Daomu Biji

Genting Tiangong Chapter 30 Gate Hall

Shunzi was stunned. He didn't know what was going on. Not only him, but others were also stunned. They didn't know what happened to Chen Pi's Si.

At that moment, I even thought that Chen Pi Asi wanted to drive us away and kill Shunzi to silence us, but that thought was wrong. Firstly, he is over 90 years old, and if he wants to kill a retired regular soldier, even if it is a sneak attack, he may not be successful; secondly, our circuit still relies on Shunzi, so we should not take this opportunity to kill him and silence him.

I didn't quite understand Chen Pi's move, so I patted him straight to tell him to be careful.

Shunzi didn't know if she was aware of it, but she glanced at me and followed Chen Pi Asi.

We immediately turned back and continued running along the Shinto. Fortunately, we had loosened a lot of the equipment on our bodies. Otherwise, no one would be able to persist with such intensity of exercise.

This Shinto has a total of six stone gates, which are the six paths of reincarnation in Han Buddhism, and the Jurchens believe in shamans. The traces of Han design can be seen everywhere.

I ran so fast that I couldn't help but feel a little dizzy. The exposed skin on my body started to itch, which showed that the air around me was really not good.

Unconsciously, the flashlight's aperture could already illuminate some black eaves and broken walls, and soon the altar at the end of the Shinto arrived. Behind the altar, on the sixty dilapidated stone steps, is the main entrance of the imperial mausoleum.

In the traditional concept of tombs, mausoleums and tombs are often confused. In fact, mausoleums are two different things. Mausoleums are above-ground buildings used for sacrifices and burial ceremonies, while tombs refer to underground palaces.

The tombs do not necessarily have to be in the same place. Many tombs are thousands of miles apart. For example, the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan is located in the middle of the Ordos Grassland in Inner Mongolia. However, the coffin in the mausoleum only has the camel hair attached to Genghis Khan's soul. His body and funerary objects are stored in the mausoleum. Where in the grassland, no one knows.

This Yunding Heavenly Palace has a three-story structure. The palaces we see in the undersea tomb above our heads are symbolic spiritual palaces, and the underground royal tombs and the underground king's tombs constitute the three thousand worlds, which also symbolize the Wannu King. The identities of gods, humans and ghosts change.

The architectural style of the entire imperial mausoleum is very similar to that of the Ming Palace. When viewed from the cliff, it looks huge and majestic. Due to the extensive use of black stones, it is not only spectacular but also a bit strange and mysterious. . But as soon as we entered the mausoleum, this feeling disappeared. Everything we saw was desolate and dilapidated. If it weren't for some large temple-like buildings still standing there, we would have been disappointed.

There is no air circulation here, and there is no strong wind or sun. The buildings here should be very well preserved. How could they be in such dilapidated condition?

We stepped on the huge mausoleum steps, which can accommodate ten carriages, and walked into the main entrance of the imperial mausoleum. The huge mausoleum gate had collapsed long ago, and the huge door panel covered with nipple nails fell to the ground. We stepped on the door and walked in as if there was no one around.

Entering the main entrance, you will see the main hall of the mausoleum, the ancient tomb of the emperor, the treasure hall of the Four Dragon Towers, and the Nine-tailed Immortal Carriage into the Underworld. This is the first hall in the Four Dragon Towers. At this time, I already felt that the inside of my mouth and nose felt as uncomfortable as burning, so I asked them to move faster.

The gate hall is about the size of two basketball courts, with bronze carriages on both sides. Beside the deep wall at the back, there are two black statues on the left and right, already covered in dust. The statue has a ferocious face and a cold and angry look. It seems to be the totem of a shaman. The auxiliary beams on it have collapsed, and the tiles have fallen to the ground. Fortunately, it won't rain here, otherwise it would have been flooded.

Seeing that there was nothing particularly eye-catching, we wanted to go through the gate hall and walk towards the center of the imperial tomb. After walking a few steps, the fat man suddenly slipped and stepped on something. With a cry of "Ouch", he fell onto his back. The floor of the door hall was covered with broken tiles. This fall almost killed him. Damn,

My teeth hurt so much.

I felt strange all of a sudden. The ground was like this. If I stumbled, I could still talk about it. How could I slip? The fat man himself felt strange, so he walked back while covering his buttocks to look at where he had stepped.

There was only a trace left when he fell. The object he stepped on was gone. He looked along the trace and turned over several tiles, but nothing was there.

"Aren't you a ghost?" Pan Zi asked the fat man.

The fat man shook his head and suddenly felt something. He waved us to stop, squatted down and turned over one of his shoes.

We gathered around and took a look, and it turned out that there was a bullet casing stuck in the spikes of his hiking boots.

Everyone's expressions changed. Pan Zi took it, smelled it, then remembered that he was wearing a gas mask, squeezed it with his hand, and said: "It's warm, it was just shot out of the gun barrel not long ago. "

"Someone arrived first?" I was stunned. Could it be that Aning and the others were so powerful that they could be faster than us?

But why shoot here?

"Light a fire and look around to see what else is there?" Pan Zi said.

Monk Hua immediately lit up the cold fireworks and turned up the intensity of the lighting. We looked around and found chaos inside the gate hall. We spread out, and soon we found a large series of bullet holes on a pillar, shooting straight up.

"It looked like something was coming down the pillar, and then the bullets followed it."

Pan Zi walked up, looked at the bullet hole, dug it, shook his head and said, "No, just the opposite. Looking at the angle of the bullet's deflection, the muzzle of the gun was thrown upward along the pillar."

The fat man shined his flashlight at the bullet hole, looking step by step, until he finally saw the high beam. We immediately saw a black shadow hanging on the beam.

Judging from the posture of the shadow, it should be a dead person, it seems to be in Aning's team, because I saw an old Type 56 rifle hanging on his shoulder, and the whole person was hanging there feebly.

Everyone was shocked and didn't understand how this man could die on the beam. We shined our flashlights and saw the man's face. The person who died was a man, wearing a small snorting gas mask on his face (this thing is very advanced, very light, and more effective than the ones on our faces. I only heard about this thing last, but I didn’t expect to see it today. ), judging from the shape of his face, he must have Slavic ancestry. He didn’t know how he died. His eyes were so wide that his expression couldn’t be seen because of the mask.

The body was hung from the cantilever by something. The distance was too far, and I didn’t know if it was a rope.

Several people wanted to climb up, but Pan Zi stopped them. This man died so strangely, there must be something wrong. At this time, the fat man patted me and pointed to other places on the beam: "Everyone, there is more than one."

We looked over and saw six or seven corpses hanging on other parts of the beam above, like hanged ghosts.

These people were all wearing mountaineering clothes, and they all had Type 56 domestic rifles hanging on their bodies. I couldn't help but feel something strange in my heart. The 56-type rifle was very destructive. With this thing in hand, Zongzi couldn't bear more than a dozen rounds of bullets. , what killed them, and even if there was a gunfight here, how could these corpses run to the beam?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time. I called a few people to hurry through the gate hall. This place is evil.

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