Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Tower Chapter 39 The Strangeness of the Demon Lake

"Dead?" My head buzzed, and my heart said, how is this possible?

After Agui said this, his mood completely collapsed and he almost collapsed in the lake. k novel àp.k.c0m text version I had to help him up first and help him back to the awning. He went to the mule and got a few cans of rice wine and drank it for him before he felt relieved. But his mood was still extremely depressed and his speech was incoherent.

I listened and organized, and finally understood what was going on here.

It turned out that after he followed me away and returned again, Agui found a few people to help transport food and things to the lake. After seeing that nothing happened, Yuncai followed those people home to do other things, leaving him alone to watch.

At that time, Menyouping and Fatty had already salvaged a lot of things, and they had discovered the place where the corpses might be hidden. But by that time, the rain had stopped and the water level began to rise, causing their salvage to reach a deadlock.

At this time, while sorting out the salvaged items, they discovered a complete set of salvage equipment, including diving suits and traction ropes. At that time, they were using heavy-duty diving equipment, which was connected to the water surface by a trachea and towed by a hemp rope. Fatty said that they must have used this equipment to salvage the iron pieces from the ancient village at the bottom of the lake.

The whole set of equipment had been soaked underwater for a long time, and most of the parts were no longer usable. However, the diving helmets at that time used very corrosion-resistant materials. When packed in the equipment bag, there was no water leakage. The inside was still dry, and only the outside was dry. A layer of rubber peeled off in patches.

The fat man suddenly had a whim and wanted to use this helmet and part of the rubber to make a simple diving equipment. The air in the helmet could provide him with seven to eight breaths. Because the air exhaled by a person also contains a lot of oxygen, this amount of air is still enough. It is very impressive. If used well, the time a fat man can stay underwater can be extended to five minutes.

When it comes to diving, there is a world of difference between these five leisurely minutes and that one minute. They used this equipment to find the underwater skeletons. The process was that they used two ropes, one tied around the fat man's waist. Because the helmet was heavy, the fat man's strength alone might cause danger during the ascent. At this time, they needed to pull him up. The other rope was all hooks bent with iron wires - the iron wires were removed from the keel of the suitcase - after the fat man dived in, he hung all the salvaged things on the hooks, so that he could catch as many things as he could in one trip. Few things come up.

All the skeletons had been scattered and distributed at the east end of the fence. They salvaged them and, based on their positions, put them together with branches to determine the number of people. The operation was very simple and smooth.

After they salvaged all the bones they could see, they discovered a problem when they were splicing them together.

All the bones formed a rough human shape, and they were surprised to find that

Among all the bones, there was no right palm.

According to the method of counting bones, the skull and pelvis are the most important basis for judging the number of people. Because other bones are too fragmentary, it is not uncommon to have some missing parts. However, it is really strange that there is not even a right palm. This shouldn't be accidental.

Fatty and Menyouping began to wonder what caused this situation. Was there any special situation when the body was dumped that caused the right palm to be missing, or was it artificially chopped off?

When Panma was talking to me, he never mentioned that they cut off the palms of these corpses, and there was no reason for them to do so. As a result, he couldn't think of any explanation. The fat man also wondered if those people were all bears whose paws were chopped off and stewed in a secret dish.

In the end, Agui came to a conclusion. He asked whether these people had no right hands. All of them had fake right hands made of wood. As a result, the wooden prosthetic hands rotted after being thrown into the lake.

When I heard this, I didn’t think so at all, because the premise that no one has a right hand is too weird. I really can’t think of any situation where this would be the case. Instead, I felt that there were some features on these people’s right hands that someone wanted to hide. The identity of these people was cut off. Or, like trophies, the right hands of these people were collected and taken away. But Panma never mentioned this matter. Could it be that after they dumped the body, the body was picked up and reprocessed? But this idea was later proven to be impossible, because in Agui's narration, Fatty also thought of this, but looking at the wrist bones of those people, there were no traces of being cut by a knife. The right palms of those people seemed to have fallen off naturally. The joints in the wrist are all there.

In Panma's account, the archaeological team all had right hands. Apparently, the right hands were missing after they died. They really couldn't think of a reason, so they dived again to look for clues.

They found nothing more near the fence. Fatty suspected that the bones had sunk into the ancient village inside the fence.

When they first started diving, they had a tacit understanding that they would never enter the ancient village at the bottom of the lake, and would only do activities in the peripheral areas where the environment was relatively simple. Because the inside of the village is several meters deeper than the outside, and this kind of lake bottom exploration is very dangerous. No one has tested the environment at the bottom of the lake. Maybe some ancient villages are already very fragile and will collapse at a touch. A more complete solution is needed. Diving equipment.

The fat man couldn't wait and thought it was no big deal to just go over and have a look, so there were some conflicts at this time. But I was not here, Menyoupin couldn't gossip, and Agui couldn't refute the boss, so the fat man went down.

This time, something unexpected happened.

The rope at that time was a nylon rope that Agui brought back from the county town. It was very strong and had a length of three hundred meters, so the fat man was not worried at all. He could dive deeper. After the fat man dived in, he gradually went deeper. As before, Agui was not too worried. He looked at the time and prepared to lift the fat man up when the time was up.

The time they agreed on was four and a half minutes, because it takes about thirty seconds to a minute to surface. If you surface too fast, you will get diving sickness.

When diving underwater, four minutes actually feels like a long time, but it is fleeting on the water. Soon Agui started to pull the rope. He didn’t expect that after a few pulls, the rope suddenly became straight. , and it couldn't be pulled no matter how hard it was pulled, as if something was biting down there.

The first thought at that time was that it might be hanging on the fence. I had encountered this situation before. Those fences had been soaked in water for who knows how many years. They were all as soft as Wangzi steamed buns. Just pull hard and it would be fine. Agui pulled hard a few times, and sure enough the rope moved.

Agui quickly pulled it up, but as soon as he pulled it, he found that the feel was wrong. The rope takes much less effort and is very light to pull.

This feeling is a bit scary, just like when a fish bites the hook, and the fish is deadlocked for a few seconds, but the line loosens. This means that the bait has been bitten off, but the fish has decoupled, and now, the bait is the fat man.

Agui broke into a cold sweat at that time. The more he pulled, the more wrong he felt. He was getting closer and closer to the water, and his hand felt lighter and lighter. As the dark shadow gradually became visible underwater, he almost suffocated. When the shadow was pulled out of the water, he found that the fat man was gone. What he pulled up was just a helmet.

He speculated that the rope was probably hooked somewhere. When the fat man saw that the situation was not right, he immediately took off his helmet and floated up on his own. After taking it off, the thing hooking the rope somehow came loose again. In this case, the fat man will surface soon.

However, after waiting for more than a minute, nothing came up.

He felt a little bad. This was different from other situations. After staying underwater for a minute, ordinary people would definitely drown.

At that time, the oil bottle was on the shore, and Agui gradually panicked. Not to mention that the business was good and profitable. Here, as long as he could swim, he could easily dismiss the boss. But now something suddenly happened, he must be held responsible. In a small place like the mountains, something like this might be rumored for a lifetime.

He took off his clothes and shouted towards the shore. After watching the oil bottle running towards the lake, he jumped into the lake and dived with the stone in his arms. Unfortunately, he was really inexperienced. The stone sank a few meters and then he let go. Struggling to come up. Menyouping arrived just in time. As soon as Agui explained the situation, Menyouping immediately put on the helmet he had picked up and jumped down.

Agui pulled the rope to pray for God's blessing. What he didn't expect was that after waiting for five minutes, not only did the fat man not come up, but the oil bottle that went down also didn't make any move, and the rope just hung in the water.

He pulled up the rope, and the familiar feeling came to him again. When he pulled it out of the water, he found that the same situation had happened again. On the other end of the rope, the oil bottle was gone, and only the diving helmet remained.

After listening to this, I was confused. My mind was in a mess. I didn’t accept these things in my heart. I felt that it was too nonsense. How could such a thing happen? But at the same time, I knew clearly that Agui could not lie. So what happened to this matter? To me, it's just horrible.

I asked Agui when this happened, and it had been almost two weeks since he said he was away. After the incident, he waited on the lake for a day, but nothing came up.

Two weeks? Even a whale would die after being submerged in the water for two weeks. No wonder Agui said they were dead. No matter what caused them to take off their diving helmets in the water, death was certain.

After that day, Agui would go to the lake to look around every day to see if there were any bodies floating up, but there were no bodies. He once thought that some strange fish had eaten them at the bottom of the lake, but it was obvious that there were no traces of blood or attack left on the diving helmet.

I took a look at the helmet and found that Fatty had made very interesting changes, and this change made it difficult to take off the helmet underwater, which became a "problem". I have dived underwater and know what the situation is like underwater. Although it is potentially dangerous to enter the ancient village, they will not let them spend so much effort taking off their helmets.

I doubt whether it is diving disease, because after diving to a deeper place, the ratio of inhaled oxygen seems to have to be adjusted, otherwise it will form drunk oxygen, but drunk oxygen is not drunk, and you will not be drunk enough to take off your clothes.

Something must have happened underwater that forced them to take off their helmets. Moreover, Mengyoubo also took off his helmet, indicating that this was definitely a non-optional process. The fat man will not have sudden whims like the fat man.

So why didn't they appear again after taking off their helmets underwater? Did what they encountered eventually lead to an accident?

I had traveled a long distance and was exhausted physically and mentally. I was really at a loss when I encountered such a difficult situation. But I absolutely do not admit that they are dead. We have experienced so many things together and could die anywhere, but we have both survived. How could we die on such a half-tourist and half-investigation trip.

Even though that's what I said, when I thought about it carefully, my heart still tightened, and I immediately gave up on luck. Because I know that accidents are not reasonable to you. No matter how great the danger you have encountered before, you will never be able to escape when it's time to die. Many great heroes in history had a great life and finally died at the hands of little people. Could it be that God is playing tricks on me and the two of them are really just gone?

After thinking about it, I still couldn't accept it in my heart. I became irritated and thought that it was already raining and the view on the lake must not be good. They might have surfaced but were far away from Agui's position, so Agui didn't see them. , and then for some reason, they landed alone.

No matter what, there is one thing I must do. No matter whether they have an accident or not, I must dive down to see what happens. I want to see people alive and see corpses dead.

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