Daomu Biji

Genting Tiangong Chapter 44: People from the bottom of the sea in Tiangong

Chapter 44 People from the bottom of the sea in the Heavenly Palace

I still have internal injuries on my body. Now when I look at it, there is almost a mouthful of blood, which scares a few other people. Pan Zi and the others have never seen this photo. Although they have heard me mention it, it doesn’t matter if they see it. I knew each other, so I thought it was strange. The fat man hurriedly gave me some blood and asked me what was going on.

Trembling, I picked up the photo and pointed it out to them. The faces of the other people were even uglier than mine, and no one could speak.

I simply couldn't believe this was true. I turned around and looked at the mummies on the side, feeling confused.

This photo will not appear on unrelated people. Could it be that the mysterious team that entered Changbai Mountain ten years ago and was trapped here was the same group of people at the bottom of the sea? Are these mummies Wen Jin and Li Sidi?

Shaking, I turned over the photo and saw a line of blurry words at the back: Xisha Archaeological Team, Li Si Di Memorial.

It seems to be correct. It is really impossible to say that someone else came here with this photo. The person who brought this kind of souvenir photo should be the person involved... No wonder the third uncle couldn't find them no matter how hard he searched. , turned out to have died here a long time ago!

The clothes I looked at did match, as did the photo, but why did these people come here? Could it be that something was discovered in the undersea tomb and was attracted to Changbai Mountain?

Wait, that’s not right. I suddenly thought of Third Uncle, and Mengyou Ping. My God, almost everyone in the undersea tomb is now in Yunding Heavenly Palace. These people came ten years ago. And the third uncle also arrived recently. Why did they have to come here?

The mysteries in my mind that had been forgotten suddenly came to life, and countless questions flooded into my brain.

Pan Zi and the others didn't know about Uncle San's past, so they were more shocked than me when they saw the photo. I had to patiently explain it again. Several other people were dumbfounded. Fatty said: "No, wait, I think of more. It seems that everyone who went to the undersea tomb, including Aning, and We are all here too. Is there a curse in the tomb under the sea? Anyone who goes there must climb Changbai Mountain... No, it doesn't seem to make sense? "

Of course the fat man was talking nonsense, but I felt shuddering, and something became clear in my heart. It seemed that the undersea tomb was not the key, the key was here. The underwater tomb seems to be just a springboard...

I searched everything I could find on the bodies, but there were no clues. I couldn't figure out who these people were, and I was so confused. He walked into the tomb passage in a daze without even taking a flashlight.

The fat man hurriedly grabbed me and asked me to calm down. It was useless to say he was anxious. These people were not trapped here to death. After you die, you can ask what happened to their souls, but by then it's too late.

I was held down and sat down to catch my breath, and gradually calmed down. There was only one thought left in my mind: "I must go out, I must find my third uncle and ask for explanation, otherwise I will never close my eyes until I die."

The fat man said: "But so far we haven't found any clues to prove that one of them successfully got out. Maybe there is no way out here at all. It is a closed space. It's useless even if you close your eyes. "

As soon as the fat man said this, the others had nothing to say. Originally, we wanted to find some clues on these corpses, but suddenly we discovered such a big secret. It was really a wave of ups and downs.

Everyone was thinking about their own things, and the atmosphere was extremely bad. My mind was so dizzy that I didn't dare to look at the photo again. I'm afraid there will be some monster inside that sucks me in. My throat also started to feel itchy, as if I had a cold. He started coughing and coughed up blood.

Seeing me like this, Pan Zi said to us: "Let's rest today. I'm going out in a while anyway, so why not take a good nap so that my mind will be clearer. Don't think too much, mistress, I know you There are too many doubts in my mind, but it won’t take a while to figure it out.”

I waved my hand, how could I fall asleep? I might as well continue to think here. Only when I think I can't hold on anymore can I fall asleep. Otherwise, I will only get more tired as I sleep.

The fat man didn’t know which cigarette he was smoking. He murmured as he smoked: “Actually, when I think about it, I would have known that I would not have left according to that mark just now. It’s so good to listen to me. A group of people are trapped. The other group of people could still think of a way... Now that I think about it, that mark may have been where these corpses were left. You see, things happened by chance. Maybe they also left in separate groups, just like I thought. Those two people were basically walking to the other side of the tomb passage."

I shook my head and said no. One group of people was trapped, and another group came back to look for us. It would have been more depressing if we had been tricked in the same way. Moreover, it might be more dangerous to go to the unmarked side, and we didn’t know what was waiting for us.

But it was impossible to think deeply about it, because since they were trapped, when the other group came back, the tomb passage had changed and they would not be able to find the tomb chamber. Are those numbers left by the survivors on the other side, signs that the team here is missing?

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly trembled... suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed through my mind... a mark....

I sat up suddenly and said to them. "I suddenly thought of a very strange flaw. This tomb passage is a refutation!"


I frowned and thought about what I should say, "I'm afraid you don't understand. For example, when we walk out in the dark, no matter what causes us to be like this, we must have a process of changing direction. Even though we don’t know anything about this process, right?”

Several other people nodded, and I continued: "For example, if I hold a pen and draw money on the wall while walking towards the money, then there will definitely be a long mark left on the wall at the exit. , have been following me, and the moment I inadvertently change direction, guess what you will find?"

The fat man almost jumped up: "You will see that there are already traces of your scratches on the wall of the tomb passage ahead!"

"It's not just that!" I said: "What's the most important thing? After I turn around, the left and right changes, and then my hand holding the pen will start drawing on the other side of the wall. "

"This!" Pan Zi also frowned.

"This is a logical inference." I said: "In other words, if we explain it according to logic, there must be a turning point in the middle of the tomb passage! At the turning point, we are like walking into a mirror, walking straight to the opposite direction of ourselves, Do you admit it or not?"

Everyone nodded, as long as it is logical, it must be what I said.

I said: "Okay, then think about it again. If we walk over like this and really encounter the 'reflective' surface I mentioned, how thick is this reflective surface?"

"How thick?" Several people were still digesting what I said before and were confused.

"Yes, there must be a thickness. If there is no thickness, then when the front half of your body passes through, the back half of your body will..."

Pan Zi understood what I meant instantly, broke into a cold sweat all of a sudden, and subconsciously said: "Overlap each other!"

"Yes! Because at that position, your first half has been reflected back, but your second half has not passed through the 'mirror'. Therefore, if my statement is correct, then we are reflecting through When you shoot the mirror, you will definitely die! You will turn into a monster! Your face will hit the back of your head!"

"But we've walked so many times and we haven't died yet?" the fat man asked strangely.

"This is what I want to say. This mirror surface must have a thickness much larger than a human being, a transitional section of reflection. After we walk into this section, we enter from this end, walk a certain distance inside, and then exit from The other end comes out and completes the folding of space. "

Everyone nodded in agreement again, this inference was seamless.

"The problem is, we don't know how long this distance is. We assume that there are only two or three steps. Let me give you an example. For example, we walked into the 'mirror space', but the fat man did not walk in, but stayed in Outside the mirror space, and the mirror space is only two or three steps away, you can see from both sides, what do you think will happen?"

Pan Zi understood the fastest, and his throat was almost stiff, "Yes... I saw two identical fat guys appearing before and after. "

"Okay, here's a rebuttal. When the fat guy behind you looks in front of you, can he see the fat guy in front of you? Or what will happen if you sign the hand of one of the fat guys?"

Pan Zi quickly made a stop gesture: "Don't... stop talking!"

"What does this mean?" The fat man on the side also looked pale.

"We don't need to continue testing, but we can also confirm that this so-called 'mirror space' does not exist! Moreover, the logical basis for the reflection of this tomb passage and the inability to get out no matter how far it goes does not exist. The existence of this tomb passage is It's illogical." I lowered my voice: "Wang Zanghai is not a god. He cannot create physical rules by himself. The institutions here have nothing to do with Wang Zanghai, and these people are not trapped to death because of this. The situation we are facing now, It is a special case, a new situation! We have misled these corpses, and there seems to be only one possibility that is most likely to cause our situation..."

I carefully pointed my finger to the fourth item written by the fat man, moved my mouth, and said with my lips: "There is a ghost around us!"

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