Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Building Chapter 27 Plan

Agui had been waiting for me at the door, squatting on the ground and smoking depressedly, obviously not knowing what Panma and the others were doing. He stood up immediately after seeing me, and I said to him: Let's go back.

On the way I asked him if he knew the lake in Yangjiao Mountain that Panma was talking about? Agui nodded and said he had heard of it before, but he had never been there himself. I said that I would pay a high price and help me find a hunter as soon as possible to take us there.

Agui agreed wholeheartedly and asked me tentatively, what on earth did Panma say to me? But Agui asked very carefully. I thought to myself that telling you would be harming you, so I brushed it off casually.

I hurried back to Agui's house. I was anxious to tell Menyouping what I had discovered, but I found that only Yuncai and her sister were burning the stove at home, and both Fatty and Menyouping were not there.

I thought it was strange, and asked the Yuncai people? When the boss of Yuncaidao who didn't talk much came back and saw that the fat boss hadn't come back yet, he asked me. I told him that the fat boss didn't come back all night, so he hurriedly went to look for me.

I was very excited at first, but my excitement suddenly subsided. I thought to myself that the fat man didn't come back all night?

Mountain villages don't have entertainment venues like cities where he can go and have fun, so it's a bit abnormal that he didn't come back all night. I know the fat man's character very well, and when I thought about what he said before about getting some sulfuric acid, I immediately had an ominous premonition.

I believe Menyoupin, like me, immediately thought of this possibility, so he went to look for it immediately.

I immediately asked Agui to take me to the village office. If anything happened to Fatty, he would definitely be there. After walking out a few steps, I met Fatty and Menyoupin coming back. Fatty's face was still covered with gauze, and he was scolding as he walked, as if he was injured.

After asking, I found out that on the way back from buying sulfuric acid, the fat man saw a hornet's nest and became interested. As a result, he misjudged his skill and was shot, and it was quite serious. He hung up salt water in the village hall and ended up sleeping all night. . The fat man said that the wasps here were different from those he had encountered before. The wasps he had encountered before were all stung before going mad. This time, he just got close to the wasps and they suddenly surrounded him. They were extremely fierce.

I say don't look for objective reasons. You have to admit that you are just old. The old fat man will not mention your bravery in the past. You should do less things like poking a hornet's nest in the future, so as not to make other people laugh.

I went back to the room to change the fat man's dressing, which was obviously extremely painful. If it weren't for the purpose of showing his manliness in front of Yun Cai, he would have screamed like a slaughtered pig.

Yuncai was very calm and disinfected his face like a dragonfly. I found that there were a few areas on his chin that were as big as a fingernail that were completely swollen. Yuncai used a bamboo skewer to scratch the swollen areas and then applied medicine. It was like picking off the skin. Meat, no wonder it hurts him to death.

After finishing it, the fat man had a hard time eating.

After finally finishing the meal, it was getting dark. We were enjoying the cool air in the corridor extending from the stilt building. I recounted everything I heard at Panma's house.

After listening, both of them frowned, and the fat man asked: "There is still something like this. Damn, this is just as good as the ghost stories I used to scare girls when I was a kid. Can this be true? What do you think? What are the assumptions?”

"I think Panma definitely didn't lie." I said, "This matter is definitely true, but his truth is not true in that sense."

"What do you mean?" Fatty asked.

"Let's consider the most reasonable possibility. Don't consider the magic lake or monsters. What do you think is the most likely scenario for this matter?"

The fat man shook his head and said: "Don't do this, all my brain cells were stung by wasps. I won't guess what you think. You just tell me."

I smiled bitterly, trying to show off, but the fat man refused to cooperate and said: "Okay, let's remove all the impossible factors. There will be no magical lakes, no resurrection of the dead, and no monsters, but things must be reasonable. Yes, what Panma said must be true, so the only possibility for this matter is actually very obvious - it is impossible for people to be resurrected, so the archaeological team entering the mountain and the archaeological team leaving the mountain are definitely not the same team."

The fat man paused and realized: "You mean, the dead people were not resurrected, but another group of people came out?"

"The group of people Panma and the others killed are indeed dead. Panma doesn't know that team. If there is another team that disguises itself, I don't think they need any sophisticated disguises to deceive them. Pan the horse.”

"But why do they do this? This is not a trick on him."

"I am just speculating. Based on the situation of that team and Panma's situation, I feel that there may be some errors in this matter. Let's assume that this is a long-planned conspiracy. Then, it may be planned to kill Panma before On that day, this archaeological team was already set to be wiped out. However, this plan may have gone awry. Maybe the killer who came to kill the archaeological team encountered some accident in the woods and did not arrive. Instead, Panma completed the task, and then the replacement fake team came here, thinking that the killer had completed the task, so they started pretending according to the plan. Then, the uninformed Panma came up with the magic lake. "I. "This is a reasonable speculation, and the fact may not be the case at all, but it proves that it is possible that this will happen."

"Hey, this sounds a bit reliable, but Fatty, where have I heard such a plot?" Fatty said, "What evidence do you have?"

"There are only some details. For example, the archaeological team was brought in by Panma, but when they came out, they did not wait for Panma to come in and take them out, but set out on their own. It means that the team behind is familiar with the terrain here, and they have The ability to get out. What happened next may be because the archaeological team found some clues and killed Pang Ergui and the others." I said, "I don't know now whether this archaeological team is the one that went to Xisha. But I feel that if not all of them are, there must be a few of them. If so, then do you think it is possible that someone made this subcontracting in order to join this archaeological team to go to Xisha." My thinking is very mature.

The fat man said: "Damn it, but how do you prove it?"

"The most direct way is that we should go to the lake in Yangjiao Mountain and take a look. Now that the lake has become smaller, I think we can dive down to see what's underneath and whether there are any corpses that were thrown into the lake."

"Damn this, it's a bit difficult. It's almost forty years now, and if there are corpses, they've already rotted away."

"The bones must still be there." I said, "Pan Ma and the others don't have a boat, so the place where they dumped the body must be by the lake. I think we can try our luck." ④ Reading on Tianshu Chinese website

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