Daomu Biji

Returning from the Mysterious Sea Chapter 13 The End

Chapter Thirteen The End

In waist-deep water, the mine lights clearly illuminated the bottom of the water. I originally thought that what I was stepping on were still those fine stones, but I don't know when it changed. Among the gravel under our feet, there were some strange-shaped stone flakes. I reached down and touched one, and found that it turned out to be fragments of the clay pots we saw on the ancient shipwreck excavated in Devil City. .

These pottery fragments were buried in the gravel and only a small part was exposed. It has to be looked at carefully to separate them from the fine stones. It is obvious that there are traces of ancient people's activities here. But looking at the number, it seems there are quite a few, all hidden under the gravel.

Everyone began to poke at the broken stones with their feet, and soon more fragments were exposed. The fat man raised the miner's lamp high and illuminated the area around where we were standing. We were able to see the underwater situation more clearly.

Under the rubble here, there are a large number of clay pot fragments mixed in. They are not buried deeply. They extend far away from where we stand to the bottom of the lake. There is no end in sight, and the farther they go, the more they go to the mark left by the oil bottle. In this direction, the number of these pottery fragments became denser, and I could tell that they were rushed from that direction by some force.

The fat man dug deeper and found that there were still many jars buried deep under the gravel. With such a scale, it was impossible to count how many jars were originally buried here. The fragments of these pottery pots in the water have very sharp edges and corners, like blades. Among the fragments are mixed human skulls, which have become full of holes and are basically incomplete. Some even have some hair stuck to them. It's chilling.

Such a scene. It looks very similar to the scene I saw near Xisha where porcelain was fished out of the sea and covered with porcelain on the seabed. At that time, the entire seabed was covered with porcelain. But the porcelain is buried in the white sea sand, which looks ancient and mysterious, and these ugly jars are buried in the gravel, and the human bones and hair inside just make people feel disgusting.

We all got goosebumps just looking at those skulls. "What the hell are these?" the fat man exclaimed.

I told them about what happened after the excavation of the sunken ship in the "Devil City" of Yadan. But they didn't know the details, so I explained to them that these were the clay pots found at that time. According to the saying of Wulaosi and the display of the relief. This should be a kind of sacrifice to the snake.

"Is there also a sunken ship behind this?" the fat man asked while rowing the miner's lamp.

I shook my head. It probably couldn't be a boat. First of all, it is impossible for a sunken ship to sink so deep underground, unless the lake has a waterway leading to the outside world. Secondly, these jars belong to the snake sacrifices and should be placed in places related to sacrificial activities. I think this must be related to the religion of the Queen Mother of the West. With such a large number, it seems that such jars were not uncommon at that time.

I quite agree with Wu Laosi's statement that this was a sacrifice, but knowing this is meaningless. I remembered Wu Laosi's screams at that time, and I couldn't help but feel acupuncture in the soles of my feet.

Thinking of my experience in the Devil's City, I'm still a little scared, but nothing will happen here. Judging from the damage to these jars, the bugs inside must have long been gone. The human bones are also rotten, and become crispy when touched. These things have been soaked in water for thousands of years, and it is good that they have not turned into dust. Moreover, clay pots absorb water. If there is a sealed clay pot, it has been buried in water for so long. The water had already seeped in bit by bit, and it must have been filled with water, and the bugs should have drowned.

"With so many sacrifices, could it be that behind this is the tomb of Queen Mother of the West?" asked one of Third Uncle's men.

I thought about it, and I can’t say it’s not possible, but it’s also a completely baseless guess. My heart said it was best not to.

The fat man said: "Whatever it is, we have to be careful not to step on those pottery fragments. I don't know if these bones are poisonous. Xiao Wu, you'd better wash them quickly. Be careful of your wound infection. I'll have to amputate it later." That's terrible. And since these are snake sacrifices, there could be pheasant necks here. We have to be careful."

"Thank you for your concern." I glared at him angrily.

He didn't care at all, and asked strangely: "It's strange, speaking of those snakes, it seems that I haven't seen them since I entered here. Where have all the hanging sausages gone?"

I don’t know if it was the bone fragments of these skulls or the pottery fragments that were crushed by my feet. Either way, it was not a good thing.

At this time, the black blind man dived into the water and dug out half of the skull. The back of the head was gone, and the gray gelatinous, honeycomb-like tissue inside the brain cavity could be seen. This should be the masterpiece of those zombie kings. Why there is a corpse king in this head is completely unexplained, but judging from the meaning, it seems that these human heads sealed with clay in clay pots are to raise this kind of terrifying insects, which is a bit like modern beekeeping. If Wu Laosi's inference is correct, this behavior may have originated from some mysterious customs during the Queen Mother of the West. I don't know where they caught this kind of bug that nests in people's brains.

We continued to move forward among the debris, paying special attention to the water to avoid being scratched by the pottery shards. The situation became more and more clear. The further we walked, the more pottery pot fragments were under our feet. After walking like this for less than a kilometer, we found ourselves on a shoal made entirely of pottery fragments.

The entire area is filled with fragments of pottery pots, large and small, mostly dark red and pottery yellow in color. Under these pottery pot fragments, you can see many seemingly complete ghost-head pots buried, which look like There are several layers under the water.

We have no way of knowing how many layers of this stuff were buried beneath the debris, but the scene is horrifying enough. Afraid of stepping on the ghost pot, we didn't dare to advance rashly, so we stopped to find a way.

The fat man was not interested in these rags, and the three uncle's men did not dare to touch them. They all drank soju to keep away the cold. The black blind man was very interested, and he dived down again and again to take a closer look at these ghost head jars. The fat man said impatiently: "Four eyes, don't you see enough dead people? Why are you fishing for those things?"

I searched around and found that it was like this all around. This area was huge. If I wanted to pass, I had to either go back the way I came and find a way around it, or I had to step on the sharp bones and pottery shards.

While hesitating, I saw Wen Jin looking at her feet thoughtfully, so I asked her what she had in mind. She suddenly said: "Could it be that we have already arrived?"

"Arrived? What do you mean?" I was surprised, but then I understood, "You mean, this is our destination?"

She nodded: "It seems that we have arrived at a place where sacrifices are piled up. This kind of place is usually a place for sacrifices. It has been quite a distance. Do you think it is possible that this place is our destination?"

I looked at my feet and around me, and it felt impossible, at least I couldn't accept it in my heart. What kind of place is this? There is nothing here except these ghost jars, so why did we work so hard to get here? I had already looked carefully at these jars in Devil City.

Looking at the stuffy oil bottle, he still didn't say anything. Wen Jin took out the fluorescent sticks, folded a few of them to light up, and threw them into the surrounding water, lighting up the surrounding area. Others watched and began to imitate the example of holding up fluorescent sticks and throwing them out. Soon, the surrounding water bottom lit up with a faint green fluorescence.

We began to look for anything suspicious under the water. The water surface under the green light was very ghostly. This time we looked very carefully, but there was still nothing strange that we wanted to find, except for pottery fragments, which were pottery fragments.

We were a little frustrated, and I looked at the bottom and said, if this is the destination, then the only possibility is that something is buried under these pots. But this should be impossible. There are so many people here. If something is down here, it must have been dug out. Obviously this is not the end, we have to continue searching.

The most hateful thing is that we have no idea what our destination is like, and we can't remember anything.

I kicked the water a few times to get rid of my coldness and nerves. At this time, I suddenly saw my reflection being distorted by the water waves into a strange shape. Then I saw my face and my lower body overlapped, and the other areas reflected were pitch black.

My mind was agitated, and I suddenly realized something. I raised my head and looked directly above us, and found that from unknown time on, the top of our heads was much higher, and it looked pitch black.

I took a miner's lamp and shined it upward. The light shone into the darkness and I couldn't see the top. The weak light of this miner's lamp illuminates a distance of nearly forty meters, and the cave ceiling here actually exceeds this distance. I adjusted the illumination intensity of the miner's lamp to strong light, and the miner's lamp suddenly emitted a beam of incandescent light.

Everyone around me was attracted by the miner's lamp that I suddenly turned on. I ignored it and pointed the miner's lamp towards the roof of the cave, illuminating the tops of our heads.

At that moment I was stunned. I saw, above our heads, embedded in the rock of the cave roof, a huge, speechless object.

This thing is extremely huge. The part that protrudes from the ceiling of the cave is spherical. Its diameter is completely impossible to estimate, and it almost covers our entire field of vision. The texture seems to be rock, but the color is completely different from the surrounding stone pillars and cave roof. The strange thing is that the surface of this stone is full of holes the size of tar barrels, thousands of them, densely packed, and looks extremely ugly, like a lotus root that has been hollowed out.

Others also looked up at the sky along my light. No one spoke for a while, everyone was stiff, and the atmosphere seemed to be frozen.

"What the hell?" Fatty muttered.

Wen Jin murmured: "Oh my god, this... this is a sky stone."

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