Daomu Biji

Genting Tiangong Chapter 11 Dilemma

As I rode forward, I looked in the direction indicated by the fat man. Through the sparse trees, I saw about thirty people and more than fifty horses bustling on the edge of the lake below. It was a very big group. cavalry.

Those people were building tents on the lakeside tower and seemed to want to spend the night on the lakeside. One of the women was opening a radar-like thing for debugging. I used a telescope to see that the woman was none other than Aning in Hainan.

I cursed, and this woman also came here, which means that our inference is correct. The people that the third uncle wants to delay are probably this group. I wonder what the company that salvages the sunken ship is doing inland?

Monk Hua also saw the cavalry below, his expression changed, and he asked Chen Pi quietly what should he do?

Chen Pi Asi looked at them, smiled contemptuously, and said, "It's good to come, which means we are on the right track. Keep walking and ignore them."

I took the binoculars and looked over one by one, but I didn't see Third Uncle. However, since Third Uncle might have been left in their hands, it was unlikely that he would have much freedom, and he might have been locked up in a tent.

What made me feel uncomfortable was that almost half of the people below were carrying Type 56 rifles. I also saw satellite phones and a lot of advanced equipment. The fat man looked at the holes of the gun and said to Chen Pi Asi: "Old man, You said you won’t buy a gun or sell it, but you see people coming up with loaded guns and ammunition, how do you deal with them when they are handed over? Is it possible to use a washbasin as a shield and use a sanitary napkin to beat them? "

Chen Pi Asi glanced at him, waved his hand and said with a smile: "In our business, we never rely on the number of people. Once you cross the snow line, you will know that you are right to follow me."

Our conversation was all in dialect, and Shunzi, who doesn’t speak Chinese well, couldn’t understand it. However, he has been a guide for many years, and he also knows not to listen to what the guests say, because many people here are from Korea. If you are a Christian pilgrim or a poacher, you may be silenced if you listen too much.

We continued walking up until we saw some dilapidated wooden houses and wire gates in front of us, with the slogan "The territory of the motherland is sacrosanct and inviolable" written on them.

Shunzi told us that this is the supply station for the snow mountain outpost. After the multilateral talks, several outposts here have been moved to different places. This place is also deserted. Several outposts on the snow line are also deserted. We are going up. If so, I’ll take a look when I get the chance.

There was nothing to say that night, so we spent the night here and got up early the next morning to continue our journey. Shunzi found it strange that few tourists worked so hard, but we were free to accept money from others.

It had started snowing when we got up, and the temperature dropped sharply. Few people in the south could adapt to such weather. Except for Fatty and Ye Cheng, everyone else was frozen and stiff.

Further up, past the snow line,

We finally saw the snow. It was sparse at first, but became thicker as we went up. There were fewer and fewer trees, and more and more rocks. Chen Pi Asi said that this was a sign that some construction work had been carried out here.

By noon, everything around us was white, and the snow on the ground was so thick that there was no way to go. We relied on Shunzi to lead the horse in front to clear the way. At this time, the wind suddenly blew. Shunzi looked at the clouds. Ask us, why don't we just come here today? There may be strong winds today, and we can just enjoy seeing the snow-capped mountains for a while, but going up higher will be dangerous.

Chen Pi Ah Si got angry and waved his hand, asking him to wait. We stopped to rest, eat some dry food, and a few of us looked around to see the scenery.

We are now on the ridge of a low mountain, and we can see the virgin forest that we walked through when we came here. He looked far and wide, then pointed to a large depression and said to us: "In ancient times, mausoleums were built using local materials. You see This large forest is obviously better than the ones nearby. It must have been cut down a hundred years ago. Although we walked hard along the way, there were no particularly difficult obstacles. There must have been major ancient projects nearby, and the mountains in this area have been repaired. Well, our general direction is right, we have to go up."

Ye Cheng asked: "Old man, there are more than a dozen peaks in this mountain range, and they all go up from here. How can we find them?"

Chen Pi Asi said: "Take a walk and have a look. There must be something strange where the dragon's head is. The place where the earth's veins stop is the dragon's cave. There are many mountains here, but there is only one earth's vein. We are walking along the earth's veins now. We are not afraid of not finding it. We will spend the most money." Just take some time.”

I followed his gaze and saw only patches of trees. I couldn't see any difference, and I couldn't help but feel ashamed.

I turned to look at Menyou Ping, but I saw that his eyes were only looking at the snow-capped mountains in front of him, his brows slightly wrinkled, as if he was worried about something. I knew that asking him would be in vain, so I turned around to chat with the fat man.

When Shunzi heard that we were still going up, he sighed, shook his head and said that if we were to go further up, we could no longer ride horses, so we had to use horse-drawn snow rakes to plow. Winter in Changbai Mountain is actually the most convenient place for transportation. Except for snowstorms, horses are usually used. A snow rake can climb anywhere a horse can reach. But once the wind blows, we have to listen to him on everything. He will come back as soon as he says, and there can be no objections to his decision.

We all nodded in agreement, unloaded the luggage from the horse, put it on the rake, and got ready. Shunzi yelled and whipped his whip to lead the way. Our horses automatically followed behind, and the group of people galloped in the snow.

When I first rode the snow sled, I thought it was quite interesting, just like dog sledding. After a while, I don’t know whether it was because of the strong wind or the difficulty of bouncing on the sledge. Just like consciousness.

Because it was a mountain road, the horse ran unsteadily. The fat man was too heavy and rolled over and fell into the snow several times, causing us to stop and wait for him several times.

We ran like this until the sky turned gray. The wind got stronger and stronger, and the horses walked slower and slower. We had to wear goggles to see forward. There were white snowflakes everywhere. We didn’t know whether they fell from the sky or were blown from the snow-capped mountains. of. My ears were filled with the sound of wind, and I wanted to say something. I opened my mouth, and the cold wind poured straight into it. In the words of the fat man, my curse words were frozen in my throat.

As we were running, Shunzi's horse stopped in front of us. I felt something was wrong. It was only two o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was already gray. We rushed to Shunzi's side despite the wind, and saw him rubbing his horse. While looking around, his brows furrowed into his nostrils.

We gathered around and asked him what was going on. He clicked his tongue and said, "The wind is too strong. It seems like there has been an avalanche here. The landform is different. I don't recognize it. Also, you see, there are all the people in front of me." The snow on the mountain above is too deep and too loose. Once you step down, it will reach the horse's belly and the horse will not go over. There are bubbles under this kind of snow and it is easy to slide and collapse. It is very dangerous. You cannot walk in a group."

"Then what should I do?" Pan Zi looked at the sky, "Looking at the weather, it doesn't look good. Can you go back?"

Shunzi looked at the sky and then at us, and said: "I can't say for sure, but once the wind blows, it won't stop for two days and two nights. We will definitely be in a dead end here. We are far away from the abandoned The border guard post is not far away, and we can get shelter from the wind and snow. I see it’s too late to go back, so we can go there on foot.”

The fat man held down his felt hat and took a tentative step. As a result, he was covered in the snow all the way up to his thighs. He took a step forward with difficulty and cursed: "His grandma's, there are I've suffered."

We put on our snowshoes, braved the wind, and pulled the sledge on our own with great difficulty in the snow. This place was a wind outlet, right in the middle of the ridges on both sides. The wind was extremely strong. No wonder there would be avalanches. We walked into the wind outlet, and it was smooth. It was said that the sentry post could be reached in an hour, but I don't know if we were too slow or if Shunzi simply took us the wrong way. When it was past six o'clock in the evening, there was still no sign of the sentry post.

Shunzi turned around and couldn't figure it out. After thinking about it again, he suddenly said, "It's over. I know where the sentry post is!"

We gathered around him, but he looked extremely ugly and said, "I never thought that this was not a small avalanche. The sentry post must have been buried in the snow. It is right under our feet. No wonder we couldn't find it after walking around for a long time!"

Pan Zi sighed and said something. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he said: "Mom, what the fuck!"

The fat man shouted and asked Shunzi: "What should we do now? The horses are gone, are we going to die here?"

Shunzi pointed to the front and said: "There is one last hope. I remember that there should be a hot spring nearby. It is in a mountain bag and the temperature is very high. If we can get there and live for several days with our food, then The hot springs are at a higher altitude than here, so they probably aren't buried in the snow. If you really can't find them, you'll have to rely on your will to survive and walk back step by step."

"Are you sure you're not sure?" Fatty began to distrust Shunzi.

Shunzi nodded: "I will definitely make a mistake this time. If I can't find it, you can deduct my wages."

I smiled bitterly in my heart, if your mother really has to deduct your wages, I'm afraid she won't have the chance until the next life.

With sad faces, everyone followed Shunzi and continued to walk up. The sky became darker and darker as we walked. Shunzi pulled up the rope and tied each of us to him. Because the visibility was too low, we couldn't see anyone at all, and we couldn't hear anyone shouting. It's the rope that keeps us together.

As I walked, my eyes started to blur, and I couldn’t see clearly. The people in front of me were walking further and further away, and the people behind me were trailing behind me. When I realized that I couldn’t see anyone on both sides, I couldn’t help but feel a little thump in my heart. He asked if he had made a mistake by going into the mountains at this time, could he die here?

No, Shunzi was walking quite steadily. Although I couldn't see him, I felt that the direction of the rope was very firm. He must have been used to this kind of wind and snow, and he would be fine following him.

While comforting myself, I continued to move forward. Suddenly I saw a black figure appear in the snow and fog in front of me. I was so confused that I couldn't see who it was. After taking a few steps, the black figure suddenly tilted and fell down. In the snow.

I quickly ran over and saw that it was Shunzi who had fallen in the snow.

Menyouping caught up behind him, saw Shunzi, and quickly helped him up. We carried him on our backs and tightened the rope to let others gather first.

When the fat man saw Shunzi, he made a very strange expression and yelled: "What the hell kind of guide is this? He doesn't know the road. He fainted before we fainted. What should we do?" I wanted to curse again, but the wind blew all my words and I lost track of them.

I looked around, oh my god, the situation around us was completely out of control. The strong wind with a lot of snowflakes was hit by the rocks and hovered around us. I couldn't see anything one meter away. The "footprints" when we came here "It was almost blown away by the wind. We couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. The strong wind blew over us and we couldn't even lift our heads. If we stood up, we would be blown down.

Everyone's faces were pale, and Chen Pi's eyes were blurred. It seemed that the old man had entered a semi-conscious state in such an extreme environment. Even if Shunzi didn't fall, he would definitely not be able to hold on for long.

Pan Zi said: "We can't stop and wait for death. The hot spring may be nearby. We stretch out the rope and spread out to look for it. When we find it, we pull the rope as a signal."

We scattered in all directions, and I didn’t know which direction I chose. As we walked, I fainted and felt a numbness spreading from my limbs to my whole body.

I have seen many movies before saying that people will become more and more sleepy on snowy mountains. If they fall asleep, they will never wake up. People will also have many hallucinations, such as hot meals.

I tried my best to remind myself, but I couldn't hold on at all. Every time I took a step, my eyelids drooped down like an extra piece of lead.

When I was at a loss what to do, I suddenly heard the fat man shouting. The wind was too strong and I couldn't hear what he was shouting. I looked back and saw his shadow disappear in a flash. Menyouping immediately turned around and found the rope on the ground. Suddenly he started pulling, his face changed, and he yelled: "No! Untie the rope, someone collapsed into the snow pit!"

Before he finished speaking, the snow under his feet suddenly collapsed, and his whole body was pulled into the snow by the rope, followed by me who was closest to him.

Like a bunch of grapes, we were pulled into the snow one by one by the fat man, rolling around for who knows how long before we stopped.

My eyes were full of snow and I couldn't open them at all. I only heard Pan Zi telling us not to move. He was the one on the tail. He should climb down first.

At this time, I suddenly heard Ye Cheng shouting: "Wait a minute! Damn it! Don't go down, what is that thing in the snow?"

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