Daomu Biji

Snake Marsh Ghost Town Chapter (Part 2) Chapter 7 Ghost Tower Chapter 8 Three Hundred and Six

Chapter 7 Ghost Tower

Either don’t do it, or don’t bother. The next day, I decided on the itinerary to Golmud.

I had never been to that area, so I asked my friend at a travel agency for directions. The friend told me that since there was no direct flight to Golmud, I had to fly to Shuangliu in Chengdu first and then transfer. Let him handle the air tickets and even local hotels. I asked him to handle it for me, because I couldn’t just leave here. I booked a flight for two days later.

This time I wasn’t going to Robbery, I was just going to go shopping in the urban area of ​​Golmud, and the time wouldn’t be very long, so I only brought a few close-fitting clothes and some cash, and in total I only had a flat backpack.

Fatty returned to Beijing that day, and I didn't mention this matter to him. Since I decided not to tell anyone, Fatty was no exception.

In the past two days, I greeted Wang Meng and asked him to handle things in the shop. I gave some vague explanations at home and settled some relationships. Two days later, I got on the plane.

I slept all the way, and after arriving in Shuangliu, Chengdu, I slept very comfortably. For a few hours during the flight to Golmud, I just thought about things on the plane. At around eight o'clock that night, I arrived in Golmud City, known as the "Plateau Inn".

This is a legendary city. Golmud means "a place with dense rivers" in Tibetan. Although the whole way you fly here is Gobi, you can also imagine what the city looked like when it was named. The information I read on the plane said that this city was created when General Mu Shengzhong, the "father of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway", pitched the tents of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway construction troops here. The city only has a history of more than fifty years. It was extremely prosperous in its early years. Now, its status has gradually been replaced by Lhasa, and the entire city is in a rather embarrassing position.

After getting off the plane. It was very embarrassing for me to suffer from altitude sickness. I fainted for two or three seconds at the exit of the airport. The feeling was not like the exhaustion coma I had when I was in Qinling Mountains. It's a feeling that the world is moving away from you, and all the scenery suddenly turns black from the sides. Then I lay down. Fortunately, I woke up immediately after two or three seconds, and I was already lying on the ground. What's even more embarrassing is that when I was buying medicine, I realized that I was already on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. I was not familiar with China's geography, and I didn't even know that Golmud was on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau! The drug seller thought I was on the wrong plane.

After drinking a 50-cent bowl of Tibetan tea at a roadside Tibetan tea stall and taking the medicine, I went to the hotel arranged by my friend and settled down, ignoring the headache and fever. I set off without stopping, got into a taxi, took out the address, and asked the driver to take me there.

However, after the driver looked at the address, he immediately shook his head and said that the place was a very small alley that the car could not drive into. The area was full of old houses and the roads were very narrow. He could take me to the vicinity of that generation and then further in. I have to go in and ask people myself.

As soon as I heard that, it worked.

Just let him drive for a while. I came to the old part of the city.

The driver told me that Golmud City is a newly built city, and the roads are generally very wide. The old city has been expanded countless times, but there are small areas like this everywhere, which have been left behind because of their awkward location. Most of these bungalows were built in the 1960s and 1970s, and they are full of illegal buildings. My address. It's one of the alleys.

I got out of the car and it was already the end of dusk. It was dark, with a little bit of sunset. I looked up. In the backlight, you can only see the shadow of a long row of black tile-roofed houses, all of which were tube buildings built in the 1960s and 1970s. Looking at it at this time, the old city looks particularly mysterious.

When I walked in and looked around, I realized that this place can't actually be called a district. It's just a few sections of old streets that have survived the expansion of the city. These buildings have no cultural relic value and have not been regularly maintained. They all look a bit crumbling. He will probably die soon. There were not many people in the old town, and there were only a few hair salons walking between the houses. The old wires in the old houses, the darkness mixed with the colorful lights of the hair salons, felt quite strange.

I walked around there for about two hours, walking back and forth, which made the ladies in the hair salon think I was a thief but not a thief, so they all opened the door and smiled at me. However, as the taxi driver said, the layout inside is too chaotic. Many alleys are separated by illegal buildings. There are no street signs. Asking people is useless. Several migrant workers passing by smile and are kind. They shook their heads, probably meaning they didn't know where this place was.

I can't find the address but can't find the place. This is the first time I've encountered this kind of thing. I smiled bitterly as I walked, feeling how changeable the world is. Just when I was getting dizzy, a yellow-topped tricycle rode up from behind. The driver asked me if I wanted to get on. I was tired from walking, so I sat down and let him take me around.

The driver was Han nationality, and he probably came from the south in the early years. I heard that he had a southern accent and he talked a lot. He told me that he was from northern Jiangsu, and his surname was Yang. He was famous, and everyone called him Er Yang. I have been riding a tricycle here for twelve years. When I asked where I wanted to go, he knew all the high-end, low-end, Han, Tibetan and Uighur girls. He would give me a 20% discount on the whole set. If not, With this, he is good at traveling. There are no places of interest in Golmud, but there are great scenery in the surrounding Gobi, and he is familiar with them all.

I was funny in my heart, thinking that if your father gave you another three-character name, you could change your name to Hengyuan Xiang. But when he mentioned this, I felt something in my heart, thinking that these rickshaw pullers have been here for many years, and the street I know most of the alleys by heart, why don't I ask a few more questions, maybe I can learn something from his mouth.

So I showed him the address and asked him if he knew this place.

I didn't have much hope at first, but as soon as I finished speaking, Hengyuanxiang nodded and said he knew, and pedaled away. After a while, he rode on a very remote road.

There are old houses on both sides of the road, and there are almost no pedestrians under the dim street lights. When he stopped the car, I really panicked, as if I was about to be hijacked. He smiled when he saw me and told me that I had arrived at the place I was looking for.

I looked up and saw that it was a three-story building with a patio. Under the street lights, the building was dark and only the outer walls could be seen. There seemed to be no one inside. The whole house felt ghostly.

I was dumbfounded and asked the driver what kind of place was this? He said: This is the People's Liberation Army Sanatorium in the 1960s, and it has been abandoned for a long time.

Chapter 8 306

I got out of the car and paid. I checked the blurred house number at the door and found that the address on the note was indeed here. I feel a little bit hairy in my heart. I thought to myself, isn’t this the kind of uninhabited ghost building we often went to explore when we were kids? How could anyone let me come to a place like this? Is there anyone living inside?

The driver was still counting the change I gave him, so I turned around and asked him, who lives here?

The coachman shook his head and said he didn't know. He only knew that the sanatorium was built in the 1960s. Golmud is a military city with many military officers, and many national leaders often come to visit. This sanatorium was for the leaders at that time. In the mid-1980s, the sanatorium was demolished and turned into a theater, so he also came here. At that time, there were only a few places in Hedong and Hexi. I was lucky enough to meet him. If other tricycle drivers from the north had not found this place, they would not have been able to find it.

I was dubious. After the coachman left, I was the only one left on the street. I looked around. It was pitch dark, with only a dim streetlight in front of the building, which made me a little scared. But when he thought that he had even gone to the ancient tomb in the middle of the night, what was he afraid of in this old house, and he immediately pushed the door open.

There is a wall outside the building, and the wall door is an arched red wooden door with no knocker. After pushing it a few times, I found that there was a chain behind the door and it could not be opened. However, this obstacle did not stop me. I looked around. When I got to the light pole, I climbed up in a few clicks. Climbed the wall. This is a skill I used to make trouble when I was young, and it seems that I haven't lost it yet.

The yard inside is full of weeds. Those who jumped down could tell that there were blue bricks underneath, but the gaps were filled with grass. There was also a dead tree in the yard, leaning against the wall on one side.

When I walked to the small building, I turned on my lighter and took a photo, and then I realized how dilapidated it was. The carved windows and doors had drooped down, and there were spider webs everywhere. The door was locked with an iron chain, and the doors were closed. seal.

I opened a window and climbed in carefully. Inside was a floor paved with blue bricks and a thick layer of dust. Directly behind the door was a lobby with nothing in it and seemed empty. I raised the lighter and turned it around carefully. I found something familiar. I broke out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.

This lobby is where "I" crawled on the ground in Aning's video.

We've come to the right place, I said to myself. I stood in the video and looked at it from the angle of the video recorder. The angles of those blue bricks and those carved windows were exactly the same. I became more and more sure of my idea. A kind of fear and excitement emerged from my heart at the same time.

Continuing to walk in, there is a spiral wooden staircase on the left side of the lobby. It is a very simple kind, but it is spiral anyway, leading to the second floor. I tiptoed over and looked upstairs. I saw that the top of the stairs was pitch black and there was no light.

I took out the key from my pocket, 306, that should be the third floor.

This was somewhat strange. I lowered my head and looked at the treads of the stairs, and found that they were covered with thick dust, but some footprints could be seen in the dust. Obviously, someone was still walking here.

I gently put my foot on the pedal and stepped on it. It made a creaking sound, but it should be able to bear my weight. I gritted my teeth and walked up carefully.

It was dark upstairs, and the "squeaking" sound of wood rubbing against each other made me feel a little panicked, but after all, this place was not as good as the ancient tomb, and my nerves could withstand it.

Going all the way up to the second floor, I found that the entrance to the corridor on the second floor was sealed with cement. There was no door and the whole thing was sealed. According to the space downstairs, there should be several rooms behind the cement wall. It seemed to be isolated, and the cement work was very rough.

I touched the wall and felt a little strange. Could it be that there had been structural problems with this house and that it had been reinforced?

But it was useless to be surprised. I didn't have the extra energy to consider these issues at this time. I continued up to the third floor. What I saw was a dark corridor with rooms on both sides of the corridor. But there was no light coming from under any of the doors, so there must be no one there, and there was an unpleasant musty smell in the air.

I calmly walked into the corridor carefully, bypassed the spider webs, and saw house numbers covered with dust paint on the doors of those rooms. As I read on, I felt a little like the protagonist in one of those European and American suspense movies. . soon. Then I came to the door of the penultimate room in the corridor. I raised the hot lighter and shined it on the door. I saw a very faint door number on the lintel: 306.

At that moment I started to want to knock on the door, but then I thought it was funny. So he hesitated at the door and took out the key. I inserted it into the keyhole at the door, then rotated it. With a "click", the door was pushed in easily with the sharp friction of the door shaft.

The room was not big, it was very dark inside, and the smell of mold was even stronger inside. First, I poked my head in through the crack in the door and found that there might be a window on one side of the room. The light from the street lamp outside came in, illuminating the general outline of the room. There seemed to be a lot of furniture placed against the wall in the room. It couldn't be clearly seen in the shadows caused by the street lights outside, but at a glance, it was clear that there was no one there.

I took a deep breath, walked in carefully, and held up the already hot lighter under the weak firelight. Everything around him became clear.

This was a person's bedroom. I saw a small bed placed in the corner. The musty smell came from this bed. When I looked closer, I found that the quilt on the bed had rotted into black. The smell was extremely unpleasant, and the quilt was bulging. At first glance, I thought it was wrapped in a dead person, but after a closer look, I found that it was just the shape of the quilt.

Beside the bed, there is a writing desk, an ancient wooden desk similar to that used in primary school. On it are some garbage, cloth, a few pieces of waste paper and some white lime blocks that fell from the roof, all covered with a thick layer of of ash.

Beside the desk is a large cabinet. It's three to four meters wide and taller than me. The wood above probably swelled due to moisture, and the door panels were cracked. Looking up, you can see that there are a lot of coal spots and water stains at the connection between the roof and the wall above the cabinet. It is obvious that there will be water leakage here on rainy days.

This place seems to have been abandoned for a long time. It must have been in such a state of dilapidation for more than five years, but although the house is old, it is just ordinary old. Why did the person who sent the video tape hook me here? What message did he want me to get from being in this house?

At this time, my uneasy mood gradually calmed down as I adapted to the environment. I put the lighter on the table, first began to rummage through the drawers of the wooden desk, and pulled out the drawers one by one. But it was basically empty inside. There were two drawers lined with old newspapers, which were all moldy and I didn't dare to touch them.

It's not in the drawer, is it on the bed? I walked to the edge of the bed and first looked under the bed. It was full of spider webs and there was nothing there. Then I went to the edge and took out a drawer. I used it as a tool and pulled the sticky quilt off the mattress. I drove over to see if there was anything wrapped inside, but when I pulled it a few times, black sticky water came out of the quilt, and there were even bugs in it. The musty smell was so strong that I almost felt sick to the point of vomiting.

I finally pushed the quilt to the floor, but I didn't find anything. In fact, after I pushed it a few times, I realized that there couldn't be anything inside. Who would hide something in such a disgusting place.

There are neither of these places, so only this big cabinet is left, but this cabinet has a lock. Although the door of the cabinet is cracked, it still requires some strength to open the cabinet, and it is impossible without tools.

I didn't bring anything with me, so I had to look for it on the spot, and finally found something on the window sill. It was an old-fashioned window latch that could be pulled out. Although it was rusty, the old-fashioned latch was solid and very strong. I pulled out one and used it as a pry bar, inserting it into the cracks of the cracked cabinet door panels. I pried the cracks big enough for me to put my fingers in. Then I put one foot against one side, put my hand into the cracks, and used force. Break it apart. The door panel made a terrifying friction sound, causing me to bend. Then there was a cracking sound, and the entire panel was broken off. The dust on the door flew up, and I was so confused that I couldn't open it. Eye.

The building was quite quiet, and these movements sounded particularly scary to me. The moment the door panel broke, the harsh sound scared me into a cold sweat. It took me a long time to recover, then I picked up the lighter and shined it into the cabinet.

I had no idea what was in the cabinet, and I felt that it was most likely that there would be nothing there, so I wasn’t too mentally prepared. However, when I took a look at it, I was taken aback.

There was indeed nothing in the cabinet, it was empty, but the bottom panel on the side of the cabinet against the wall had disappeared, exposing the cement wall covered by the cabinet, and on the cement wall, there was a dark doorway half a person's height. There is a cement staircase going down, I don't know where it leads.

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