Daomu Biji

Return of the Mysterious Sea Chapter 19 Kettle

Chapter 19 Kettle

I looked at him and felt that it looked like a small human head, but it had no facial features. It was covered with eroded black mud and was surrounded by tiny tentacle-like things.

"What the hell?" I asked.

The fat man threw it over, and I caught it in the air. I realized that the thing was not big, so I washed it with water. Soon the black mud on the outside was washed away, revealing the green and rusty surface inside.

I shook it and said strangely: "Damn it, it's a military kettle."


"Old style, something from decades ago. I can tell by the appearance. I still have one at home. Look, there are words here." I turned the kettle over.

There is indeed a string of words stamped on the bottom of the kettle. The stamping was not deep to begin with, and it is even more unclear now. It seems that it may be the place of production.

We looked at each other and said to ourselves: What's going on? How could this kettle float up from this hole?

The space under the water should be a river bottom made of piles of gravel and pottery shards. Although I don’t know what it looked like thousands of years ago, it must have been like this in the past few hundred years. How can there be a kettle?

The fat man said: "Could it be that they are also the reactionary armed forces who fled here?"

"It's possible," I said, "But that's not the question. The question is, how could this thing be down here?"

"Perhaps a reactionary came here and fell to his death in this hole."

I shook my head and said, "Impossible. This kind of balanced structure can only exist once. If it collapsed before, it would either be a hole, or it would be filled up by subsequent mud, and there would no longer be a pit covered by pottery shards."

The fat man said: "How do you know?"

"Boss, this is common sense." I said.

"Then it's possible that it floated here from other places. The bottom of this place may be completely empty." Fatty said.

"Theoretically it's possible, but in practice it's very difficult. The kettle will float and get stuck on the hollow dome. It's not that easy to float..." I said. Before I finished speaking, I suddenly felt something move under my feet. This " "Moving" was very outrageous, it just felt like my feet were bulging.

I immediately opened my hands to maintain balance and said to the fat man, "Be careful, it's going to collapse again."

At this time, the fat man cursed: "Your common sense is wrong."

I looked down and saw a huge thing rising quickly from the black pit, reflecting a series of flashing lights of scales, and then I saw a yellow eye the size of a basketball.

I was stunned for a moment, wondering what is this? The fat man pushed me and shouted: "Run, run, run! Run! Run! Run!" Before I could react, he pulled me out and rushed out.

The fat man was like crazy, pulling me without any strength left. When I saw that he was really running for his life, I grabbed the bottle of stuffy oil and ran out immediately.

It is actually impossible to run in this water. The resistance is too great and it is very slow. It is impossible to run at this time, and there are sharp tiles under your feet. I rushed out a few steps and stepped on the edge of the edge. I fell into the water and started flopping around, ignoring the severe pain in the soles of my feet.

Then Fatty and Mengyoubo also fell down. Fatty also dropped his backpack, but he didn't even look at it when he got up and shouted, "Don't stop!" He used all his strength to stumble forward and continued to rush forward. I heard the sound of rushing water behind us. Looking back, I saw that it turned out to be an extremely huge python, rising out of the water like a blue dragon emerging from the water.

I looked at the size of the snake and immediately thought of it.

Oh my god, this...isn't that snake mother!

How is this possible? The giant snake painted on the relief actually exists and is still alive today.

I said in my heart, "It's over." I gritted my teeth and continued running forward. Then I heard the sound of water coming from behind, almost like waves. I thought to myself, what can I do? I can only run a few steps. I almost fell while running. I don’t know how many times I fell. My feet were sprained and there were wounds all over my body.

Many people have experienced that when they run away from danger, they only rely on the initial energy. Before this energy is used up, even if you are stabbed twice, you will not feel pain. So I ran all the way, falling, climbing, and falling. The soles of my feet were rotten and I didn’t know how many cuts I got. In the panic, I had no sense of distance at all, and I didn't know how far I ran. Finally, my feet suddenly became empty, and I stepped on a sudden depression. I rolled down immediately. There was a deep pit below, and I rushed into the water.

I reacted quickly and stabilized my body immediately, but it was too sudden. I drank several sips of water and couldn't step on it no matter how hard I stepped on it.

The fat man still paid attention to me. After running for more than ten meters, he rushed back and pulled me up. But before I could grab his hand, his scales suddenly flashed and an extremely domineering force came over with water. , and pushed him and Menyou Ping into the water all at once.

This was going to be fatal. The three of us jumped up and saw the huge python body like a train skin coiling around us in the water. The fat man pulled out the dagger, but looking at the difference in size, the dagger was worse than a toothpick. Can't help but give up. Then I saw a huge python head poking into the water and appearing in front of us. The huge scales were like mirrors, so big that with that kind of momentum, I almost felt like I was seeing a clawless green dragon.

How did the kettle get down? Someone must have eaten it and been carried under the sand. The three of us couldn't get enough of it as an appetizer.

We were splashing in the water, trying to swim out of the circle surrounded by the huge python's body, but found that we couldn't control ourselves at all. As long as the giant snake moved, the water would boil, disrupting our direction with great water pressure.

The fat man refused to accept his fate. He already raised his gun, aimed at the snake's eyes, and fired twice. The giant snake's head moved twice, but there was no reaction at all, so the fat man threw the gun away.

I told him not to waste his efforts, we both knew the gun wouldn't do anything. You can still fight hard when you encounter that kind of double-scaled giant python. This thing is too big. No matter how you fight it, it will have no effect. The fat man shouted: "No, elephants don't eat ants. We are too small, so it will not be easy for them to eat us."

Before he finished speaking, the snake suddenly shrank its head and bit the fat man fiercely. The momentum was indescribable, and I was immediately thrown out by the rising waves.

I got up and yelled for Fatty, but I saw that he was also swept away with the bottle of stuffy oil in his hands, and the giant snake didn't bite him.

The giant snake missed a hit and became angry. The huge snake body twisted away, forming a huge wave of water. The huge scales were like countless mirrors, reflecting the mine lamp in my hand like a magnificent illusion of light and shadow.

The fat man yelled at me: "Hide!"

I immediately swam behind the huge stone pillar on one side, and finally climbed up. When I turned around, my scalp went numb, and I saw that the huge dinosaur-like python head had quietly reached in front of me, and it was straight and hooked. staring at me.

There was no way to hide. The python was too huge. I swam almost to death and it suddenly came over. It may be within two to three hundred meters of its direct attack range.

I took a closer look and found that the giant python was even bigger, and I couldn't help but kneel down with my legs weak. The giant python turned its head and looked at me with its huge snake eyes, but did not launch an attack immediately. The snake's head turned from time to time.

I thought in my heart that I was dead. Its attack would definitely be more accurate on the water than in the water.

But after waiting for a few seconds, the snake didn't attack us. I stared at the huge snake head and found that the snake seemed to be unable to eat anything.

I thought about it and suddenly saw the miner's lamp I was shining on the snake, and I understood immediately. This miner's lamp is extremely bright. This snake may not have seen any light here for hundreds of years, and now it is blinded by this thing.

Suddenly I thought of a way. I slowly placed the miner's lamp on the stone pillar on the side, hoping to escape while its attention was attracted.

However, it was almost impossible to put anything on the stone pillar, and it would slide down as soon as I put it on. I was covered in cold sweat and couldn't put it down several times.

I asked myself to stay calm while thinking of a solution. I really admire that my brain can still move at this time, if I was completely scared to death before.

Suddenly I saw the fat man on one side gesturing to me behind the python's head, as if he wanted me to throw the miner's lamp to him.

I immediately understood his intention. I took a deep breath and swung the miner's lamp away from the snake's head. An arc of light flew towards the fat man. The giant python was attracted by the light and immediately turned its head. At this moment, I dived into the water suddenly.

The python on one side moved immediately. I didn't care and swam away with all my strength. I swam until I was exhausted before I poked my head out. I saw that I still hadn't swam too far, and the giant python was right behind me, with huge snake bodies lying around. But the python moved quickly and soon disappeared, seeming to have burrowed under the sand.

Soon, I saw the fat man rushing out of the water with a bottle of stuffy oil on his back. I asked him what was going on, and he said: "I sank the miner's lamp into a hole, and it chased me down. Move away quickly. We will be dead when it comes up again."

The subsequent experience was lackluster.

We gasped and looked at each other, feeling like everything was a dream. The fat man turned pale and told us to go quickly, not daring to stop for a moment. I was basically in a daze after that, especially towards the end. I can only briefly describe what happened.

We hardly stopped at all and went all the way back to the entrance of the waterway. We chose a direction and started looking for another exit along the stone wall.

Six hours later, they entered a waterway. Enduring their hunger, the three of them simply walked away without saying anything, so as not to waste their energy.

"I can rely on fat for one to two weeks without eating. The only discomfort is the first few days," Fatty said. "I have experienced this kind of time. Just be patient and it will be fine."

At first, I doubted whether we could get out alive in the end. At the same time, I suddenly understood why the third uncle's entry this time was called the "point of no return" because the journey was too long and the food carried by one person was completely unsatisfactory. Throughout the whole trip back and forth, he had foreseen how difficult the return trip would be.

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