Daomu Biji

Qinling Sacred Tree Chapter 39 Diary

The cave was about to collapse, and big and small rocks were thrown at my head at any time. If I stayed for a second longer, I would be in danger of being buried under the rocks. In this case, it was good to have a road in front of me, so how could I care? In addition, I grabbed him and shouted to him: "Why can't you go in? If you don't go in, are you waiting to die outside?"

Lao Itch said: "The situation inside is unknown, you should take a look first before talking!"

I said to him: "I can't control that much. Look at this situation. It's a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, so I have to break into it." Then I pulled him and walked into the cave.

Lao Itch stiffened his hand to prevent me from pulling him in, and said: "Please listen to me, you really can't go into this hole!"

As he was about to pull me out, I was furious. I was about to ask him if he wanted to die or something, but suddenly a stone suddenly fell down. I quickly let go, and both of us fell back. The stone fell across the middle of us with a "bang", and the collapsed hole was suddenly blocked.

I was so frightened that I hurriedly shouted and asked him if he was okay. After a long time, I heard him groan and replied: "It's okay. He was hit on the head. It's not collapsed anymore. What's wrong with you?" Sample?"

I told him that I was fine, and I pushed the stone, but it didn't move at all, until the way in was cut off, so I looked around. Originally, I thought it was another cave on the rock wall, and there must be an exit on one side. However, now that I saw it, But it is a closed space, very narrow, like a natural mountain gap, and the scene always feels familiar.

After climbing a few steps on the gravel, I suddenly realized that this was also a collapsed cave. However, the collapse here was several years old. Everything that should have collapsed has collapsed, and the ground is full of gravel.

I was just wondering why this giant snake was so powerful. Several impacts had knocked the hard rock into this shape. Now that I think about it, it turns out that there has been a collapse here. The last accident must have caused great damage to the surrounding rock formations. The rock that looks solid on the surface has actually cracked inside. When the giant snake hit it, it finally exploded and collapsed out of this passage.

He looked above his head. It turns out that this is the gap between two collapsed boulders. Judging from the degree of fit, it should be very strong. Even though the outside is still colliding, only dust is scattered here.

The giant snake seemed to have used up its strength, and it became lighter every time it hit it, and finally calmed down.

I was in shock, remembering that Lao Itch had just pulled me, if I hadn't let go in time. Now that he has become a meat pie, he is very angry. He said angrily from behind the stone: "What kind of wrong medicine did your mother take just now? She almost killed you."

Lao Itch was blocked by stones and couldn't get in even if he wanted to. He also said, "I took the wrong medicine. Why don't you say you're awkward? Look how good it is now."

what to do? "

I picked up a few rocks and saw Lao Itch's flashlight shining through the cracks in the rocks. However, the largest stone is at least as big as the Table of the Eight Immortals. The gap I can see is limited. I can stretch my hand out, but I definitely can't get out.

I hit it with a stone several times, and a few white stubbles came out. The two stones have the same hardness, so it is very difficult to smash it. Lao Itch saw that the broken stone I hit on my head started to loosen again, and he quickly asked me to stop doing it. He said, "Take it easy, if I hit it again, it will collapse again."

I said: "Extending your head and shrinking your head with a knife are just like a knife. Anyway, you will either collapse or starve to death, so don't worry so much."

Lao Itch said: "It's better not to leave. Before we are at the end of our rope, you should look around first to see if there is anything special. Call me right away."

I looked around and saw that it was not dark in the middle of winter here. I saw that there was only gravel, and I told him that there was nothing inside.

He was silent for a moment and asked: "Is there really nothing? Take a closer look."

I said, "Why are you lying to me? This is a place with a bigger butt. I must have seen something."

Lao Itch said: "Okay, look carefully. I'll go to the front to see if it's so tightly blocked. Maybe there's still a gap where I can crawl out."

As he said that, he moved the flashlight away. I rested on the stone for a while, crawled into the gap, and looked around and knew that there would be no exit. The stone on top of my head weighed several tons, making it difficult for me to move. I'm afraid I won't be able to leave here for a year and a half.

After walking further inside, there was no way. Just as I was about to turn back, I suddenly saw something that seemed to be painted on the stone wall, so I quickly went over to take a look.

When I first looked at it, I thought they were some graffiti-like cave paintings. They were very primitive. They might have been left by the ancestors who cast bronze trees. But when I took a closer look, I found that it was not the case. The patterns on these graffiti were of an airplane and an airplane. A few English letters, this is the work of modern people.

Who would do these things in a place like this? I was very confused.

Half of the graffiti was buried in the pile of rubble at my feet. I moved the stones away to see what was painted on it. After removing a large stone, a group of dark rags appeared, which seemed to be a pieces of clothing.

I pulled apart the rag, and the human hand, which had been shriveled and rotten to the point of exposing the bones, was exposed. His hands were claw-like, as if he was trying to crawl out of the rubble, and he finally died of exhaustion.

I was startled and almost screamed. How could there be a dead person buried here? Could it be that he was buried alive here when the cave collapsed? So who is this person?

I continued to move the stones, and soon, a corpse appeared. The corpse had completely decomposed. It seemed that it had been buried here for many years. The clothes on it were in tatters. Looking at the texture, I couldn’t tell what it was. What color, but judging from the amulet hanging around his neck, this person may be here to fight upside down just like us.

Thinking of the corpse I saw at the bottom of the waterfall, it was almost as rotten as him. Maybe these two people were in the same group. It was true that people died for money and birds died for food. These two people might be my fate.

I continued digging and dug out the entire body, and found another backpack. It was extremely rotten. It was almost empty, with only some black residue. I didn’t know what it was made of. I looked through the back again. , a notebook fell out from the mezzanine.

The notebook is falling apart. Fortunately, the paper was of good quality, and the words written on it with a blue ballpoint pen were still out. I picked it up and looked at it. There were diaries on the front, some geographical locations and phone numbers. I turned to the back, and suddenly I was stunned. There were some at the back. Diary, time to read the first article. I think I started recording it three years ago.

This person's handwriting is relatively childish, so he probably isn't very good at writing prefaces. Each diary entry only has about a hundred words. I quickly flipped through a few pages and felt chills running down my spine.

Judging from the records in the diary, this person should have come here three years ago. The diary did not record the process of his arrival, but started recording when he was trapped in this cave. But in the following content. Occasionally, he mentioned his experiences before he came in.

There should be a total of eighteen in their group, because it is in one of the articles. He mentioned: I am the only one left among the eighteen people. It also mentioned that they did not enter through our route, but from a huge tree hole wrapped in aerial roots in the banyan forest on the top of the mountain.

We also passed by that banyan forest at that time, but the locals said it was haunted. Once we got in, we couldn’t get out, and we were in a hurry to get on our way. I didn't go into this muddy water, and I didn't expect that there was such a big fish in it. If I had known this, I wouldn't have had to go through so many troubles.

But as I read on, I couldn't help but be glad I didn't take that road, because the way they came down was recorded in it. It was extremely dangerous. Eighteen people went in, and when they came out, only six were left, and all the others died on the road.

It is estimated that the tree hole should be opened in one of the ancestral banyan trees in the middle of the forest that cannot be surrounded by more than a dozen people. However, the banyan tree alone forms a forest. It is impossible to say whether there are only a few trees in that forest or just one. clear. After these people came down, they should be exactly the opposite of us. We climbed up directly from the bottom up, while they should have fallen directly to the top.

Their route should conform to the customs of sacrificial rituals, so the road they take should be the main entrance.

To my surprise, he also said that after they found nothing on the altar, they walked down the surrounding plank road. The bottom of the plank road was full of water, like a very deep pool, and the water was green. Can't see the bottom at all.

They jumped into the pool and found that the depth was extremely deep. They could not dive in without equipment. The diving equipment they brought was too small. After trying it for a while, they had to give up. The six people surfaced and were dumbfounded when they saw it.

It turned out that when they were diving, the water level dropped extremely. When they came out, the plank road where they kept their equipment was six or seven meters away from them. They didn't expect that the ropes were all in their bags and not tied to their bodies. Everyone was panicked.

The water level dropped rapidly. A group of them climbed to the bronze tree, and a group of people ran into the cave exposed in the rock wall. The owner of this diary entered the cave where I was at that time, but unfortunately Yes, not long after he entered the cave, a huge python like a black dragon suddenly coiled out of the water and chased after it along the bronze tree. He only heard the miserable howls and gunshots of his companions, and he was so frightened that he hid in the cave. Dare to go out.

This disaster was caught off guard. His companions were all desperadoes. One of them was fighting a giant python and activated the explosives before he died. They were preparing to open the mountain to blow up the tomb, so the explosives were heavy and the earth exploded all at once, even him. The cave he was hiding in was also destroyed by the shock wave.

The owner of the diary was temporarily knocked unconscious by the explosion. When he woke up, he found that he had been trapped. He expected that no one outside would survive such a violent explosion (in fact, there was still one person who died at the waterfall. ), he came to rob the tomb by himself, he had no purpose, and it was impossible to expect anyone to rescue him, so he felt discouraged for a while.

What follows becomes a bit boring.

He was trapped in the gap for seven days. He didn't bring much food with him, and he ate it all at once. He was thirsty and hungry, and the battery was exhausted. In the darkness, he knew that his end was coming, and he thought of his mother. People take care of them, and they can’t help but feel miserable.

In the next few days, he was in a trance because of hunger. One day he woke up and didn't know what time it was. He just felt that his thirst had reached the limit. In a daze, he picked up the long-dried water bottle and drank a few gulps. Then a miracle happened. Sweet water suddenly poured out of the kettle. He didn't know what was going on. He drank greedily for more than ten minutes, but there was no shortage of water at all.

He thought he was dreaming, and thought that he must be dying and hallucinating, so he might as well just die like this. He also thought that since he was dreaming, there might be food in the bag. When he took it out, he found the food in the bag. When the bag was full, he was overjoyed and ate so hard that he almost choked to death.

Gradually, he discovered that all this was not a dream. At first, she thought God appeared and came to rescue him. Later, she felt more and more wrong. Finally, he discovered that the occurrence of all this had a certain connection with his thoughts. But it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. For example, when he wants to eat something, that thing won't appear. But when he touches the bag to eat, he often touches what he likes to eat. There was nothing in the bag.

He began to consciously analyze and do thinking experiments. Gradually, he discovered his ability to materialize. He wrote a lot about this section, and the experimental process was very complicated. In the end, he did not draw the conclusion of materialization ability, but believed that he had become a "trance God."

The graffiti on the stone were painted during this period, probably for fun when he was extremely bored.

At the end of the diary, he wrote that he would use this ability to try to get out of here. If he succeeds, he can go out and be a human being. If he fails, he will die here. I will not end up making him a What an experiment, it seems that it has failed in the end anyway.

However, for someone with such ability to come to the real world, I don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Seeing this corpse and thinking about my own situation, I couldn't help but feel chilled. There was no food around me at all. I might not even be able to survive for seven days. Besides, even if there was food, it would be better to die if I was trapped here endlessly. happy.

I put down the diary, rummaged through the pockets on the body, and found a mobile phone, which had already run out of battery. I threw it aside, and found a wallet with some money in it. It will rot, what is this?

There was this person's ID card in my wallet. I pulled it out to see what this unfortunate guy's name was. When I looked with a flashlight, I saw that the person's photo had been blurred, but the name was still clear. It was "Xie Ziyang".

This surname is really rare. Xie Lianhuan, who died in the "Undersea Tomb", also had this surname. I looked at this person's birthday and found that he was still quite young. It was a pity.

Suddenly, a flashlight flashed from behind, and Lao Itch had crawled back, and asked me from behind the stone: "Old Wu! What are you looking at!"

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