Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 324: The thief who broke into Dingshan King's Mansion!

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A sudden knock on the door interrupted Duan Lengyan's thoughts. Duan Lengyan was unhappy, tufted her eyebrows, and was about to let Pi Xiong open the door. The door was violently pushed from the outside. There was a loud noise, fortunately the quality of the door was good, otherwise it must be broken.

Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing stepped in like no one else. Jin Xidao seemed to haven't seen Duan Lengyan, his eyes were only searching in the room, and after confirming that only Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong were in the room, he set his sights on Duan Lengyan.

"What about Xu Yaoting?"

When Jin Xidao and Fu Chuanjing heard the clamor in front, they came out to see what was happening. Hearing people said that Xu Yaoting was here, Jin Xidao exploded on the spot, and the wind was like that. As a result, when I pushed the door, it was still a little late, and the figure of Xu Yaoting was already dead.

Looking at Jin Xi, who was a little bit angry, Duan Lengyan sneered and said, "Just left!"

As soon as Duan Lengyan's words fell, Fu Chuanjing suddenly slammed himself, swept out of the window, returned a moment later, toward Jin Xidao, shook his head sullenly, obviously no shadow of Xu Yaoting was found.

Xu Yaoting was close at hand, but he didn't encounter it. How could Jin Xidao not be angry? The work of an old face in the blink of an eye became pig liver color, and his anger continued to gather. His eyes flashed with sparks, "Why don't you keep him!"

"Why do you want to keep him? Does Jin San want to invite him to dinner?"

"You!" Jin Xidao roared in a rage, and suddenly raised his palm high.

Pi Xiong was shocked in his heart and hurriedly shouted "Sir Jin, what do you want to do!"

"Why does that make sense!" Jin Xidao raised his palm high, suddenly split on a chair, but after all did not fall on Duan Lengyan's body. But even so, it still made Duan Lengyan a cold sweat.

She really didn't expect that Jin Xidao would be so obedient, so she wanted to beat her, and that's okay?

But soon, Duan Lengyan calmed down and stared at Jin Xidao, saying, "San Jin, you let me keep Xu Yaoting, would you want to start here? Simply confused! So many eyes outside watching Xu Yaoting walk in If there is something wrong with him here, have you thought about the consequences? This is the Qingyun Empire after all, not the Iron War Dynasty! And, I will never allow it, because your Jin family ’s personal grievances will us Tianbao Pavilion is also in! "

"You ... you said that between me and Xu Yaoting, there was a private grudge?" Jin Xidao asked with glaring eyes.

Duan Lengyan sneered and said lightly, "Is it a personal grudge, you know it yourself!"

"Did you want to protect the cub?"

"I have nothing to do with him, why should I cover him?"

"That's good! The old man puts the words here. In any case, the old man will break the cub's body!"

Duan Lengyan snorted softly and said, "Then I will put my words here too. What you want to do with Xu Yaoting has nothing to do with this palace. However, you'd better not be involved in Tianbao Pavilion!"


After leaving Tianbao Pavilion, Wan Dong did not go anywhere, and went directly to Dingshan King's Mansion. Wan Dong couldn't figure out for himself. How could he believe Duan Lengyan so much, the feeling between people is really an unpredictable thing, completely idealistic!

Back at Dingshan Palace, just before entering the door, Wan Dong suddenly found something wrong. At the gate of Dingshan King's Mansion, there were only six guards guarding it, but at this time it suddenly increased to twelve, and each one had a dignified face and a vigilant face, which made the atmosphere very nervous.

Entering Dingshan King's Mansion, Wan Dong felt that the atmosphere was not right. The place where no one was guarding was added guards at this time. People who come and go are all worried about their faces, and their feet are moving fast.

"What's going on?" Wan Dong was suspicious and was about to ask Xu Wenchuan. A faint cry came from the back hall.

Wan Dong's mind was even tighter, his figure swayed, and he swept to the back hall like a ghost.

When he came to the back hall, Wan Dongli discovered that Xu Wenchuan, Ning Shan, Hu Jingqi, Hu Yue, Balinger, Wang Yangde, Liu Kerr, Luo Xiao and other people were all there. Tone.

Quickly stepped forward, Wan Dong Li saw that a young layman was lying on the ground, already no longer alive. Surrounded by several young men and women, crying sadly, it seems that they are usually good companions with this young man.

"Xiao Linzi?" Wan Dong could not help but exclaimed.

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