turned his head straight and gave Wang Yangde a fierce glance, and said to Luo Xiao, "Brother Luo, don't leave him! I only found out now that he has eaten a whole thing, and has eaten more than a dozen pieces, not enough!"

"Nonsense, where is there more than ten pieces? Only ten pieces!" Wang Yangde touched his nose and quickly defended.

"Ten yuan is still too little? I made only twenty yuan, okay? While going cool, these are Brother Luo and Yaoting, not your part!" Liu Keer's mouth is fierce, but his face Laughing, it hasn't diminished from beginning to end.

It is said that if a woman wants to keep a man, she must first keep his stomach. This is not false at all. It used to be that Liu Kerr tried to haunt Wang Yangde, but now it's the whole way around, especially when it comes to meals, Wang Yangde is like a fly that can't be rid of. It is to add some sweet troubles to Liu Kerr.

"Hahaha ..." Seeing that Wang Yangde and Liu Kerr seemed to be looming, they had to pierce that layer of window paper. Luo Xiao was even happier than the two of them, and laughed extremely.

"Master, I know you have a small appetite and can't eat much. Do you want me ..."

"Don't!" Waiting for Wang Yangde's words to finish, Wandong Benhuo stood up, stretched out his hand, and rolled over the half of his own crispy rice cake, swallowing with a big mouth.

It wasn't Wan Dong deliberately teasing Wang Yangde. It is true that Liu Kerr was very good at making snacks. Even Ning Shan praised him and even consulted him from time to time. It is rare to be able to get Luo Xiao's light and have a good time, Wandong will not be cheap Wang Yangde.

"Master, you ..." Seeing a few pieces of crispy rice cakes in a blink of an eye, only the residue left, and even the residue finally entered Wan Dong's mouth, Luo Xiao's face suddenly Collapsed. There is still Luo Xiao there, but Luo Xiao is the sick number, and Wang Yangde's thick skin is embarrassing to grab him.

"Yao Ting, I really regret it now!" Looking at Wan Dong, Luo Xiao suddenly sent out a long emotion.

Astonished, Wan Dong asked "regret?"

Luo Xiao nodded heavily, and said solemnly, "I regret it. Why didn't I pull my face back then, like Yang De, worship you as a teacher?"

When Wan Dong's Dao Qi circulated in Luo Xiao's body, Luo Xiao could clearly feel the majestic power contained therein, and then Luo Xiao began to regret. Where Wandong is

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