Daomu Biji

Genting Tiangong Chapter 34 Underwater Pavilion

The square hole was half a person tall, square, and very rough. The sides were covered with broken stones about the size of a watermelon, and there were quite a few inside. Apparently someone had blocked the hole before, and the inside of the square hole was pitch black. , I don’t know where it leads, it’s a bit like the reservoir culverts we often see in the south.

Among the piles of rubble on one side of the square cave, there is a relatively flat piece with a few words crudely carved on it. It was carved very hastily and the carving was very shallow. If it hadn't been for the fact that the words were English letters, they would have been inscribed on it. This kind of imperial tomb looks very dazzling inside, and Shunzi may not be able to spot it yet. It's a pity that what is engraved cannot be spelled out at all.

Did Third Uncle carve it in to show us the way? That's what I thought at the time, but my third uncle's foreign language was very unreliable. How could his mind come up with the idea of ​​engraving foreign characters as a code? This is really not his style.

The fat man came closer to take a look out of curiosity. Suddenly he let out a sigh and waved to me: "Xiao Wu, we seem to have seen these twisted foreign texts somewhere."

I also walked over and took a look, and my heart skipped a beat.

No, we have indeed seen these symbols. This is what Fatty and I saw on the wall of the pool when we were in the undersea tomb and went down to the stele pool. After seeing this symbol, Menyouping suddenly rushed down the monument pool, and then he remembered what happened in the undersea tomb. Why did you suddenly appear here again?

At that time, I always thought that this symbol was carved on it by one of those people when my third uncle brought Wen Jin and the others down. But when it suddenly appeared here, something was obviously wrong.

Judging from the carving marks, they were randomly struck with a mountaineering pickaxe, and the marks are so new. They were either left by Uncle San, or by Mengyou Bottle or Aning, because there are only a few people here. Mountaineering pickaxe, the person who left this symbol must have entered the square cave.

At this moment, I suddenly had an idea, wondering if it was possible that the foreign symbol in the tomb under the sea was carved from a bottle of oil, so after he saw the symbol, he would know: "I have been to this place before." ."

It's really possible. When he shows up again, I have to ask.

Pan Zi saw me in a daze and asked me what was going on. When I told them about the symbols that Fatty and I saw on the bottom of the sea, Pan Zi also felt very strange. But he said: "I have been with Third Master for ten years, and I have toured at least fifty graves, including a few big ones. I have never seen him leave a password, and Third Master can't even recognize abcd. This It must not have been left by Third Master."

I thought to myself that it was Aning or Menyouping, so I turned around and said to them: "Anyway, it looks like the road is right. Someone has already entered this cave. The entrance to the underground palace should be down here. Shall we Go in right away?"

"Come in!" The fat man said immediately: "What are you waiting for? Many people are in front of us. Fatty, I have always been the vanguard. I met you unlucky kids and joined the rear. Let's not waste time. , when they all finish their work and come out, we won’t have the shame to compete with them.”

Pan Zi said to me: "Don't ask us, are you feeling well?"

I nodded and said there was no problem, "The fat man is right, we can't delay it. Anyway, if I encounter Zongzi, I will die even if I am not injured. Now that I am injured, I will die faster. I am not afraid."

The fat man had already unloaded his backpack. When he heard what I said, he let out a "tsk" sound: "Why don't you say something auspicious? You don't want to see where we are going now?"

I glared at him and said, "It's no use having two door gods on your forehead.

Take care of your hand first. "

We each prepared our own equipment. Just now we were packing in the way of marching. Now we put all the lanterns and fuel into the bags, and then took out all the cold fireworks, cold light rods, and explosives and tied them on the armed belts. Fatty and Pan Zi each pulled the bolt of the gun, removed the magazine, removed the bullets from the bullet belt and loaded the gun. After loading the ammunition, the hunting knives and daggers returned to their places.

The May 4th gun was too long and might not be able to turn around in the square cave, so the fat man gave the gun to Shunzi and took out his mountaineering pickaxe. Several people tested the brightness of the flashlight. The fat man took out his gold-touching charm and pinched it. He bowed to the sky in his hands.

Shunzi is also an expert in using guns. He took the gun and clicked it a few times to get familiar with it. He felt nostalgic, and then said to us: "Boss, I don't understand your business, but I want to remind you, When drilling holes in Changbai Mountain, be careful with snowflakes. If you see something wrong, plug your ears with cotton first. This stuff is not hard at this season, so you can only drill your ears. Wait until summer, when the shells harden, you can It burrows directly into your skin and exposes two back beards. As soon as you pull the back beards, they are broken, and the whole insect is broken inside. You have to dig open the wound to dig it out. Also, this thing also burrows into the anus. Be careful when you sit."

The fat man glanced at Shunzi with disgust, tightened his belt and said, "Now do insects also have this hobby?"

Shunzi said: "I'm not joking with you. If you get tricked, you can find a way to deal with it yourself. Don't ask me."

We felt chills in our lower bodies, and we all nodded. The fat man took the lead and climbed into the square hole. We followed him and entered one after another, heading towards the ultimate unknown world underground.

You have to walk in a square hole with your waist down. The holes are dug in parallel, so you need to look around while walking. Because the height is too low, walking is very slow. The rock bottom here is very solid. Judging from the traces of knocking, it is obvious that the most primitive method was used to dig this tunnel. I guess how long it took to build such a large-scale imperial tomb? It would take more than 20 years anyway. Many emperors started to build tombs when they ascended the throne. It took more than 20 years to dig this tunnel with great reluctance. It seems that the number of people who fled that year must have been very large. Batch people.

The further I walked in, the more I saw traces of many people's visits. There were more than one shoe prints from hiking shoes, and no snowflakes appeared. However, I found some strange forks at the top of the tunnel.

These holes are not big and can only accommodate one person. Moreover, the holes are curved at 180 degrees. After going straight upward for a while, they will turn downward to form a curved pipe in the shape of the number '9'. There is about one such hole every ten meters.

Since I got involved in this industry, I have climbed holes many times, and I have never seen such a structure. From the perspective of construction accounting, the amount of work required to drill these holes is almost as much as drilling the entire tunnel. So these There must be an absolute reason why holes must be drilled, otherwise they would be uneconomical, but there is really no value in these holes.

Pan Zi said to me from behind: "Little Third Master, have you noticed that this tunnel looks familiar?"

"Looks familiar?" I paused, turned around and asked him why he asked that?

Pan Zi said: "When we were at the Guazi Temple in Shandong, didn't the corpse cave and the tunnel into the cave have the same virtue? Didn't the old man hide in the cave above to harm us?"

When he said this, I took a closer look at the top of the cave. When I was in Shandong, I was so panicked that I didn't pay much attention to the top of the Corpse Cave and Water Thief Cave. I can't compare it now. But since Pan Zi said that, he shouldn't be wrong. He was also surprised and asked him: "Are you sure?"

Pan Zi was not sure, and said: "We only knew there was a hole in it after listening to the old man's words. When we passed by it, it was pitch black and we didn't notice it."

I stopped, took a closer look at these fork holes, and immediately understood their function, and said, "Isn't that corpse cave also a water thief cave at that time?"

Pan Zi nodded and said yes, and I said: "These fork holes are actually used for breathing. You see, when water pours into this row, because of the curved structure of the fork holes, air will be left in the fork holes, so Just swim for a while, then poke your head into the fork, take a breath, and then move on.”

Pan Zi was surprised and said: "Such a clever method, so this row of roads was indeed underwater?"

I said: "It's almost the same. It seems that the water robber cave in Guazi Temple was probably dug by Wang Zanghai's people." Thinking about it, it was wrong. The robber cave was so old that my third uncle concluded that it was during the Warring States Period. Maybe it was dug by King Lu Shang when he went to the mountain to build the tomb. Could it be that Wang Zanghai saw it after he went there and borrowed the techniques of the ancients? It's quite possible.

After walking for a long time, I don’t know how far I walked, the row gradually widened, and I finally saw the exit. We climbed out, and in front of us was a very deep river, about ten meters deep and five or six meters wide. There was no water in the river.

I looked at the construction of the canal and said, "This is the diversion canal. The water from the moat is diverted from here. It keeps the water flowing and will not stink. It also prevents the water level from flowing back."

There are river ridges for one person to walk on both sides of the canal, and there is a stone bridge on top. We walked over cautiously and came to the other side of the river. The fat man asked where to go now?

I said: "This canal is connected to the canal outside. It should be regarded as one canal. Let's follow the water."

Pan Zi squatted down and looked at the traces of water flow, then pointed to the side, "There."

We continued to move forward, and not long after, a very regular square hole appeared on the stone wall beside the river ridge in front of us.

The fat man lit up the cold fireworks and threw them out, which illuminated the black stone slabs on the ground outside the square cave. It was obviously the sealing stone of the underground palace. The fat man got out, lit up a lot of cold fireworks and threw them around, then greeted us, and we climbed out of the tunnel.

The place we came out of was a tomb made of black rock. It was not high, and a person could barely stand upright, but it was very wide. There were many earthen jars neatly placed around the tomb, which may be wine jars used for burials. Each one They are both half a man tall. It was roughly estimated that there were more than a thousand cans, and it seemed that Emperor Wannu might be an alcoholic.

On the four black walls, there are some simple relief carvings, depicting scenes when the emperor held a banquet. The reliefs are not well preserved, which may have something to do with the fact that this place is connected to the outside world. Although the volcanic gas here is not as deadly as Pan Zi said, But it is definitely more corrosive than ordinary air. It is a miracle that the murals here can be preserved. It's a pity that the saved pictures can only give an overview.

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