Daomu Biji

Genting Tiangong Chapter 39 The expedition 10 years ago

Shunzi didn't cry in the end. After a moment of excitement, he relaxed and tidied his father's hair respectfully. However, the body was severely dehydrated and the hair fell off at the touch of a touch. After finally sorting it out, his father became like Ge You. I know that this kid must still feel uncomfortable. Maybe he was lucky enough to have his father alive in ten years. Now that luck is shattered, he can be said to be relaxed, or he can be said to be desperate.

Fatty and Pan Zi didn't know what was going on. They were confused and broke into cold sweats. I simply told Fatty Pan Zi what I guessed. I believe I was right.

The fat man shed tears after hearing this, and said: "My old man also left early. He worked for the country as a revolution all his life, and in the end he was labeled a counter-revolutionary. I can understand your mood, Shunzi, but people always have to do the best. On the other hand, if father and son can meet again in ten years, God will take care of you, so be open-minded."

When the fat man cried, Pan Zi's eyes became wet, and she said, "Okay, okay, you all still have a father. I have never seen my father's face. The third master has always been like my father, and now his life and death are unknown."

I hurriedly said: "You are sick. Shunzi didn't even cry. Why are you two joining in the fun? Come and see why they died here."

Since they can walk in here, there is no reason why they can't get out. If they die here, some accident must have happened. We are now in this tomb, and I don't want us to follow in their footsteps. At the same time, I also felt that there was something strange about the presence of several corpses here. Shunzi's father did not say anything, but he was just a guide. According to Shunzi, several other people had to go into the mountain when it was not suitable for them. It shouldn't be the case. Do ordinary tourists have some ulterior motives? Is it a coincidence that they come here? I must know.

We went to look through these people’s backpacks, and there was everything in them. What came out looked like rotten Song Kwa Kwa novels, notebooks, pencils, beef tendon ropes, marching tents, old-fashioned flashlights, an old version of the Swiss Army Knife (which was actually still usable), and the 1986 edition of the Korean-Chinese Dictionary. Bubble gum, old-fashioned lighters, flasks, lipstick, sanitary belts. The medical box includes gauze, alcohol, cotton and several medicinal liquors, a military compass and so on.

The novel is "How Steel Was Tempered". It's an old book and I don't dare to read it. It will definitely fall apart once I do it. The notebooks are all old work notes. I saw my father use them when I was in elementary school. There are three books in total. When I opened them, I found that they all recorded some accounts and phone numbers. These were the functions of the notes at that time. In addition, there was nothing to prove their identities. The most important thing was that no one had an ID card.

We have arranged all these things in a row and are almost fully equipped. Although they are not as advanced as us, it should not be a problem to get out. No matter how dangerous the environment is, these equipment can handle it.

This is strange. I thought to myself, no matter what, if these people have the ability to leave, if these people want to die, they should die on the way out, instead of sitting here, as if waiting for death. Could it be that they are reluctant to part with the treasure here? This is even more impossible.

If that's the case, is there something fishy about dying here? An unknown feeling suddenly surged in my heart, and I suddenly felt that something seemed to be watching us in this tomb, and I couldn't help but shudder.

The fat man on the side looked at the things we had on display and suddenly let out a 'tsk' sound and said, "Comrades? Have you noticed that there is something missing in these things?"

We were all thinking about it. We heard the fat man ask this and looked at those things carefully. But in my concept, I felt that all the indispensable things were there. I really couldn’t think of what was missing, so I asked him: "It's missing." What?"

The fat man said: "Food! No food! There is no food in everyone's bags.


As soon as he said that, we were immediately excited. We looked at the row of things again. Sure enough, they were all equipment, and there was nothing that could be used to satisfy our hunger.

I wondered: "There is really no food. This means that these people did not die from accidents. If they died from accidents, it might not be such a coincidence. Everyone has no food. That's not right. Then they have eaten all the food." Starved to death here?"

This makes no sense. People go from being without food to starving to death. As long as there is water, people with normal body shape can survive for a month (you are 2.27 meters tall but only 90 pounds, so don’t come to argue with me). As long as there is water, If they want to go out, they won't starve to death here. If these people starve to death here, there is only one explanation: they can't get out.

Thinking of this, I remembered that the tomb door would disappear in the tomb under the sea. I jumped up and ran up to the pile of gold objects to look at the tomb door we came in. The tomb door was still there and had not disappeared at all, so I breathed a sigh of relief. I was also afraid that the door would suddenly disappear, and I felt a little at a loss.

The fat man knew what I was worried about, and told me that if we really encountered that situation, we had explosives on us this time, so there was no need to be afraid, and I felt a lot more at ease.

"Could that be the case?" Panzi asked Shunzi when he couldn't figure it out after much thought, "Do you know how many people are in the expedition team your father leads?"

"There seemed to be only seven people, my mother said, but this was just what she saw. She didn't know how many people there actually were. Anyway, before my father left, he set off with seven people."

"Then there are six corpses here, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and at least two people are missing." Pan Zi said: "These people died here. Could it be that those two people took advantage of the money and took them to the house?" People were killed and two of them ran away.”

I shook my head in denial. These people showed no sign of fighting at all. Judging from their movements and expressions when they were about to die, they were huddled together. It didn't look like they were poisoned or died from external force. What made me feel the most inappropriate and the need to find out the cause of their deaths was that the expressions of the corpses were very unified, revealing a deep despair, as if they were trapped in a hopeless situation.

This was the first time I saw such a corpse, and I couldn't let it go. I had a hunch that what happened here must have been something extraordinary. The more I speculated about it, the more I felt that there was an unspeakable feeling surrounding me. Cold and uneasy, the creepy feeling that something is watching us in this pile of gold is becoming more and more obvious.

After thinking about it for a long time, they couldn't come up with anything. Fatty and the others couldn't hold it anymore and wanted to start tinkering with the gold objects again. This time I was very calm and stopped them all, saying that these dead people died in the pile of gold objects. , I really feel like I can’t let go, let’s not move yet, don’t forget the purpose of our coming here.

As soon as I told them, they woke up. Suddenly the fat man thought of something and said, "I'm really dizzy. I forgot what I did here. The mark led us here. The door was also blown open, but there was only A treasure room? There is no coffin. I also know the meaning of the mark, which means there is a visible weapon. The mark must have been left by Aning and his friends so that their second echelon can transport the treasure."

I said: "The door may have been blown up by these corpses, but this is just a tomb for burial objects. The coffin is definitely not here. We have to go in the opposite direction."

Although it is unreasonable, I always thought that this tomb passage was the main tomb passage, with the tomb door on one side and the center of the underground palace on the other. But now it seems that it is not the case. So is this still not the main tomb passage? So how big is this underground palace? Not just like a maze, when I think of those marks, is it really because the underground palace is too complicated that they left these marks?

"What to do with those things?" The fat man was reluctant to part with them.

I said, "Just take whatever you want and it will be enough for you to live a carefree life for half your life. You don't have to be too greedy, and it's not impossible to come back in the future."

After the fat man saw those corpses, he was obviously murmuring in his heart, but it was impossible not to take anything away. So he picked a few small gold items and put them in his pocket. Shunzi insisted on taking his father's body out and carried the body on his body in a backpack bag. The body was dehydrated and weighed little, so it was not difficult to carry.

We took one last look at the dazzling golden pile of agates, and then, with a firm heart, we filed out of the opening under the tomb door.

As soon as I walked out of the tomb door, I heard the fat man say "hmm" again. I had already had a premonition in my heart, so I quickly picked up the flashlight and looked around, and I couldn't help but feel white hair and sweat all over my body.

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