Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Building Chapter 46 The second half is underground

My concept was completely overturned. Not only was the location of this ancient building wrong, but the structure was also so weird. Behind the door leading to the back, there was actually a corridor going underground. Is it possible that the entire big house behind is built underneath? The designer obviously made deliberate manipulations. Maybe the actual length of the back hall is different from the length inside the room. When people come in and see this door, they think it is the back door. In fact, it is still some distance away from the real back door. It is hidden in the middle. Tight corridor.

The main door is on the ground and the other parts are built underneath. Is this still a house? It's a rat's nest. The designer is really imaginative.

Suddenly I remembered a sentence that my third uncle told me a long time ago. Those who build villas in the mountains are either overseas Chinese or tomb robbers. Is this considered a deep mountain? Could this ancient house in the mountains be a fake building for tomb robbers? Just like I often heard that someone built a pigsty on top of an ancient tomb and then used it to cover up the tomb robbers.

On the surface, it seems to be very consistent with this statement. Going down the corridor, it may be the ancient tomb they are digging. These iron figurines are burial objects excavated from the ancient tomb.

But if I think about it more carefully, I know that it is impossible for a tomb robber to have a temper. Even the most powerful and eccentric tomb robber would not be able to build such a strong corridor just for the purpose of robbing a tomb! This looks like a permanent stone street built by very experienced craftsmen, rather than a temporary one.

Besides, why build Han-style buildings in Yao Village? The purpose of the fake building is to hide it and prevent people from paying attention to tomb robbing activities. Wouldn't it be more conspicuous to build a Han building in the Yao village?

According to this kind of thinking, the best and most efficient way is to build a Yao stilt building here, and then dig a hole directly at night to build such a tall and familiar Chinese-style ancient building. It takes a lot of time and effort. The money may be far greater than the value of robbing an ancient tomb, and it is too ostentatious and completely unnecessary.

If this statement is feasible, there is only one possibility, that is, the value of the following things is extremely huge, and it is extremely difficult to enter, and it may take more than twenty or thirty years of operation. But I am basically certain that there cannot be any big tomb here, because this place is located in a low-lying part of the mountainous area, and all the underground water flows here, so there is no way to build a big tomb.

From my knowledge of architecture, one thing is certain... This building seems to have been specially built for a special purpose, and all the special emblems are serving this purpose. I don’t know this at the moment. There is no way to tell what the purpose is, but the core part of the purpose should be underground.

I looked at the oxygen meter and saw that there wasn't much left. I could last for fifteen minutes at most. I didn't have any more time to waste. Looking at the corridor again, it didn't seem to be too deep. It slowed down after a dozen steps, and there was green grass below. Brick floor.

The cyan light did not appear again, and there was no dangerous aura. I thought that even the water ghost didn't seem to have any ill intentions, and seemed to be deliberately guiding me step by step.

If they really wanted to take my life, I'd probably be dead long ago.

My previous experience made me feel a bit useless, so I calmed down, carefully opened the door, and swam down into the darkness.

When I got to the bottom and shined a searchlight on it, I immediately took a breath of cool air.

Below is a basement made of bricks. It is not big, very long and narrow, and the length is exaggerated. I can't see the end of the other end from here.

There are many iron shelves on both sides of the brick room, with countless iron men lying on them one by one.

This is a bit like Long Gaozi. The iron figurines on both sides are like freshly fired porcelain. They are all displayed. Under the yellow searchlight, the iron figurines look like corpses. It feels like a foreign cathedral or a secret basement. At a quick estimate, there are at least six hundred.

Could it be that this place used to be an iron-casting factory?

There is a lot less sediment here, and a lot of rust is stained with rust scales, looking like rotten black corpses.

Along the way, I found that the movements of the iron figurines were all different. What was even weirder was that all the iron figurines had no right hands. All the right hands were damaged, and the tears were very irregular, as if they were man-made.

The extreme panic before had already made me numb. I was alert to my surroundings and continued to move forward close to the ground. All the way to the end of the room, we did not see the imaginary underground courtyard, but a closed wall, and we only saw a well on the masonry floor at the end.

Digging a well in the basement, especially in Guangxi, where water is abundant, is a crazy idea. Looking at the concave steps built next to the well for easy climbing, I immediately understood that there was something underneath.

At this time, the previous prediction began to waver. This looks too much like a sign of fake tomb robbery! Maybe there really is an ancient tomb underneath, or maybe there is such an old man with a very eccentric personality who likes to spend a lot of money to build a super luxurious house on top of the tomb, even more luxurious than the tomb below, and he also hopes to build the house Make it extremely unique so that the more people notice it, the better.

Maybe there really is an imperial mausoleum built in an area with super rich groundwater, and there are people building it in the damn sea! Why aren't people allowed to soak in the water?

I took a search light and shined it into the well. If this was a robbery hole, the structure was enough to confirm that the ancient tomb was very difficult to enter, and a corridor needed to be built to facilitate large-scale mechanical fires and many people working at the same time. The tomb should be in someone else's. Under the house, they had to find a roundabout way instead of going straight up and down. In this way, this group of people must not be completely professional tomb robbers. They are probably a team with a lot of people and a mixture of dragons and snakes. Thinking about it this way, it is very similar to the style of those tomb robbers warlords in the past.

The warlords have a huge reputation in the local area. They want to build a building in the Yao village. No one dares to say no. At the same time, the relationship with the Yao Miao is very tense. If the Yao people know that they are robbing tombs in the village, it is difficult to prevent ethnic conflicts. intensify.

On the one hand, it is necessary to be fast, and on the other hand, it is necessary to hide. If the underground tomb is huge, in order to save time, it is indeed possible to build an acquaintance corridor to facilitate the inspection of people entering and exiting. Comparing it with the couplet above, it is really possible that the owner of this house has military merit.

I thought that I was quite powerful, but it was so deep down there that I couldn't see any clues. I was carrying an oxygen tank and couldn't go down, so I prepared to withdraw my body.

At this time, a green light dimly lit up under the well.

My heart skipped a beat, it’s coming! This time the light can be seen very close to the well mouth, only two or three meters. I wanted to use a searchlight to shine, but before I could move, the green light moved first and rushed towards me in an instant.

I immediately raised the military thorn, thinking that I was serious about it! But the green light came so fast, it flashed past my ears like a meteor.

In that flash, I saw nothing, but I was immediately sure that this was not a ghost water ghost, but more like an animal with green light.

Turning around hurriedly, I saw green light flashing into an iron shelf on the side, and it went out all of a sudden. I used a flashlight to illuminate it, and it only flashed and lit up again, as if it was echoing the light of my flashlight.

Finally, I saw the true form of that thing. It looked like an extremely fat, gray thing like a four-legged snake, as long as my arm. It was lying on the head of an iron figurine. It seemed like something was tied to it. After a closer look, it turned out to be a flashlight. Glowing green faintly. ④Read on Tianshu Chinese website

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