After reading the travel notes written by the old man surnamed Wang, Zou Heng probably had some guesses about the situation of other people. From their dresses and what they are doing now, they can probably be judged about their identities. Since they come from different places and can get together, they can only be explained in four words like-minded.

Except for the old man with the surname Wang, other busy old men soon completed their works and invited Zou Heng to come and taste them.

Zou Heng walked over and took a look, and found that there was a picture that was just drawn on an unfolded table. The content of the painting was exactly the scenery of the two mountains, and there were several figures in it. It was the people they were present, including Zou Heng. However, after careful counting, Zou Heng found that there were two more characters in this painting than the actual people here. He couldn't help asking the old man who was painting. .

"The painting of the old gentleman has a great artistic conception. It is a rare masterpiece. It's just that there seem to be two more characters in this painting. I don't know why?"

As soon as Zou Heng said this, the old man who painted the painting immediately sighed and said: "The two extra people on this painting are our companions who traveled with us before, but the two of them, one of them unfortunately came out on the road. In the event of an accident, one person is helpless and unable to come here together for us. We can only draw these two people into the painting as a commemoration!"

Hearing these words, Zou Heng nodded, thinking that these people seemed to have traveled a lot and had a lot of experience.

As if guessing Zou Heng's thoughts, the old man dressed like a warrior also spoke at this time.

"Our group of old guys actually only had four people when they started off. However, when we were on the road, the number of people increased a little, but some people left our team for various reasons, so now we are left. A few of us now."

"The old man's surname is Chu. I can tell by looking at my dress. I am a man in the army. When I was young, I served in the army. Although I had been an official and a half, I was a small official who could not be on the stage and left the army. After the middle school, I found that I was really not used to the days when I was retired and returned to the fields. Finally, I recalled that there were too few places I have been to in this life. I was waiting for the guard to be so big, but we have not really seen it yet. So I wanted to see Da Cang, so I came out with them."

"The warlock over there was the first to come out with me. His surname is Zhang, and he also walked around with me. He can walk so far safely on this road, thanks to him!"

When the old man surnamed Chu said this, the old warlock also smiled and said.

"Let this mage laugh, in fact, according to the rules of the warlock, I should call you a senior, but I am this old, I will rely on the old to sell my old, call you a mage, please bear with me!"

"The mage must have understood the situation of these few of us now. This life is too fast. When I was young, I always wanted to do something big so that everyone would know your name. However, the strength is not enough. Being able to live while dreaming, ended up like this for most of my life."

"My aptitude is average, and I don't have any good inheritance. I have practiced for a lifetime. I am still working hard. As a result, I have reached the realm of alchemists. Seeing that I am running out of time, I called a few friends and went out together for a tour. In fact, I am a bit reconciled. I want to see if I can travel around to see if I can break through to the Profound-Tongxuan realm before I die, so I can gain a few more years of life!"

Having said this, his tone paused for a while, then looked at the other elders in the team, and then pointed to the elder who was carving on a stone and said.

"The craftsman's surname is Wu, and he has been a craftsman for a lifetime. He has a very peaceful life. His wife has gone, and the children have already married each other. He wanted to leave the most satisfactory works before his deadline, so he joined us. Come out together!"

The old man who was carving heard the words, his hand movement did not stop, but his voice rang.

"Let this master laugh. He has been a craftsman for a lifetime. He is busy working for life, that is, when he is old, he has some time to calm down and settle his skills. Think about the teachings of the master when I was studying with the master. I understand a little bit now, but unfortunately my body can't last for a few years. I can move around now and leave some more things around. Maybe future generations will still remember my name!"

Once the old man had finished speaking, an old man next to him smiled and said: "Yes, I have gone through life in this world, and I just left. I always feel empty in my heart. If I can leave something for future generations, let the future generations. If someone remembers your name, it won't be a waste of time to come here in this world!"

As soon as his words fell, the warlock surnamed Zhang spoke again: "This is Doctor Xu. He is a pharmacist with very good medical skills. He came out with us to write a medical book for himself and revise some of the medical books of his predecessors. Among the mistakes and omissions, the person next to him was named Xia, a musician. He said that he wanted to hear the wind of the mountains and the sound of the flowing water."

After the introduction, even if all the people present have introduced them, Zou Heng already knows their respective identities and goals.

In general, these people are actually people who have a certain ability and are considered to be good people in the world. They are either scholars or have skills. At least these people should all be literate.

A group of such people, when they are old and about to die, travel together in a group, which can actually make sense.

After all, the meaning of reading is to be wise. When you have an open mind, you will naturally think more. When you can fill your stomach and meet your material needs, you will consider your spiritual needs.

There is a more ridiculous way to describe these people. They can be regarded as a group of people who have nothing to do after eating and want to pursue the meaning of life. After all, for the vast majority of people in this world, survival is already It is not easy to be able to pass this life safely, it is already an extravagant desire, how can one consider what is left in this life.

Of course, this kind of statement is just a narrow ridicule. Zou Heng still admires these people who can still get together and want to do something when they are old.

Life is precious. How to live one's life well without regrets in one's life is a topic that will be repeatedly brought up and discussed even in Zou Heng's previous life.

In the limited life, who doesn't want his life to be colorful, when lying in bed and letting go, he can think of scenes before his eyes, making himself feel that this life is enough.

But the reality is that there are only so few people who can make their lives wonderful. The lives of most people are just empty and boring. This is not to say that most people have not done well. Live your life, but the pressure of survival and the influence of the environment have killed all your wonderful fantasy in life.

In such an environment, the occasional glimmer of light, that time of brilliance, becomes a precious memory worth remembering in your life.

The night is getting darker, but at the top of the two mountains, it is very warm at this time, and the light is also very bright.

Zou Heng helped these old people shield the cold wind and provided them with light. He also heard their experience from them and watched some of the results they had done before.

Compared to themselves, these experiences are actually nothing. The past few years have been wonderful without them, but when people encounter something in a different position, they look at it from a completely different perspective. The experiences they spoke of made Zou Heng feel that he had gained a lot, and his heart was slightly moved.

Zou Heng saw the old man surnamed Wang, he wrote more than 20 travel notes, the first few, although the standard is good, in fact, compared with the latter is obviously a bit worse, and from the article, you can also feel To a kind of sorrow and sorrow, lamenting the passage of time, lamenting the appearance of easy old age, and lamenting the wasted life of my own life.

But the farther he went, he could gradually understand the changes in his mood from the article, he became more and more cheerful, more determined, and he could also feel a sense of unwillingness and relief.

From the painter, Zou Heng can also see his improvement in his level and a transformation of his mood through more than a dozen paintings, as well as the prescriptions compiled by the pharmacist. It is also possible to record and modify some contents. Seeing that the other party has gained a lot during the tour.

There is also the sorcerer surnamed Zhang. The opponent is mainly improving in cultivation. Although his cultivation was in the late stage of the alchemist realm, there is still a big gap between him and the Tongxuan realm, but now he is traveling all the way. , His cultivation has reached the point where it can impact the Tongxuan realm, and Zou Heng also saw that the opponent should have cultivated a magic technique to the realm of true meaning. As a result, this elderly warlock has already had an impact. The possibility of Tongxuan realm is only very small.

In contrast, the old man surnamed Chu, he didn't seem to have gained much in addition to his experience in this way. At his current age, his martial arts can only get worse and worse with his body. With constant degradation, there is basically no possibility of progress.

But everyone in this team did not regret coming out to travel, because at their age, if they don't do anything they want to do, then there really is no chance.

During the chat, they also mentioned to Zou Heng that they met their companions who had walked along the way. Some people envied them and followed them all the way, but then they gave up, and others chose to be in a new place. Stopping and spending their last days there, trivial things are their experiences, Zou Heng listened to their narration, but he heard a feeling of emotion.

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