Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 331: Strange guests!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

In order to break through the bottleneck as soon as possible, Xiu Wei raised another level, Wan Dong stayed up all night. It wasn't until the three strokes in the day that someone knocked on the door before receiving the credit. Unfortunately, it's still a little bit worse. Originally, Wan Dong planned to go to Leng's house as soon as he made a breakthrough and pick up Leng Yuecui. At present, he is afraid that he has to wait a few more days.

A long breath of turbid breath, the essence of qi, twirled around Wandong's body, Wandong felt refreshed, his body was like that feather, and seemed to have no weight. With just a little breeze, you can go with the wind, and you are at ease.

Opening the door, Wang Yangde stood outside.

Wan Dong frowned, saying, "You are not going to practice your sword, but you are running to disturb my dreams, are you looking for a fight?"

Since being a human teacher, Wan Dong has always felt that, when necessary, he should take out the dignity and majesty of the human master. Just like Sun Daobai, in Ye Ling's eyes, it was a divine deity, and his words and deeds made Ye Ling obey the law and did not dare to violate it. What Master does, it is called Shuxin!

It's a pity that Wang Yangde apparently does not have Ye Ling's ‘spirituality’ and turned a blind eye to Wan Dong ’s majesty, always with such a smile on his face, as if looking for a pumping look, which made Wan Dong cry.

"Master, the old prince asked you to go to the vestibule."

Wan Dong frowned slightly, and asked in surprise, "My grandpa has something?"

Wang Yangde shook his head and smiled and said, "There is a guest in the vestibule, who is named to see you."

"Guest? Who?"

Wang Yangde's smile suddenly increased a little bit of insignificance, and Chong Wandong blinked and said, "I don't know, but ... it's very beautiful, especially those eyes, it's very hooked. When you see someone, it makes people ... Gee! Definitely a stunner on earth. "

Looking at Wang Yangde's expression of YY, Wan Dong looked at him for a moment, and looked at him for a few moments. He thought, "I don't see it, this guy is still a dull type."

But Wang Yangde's words also caused Wan Dong's curiosity. The figure is vertical, floating like a cloud towards the court. By the time Wang Yangde came back to God, Wan Dong's figure had already swept away dozens of feet away. Wang Yangde was shocked in his heart and spit out a sentence, "Rely! Master's cultivation, it seems that he has improved a lot! , Do you still make people alive? "

As soon as he stepped into the vestibule, Wan Dong froze, with a graceful figure in front of him, protruding forward and backward, exquisite and exquisite, making people daydream infinitely, which can be called a beautiful landscape. But at this time, Wan Dong didn't have the intention to appreciate it, but was shocked in his heart. "Why is Duan Lengyan coming, she is not afraid of being beaten by Xu Wenchuan?"

The last time Duan Lengyan and Wu Qiujun appeared together in the Dingshan Mansion, Wan Dong can be said to be impressed. At that time, if it was n’t Wan Dong, Xu Wenchuan ’s face had to be stripped away by this teacher and apprentice. Xu Wenchuan was angered by the thunder and scolded his mother!

But soon, Wan Dong found that he was worried, Xu Wenchuan smiled like a flower at this time, looking at Duan Lengyan's eyes was like looking at his own granddaughter, all the eyes showed satisfaction. With love, where does it look like you will catch people?

"Auntie, I didn't prepare any decent gifts last time. I happened to see this golden hairpin a few days ago. At first glance, I felt that it was particularly suitable for your temperament. Put it on you! "

Duan Lengyan's mouth was very sweet, and what she said was like high-concentration syrup, even Wandong was a little confused, not to mention Ning Shan, and she couldn't help but smile. But what Wan Dong didn't even think of was that Duan Lengyan really deserved to be the third princess of the Iron War Dynasty. The gold hairpin was studded with various seven-color gemstones. Although the size was different, the quality was all of the same superior quality. Especially in arranging and arranging, it is obvious that I have thought a bit, perfect embedding, complement each other, and it is natural, it is simply a coincidence. Duan Lengyan said that it happened to happen, but in fact he may have spent much thought. This golden hairpin is precious and beautiful, and even Ning Shan has no way to be indifferent.

In fact, Ning Shan was deeply attracted by his first glance. Women, nature is not immune to these colorful stones.

Duan Lengyan was so thoughtful and able to do what she wanted, and it was no surprise that Ning Shan coaxed her lips together. What makes Wan Dong strange is why Duan Lengyan should do this? It's as if the daughter-in-law who hasn't crossed the door coaxes her in-laws.

As soon as Xu Wenchuan looked up, he saw Wan Dong standing by the door stupefied, and immediately

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