Daomu Biji

Yinshan Ancient Tower Chapter 49 Strange Cave

I will never forget the next few minutes. full text

There were no monsters or anything scary in the dark waterway. Although my main consciousness doesn't want to admit it, my subconscious already knows clearly that I will die in a short time. There is no way to escape this real death.

This feeling is so terrible that words cannot describe it.

I suddenly felt regretful about all the decisions I had made before. On the one hand, I wanted to tell myself not to give up and to fight until the last moment, but my heart was completely desperate and all kinds of thoughts appeared in my mind uncontrollably. Then I started to lose my mind, thinking about what would happen if I surfaced at that time. Think about it for a moment, how would my family react if I died? Regret and fear clouded the mind.

The oxygen meter has long since lost its value, and it is impossible to determine when he will suffocate. He can only make his last effort and wait for that moment to arrive.

At the last moment, I was almost expecting the suffocating feeling to appear bit by bit. With less and less oxygen available, everything is stretched. The fear made me cry and I couldn't calm down at all. There was only one thought in my mind: I was going to die.

Soon, the oxygen was completely exhausted. I kept sucking on the breathing tube, but there was nothing left. Holding the last breath, I held it to the limit. Under the severe pain, I subconsciously breathed through my mouth. A burst of acid rushed into my lungs, and my whole body suddenly convulsed.

This was underwater, and I didn't have a second breath to choke out the water in my lungs. After choking a few times, the soreness and numbness spread throughout my lungs, and I felt as if my chest was about to explode.

I can't describe how I felt afterwards, and I have no idea how long I struggled. Slowly, these feelings went away, the surroundings became quiet, the light in front of my eyes slowly shrank, and I heard some strange sounds in my ears, like someone talking or the sound of water.

The next moment, everything went dark.

At that moment, I thought I was dead and there would be no chance of any improvement. He didn't die in Zongzi's hands, but drowned. Grandpa is really right. Since death in the hands of zongzi is death, and drowning is death, why should we be afraid of zongzi but not water? Humans are really sarcastic animals.

Fortunately, the feeling of peace at the end was not bad. If everyone could die in such peace and tranquility, then there would be no need to fear death itself. On the contrary, the period before death would be more difficult.

When I woke up again, I felt a little surprised at first, but for a long time, my thinking ability was unable to function, so I couldn't understand this surprise, and I didn't understand what it meant.

Gradually, gradually,

Only then did consciousness come back.

The first thing that came to me was pain. Severe pain first appeared in my hands, then slowly expanded, and finally hit my lungs. It was like there was a barbed wire in the lungs, and every time I took a breath, I felt like I was going to die again.

I focused all my energy on resisting the pain, and I don’t know how long it took before I found myself adapting. Then, other feelings gradually revived.

Everything I had experienced before began to appear in my mind at this time, including returning from Fangcheng Port, entering the water, the strange green light in the ancient village at the bottom of the lake, the strange Chinese-style ancient buildings, iron figurines, underground wells, the final suffocation... and so on. I remembered it bit by bit. Then I felt strange in my heart, I was definitely dead at that time, why did I wake up again?

For a moment, it felt like it was a dream. I might have been sleeping here all the time, and the drowning situation was just a nightmare. But the pain all over my body made me know that this was impossible, and that I must have been rescued for some reason.

I tried to move my hands and found it very difficult, but I could feel the humidity all around, as if I were on a wet rock. My ears and eyes began to react, and I heard a sound in my ears that gradually became clearer. Someone was humming, and …

It's the fat man's voice!

The singing was extremely unpleasant, but I suddenly became excited and immediately used all my strength to turn my head to look, but I screamed in pain.

The singing stopped instantly, and the fat man shouted: "Wake up, wake up!" Then his eyes lit up, and a fat face covered with stubble appeared in front of him. At the same time, I also saw Menyou Ping, standing behind the fat man, holding a torch.

I looked at these two pig heads and couldn't believe it at first. The fat man started to speak. My brain still couldn't quite understand what he said, but I could clearly realize that this was not an illusion, I really saw them! All of a sudden, I had mixed feelings. The intense fear, hope, worry and other emotions that I had previously held were finally let go. I didn’t know how to express myself. I wanted to shed tears, but I couldn’t help but laugh.

A person has experienced so many things, the intense panic in the incomparable loneliness, the despair of passing by the edge of death, and then finding that he is safe and sound. This kind of ecstasy can make people crazy. But the reason why I have mixed feelings is not because of this. What I am thinking is: no matter what the situation is now, I am finally with them again, and I am finally not alone! This feels so good!

It must be very strange to laugh while twitching. The fat man obviously thought I was going crazy, so he immediately helped me up and slapped me twice without saying a word. He then hit my back hard with a pair of big hands and said: "Pant! Pant! Take a deep breath!" "

He struck so hard that I made a fuss, and my self-effacing and out-of-control mood was instantly wiped out. When he hit me again, I suddenly felt violently nauseous and started to vomit and cough. I didn’t know what I vomited out. .

After I finished vomiting, I turned my head to look at them with difficulty. My vision became clearer and clearer, and the various sounds became more layered.

"How's it going? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?" I heard the fat man ask.

I was afraid that he would knock me again, so I immediately waved my hands, but I was speechless.

He was obviously relieved and said: "Thank God, you woke up. Damn it! I thought you would definitely become a vegetative state this time, then I would have sinned a lot."

"What's going on? Why am I not dead?" I asked subconsciously.

"You have to ask the Lord of Hell about this." The fat man said, lifting me up and leaning against the stone wall to let me relax.

I was already very awake and looked at them again. I hadn't seen them for two weeks. They both looked like they were working as illegal workers in a small coal mine. They were only wearing underwear. They were very embarrassed, with beards on their faces, and they had lost a lot of weight. To my relief, although they looked very embarrassed, they looked good and were obviously not injured.

Turning around and looking around, there was a small bonfire burning in the distance. I didn't know what it was made of, and it illuminated the environment. This is a flat cave dug out, about thirty square meters in size. When you stand up, you can put your head against the roof of the cave. Water is seeping everywhere, like rain, and the ground is wet. The rocks show a dark and green color, which is beautiful under the light of the search light. On the other side, there is a long and narrow hole that is half a person's height. It looks like it was stabbed with a knife. It leads to nowhere.

"Fuck! Where are you? What happened to you? I was worried to death. I thought you were dead." I cursed.

The fat man grinned and said, "It's a long story. I was originally worried that you wouldn't be able to find us. How about it? Did you find my correspondent here after seeing him?"

When I talked about that "correspondent", I got angry and wanted to strangle the fat man to death, but I was too weak to do it, so I gave up and cursed: "Your correspondent is so damn unprofessional, he almost killed me!"

"Damn! It's good if I can find that thing." Fatty asked, "Tell me, how did you get here?"

I was so angry after hearing this, and thought to myself, "Ask me, how do I know?" "I don't know, wasn't I rescued by you?"

The fat man was originally very excited, but when he heard what I said, his expression suddenly froze, "We rescued you?"

"Yes!" I then told the story of how I found the giant salamander and then went down into the well.

The fat man showed a strange expression after hearing this, and looked back at Menyou Ping, who was sitting on the stone behind him with a gloomy expression.

I wondered: "What? What's the problem? Didn't you save me?"

The fat man shook his head slowly and said, "How did you get here? You have no idea?"

I was confused: "What do you know?" Looking at their expressions, I suddenly felt something bad and immediately asked, "What's going on? What happened to me?"

The fat man slumped down to the ground and cursed. He seemed to be knocked down immediately. He sighed: "You don't know, and we don't know either."

I couldn't help but get angry and cursed: "What's going on? What the hell are you playing charades on? Tell me quickly."

The fat man made a gesture and asked me to ask Mengyou Ping. I looked at him and heard him say: "About five hours ago, you appeared where you are lying now, deeply comatose and almost unconscious. We performed simple rescue on you, and then, five hours later, you Wake up."

I waited for Menyoupin to continue, but he shut up.

"No more?" I asked in surprise.

"No more." He muttered.

"You didn't say how you rescued me." I said.

The fat man looked at me, "You didn't hear the point clearly. We didn't rescue you at all. Five hours ago, you appeared where you are now." He said word by word, "Appeared, that is to say, you were in that place." There’s nothing and all of a sudden you’re just lying there.”

I frowned, took some time to understand what he meant, and asked, "You mean, I appeared here by myself?"

The fat man nodded, "My brother and I have been in another cave, which is relatively dry, but I will come here to get water every once in a while. When I found that there was a person suddenly in this cave, I was scared to death, but you Fatty, I recognized you immediately, called my little brother, and together we rescued you. You had already died at that time, so if you really need to find a villain to save your life, you, Fatty, I am still qualified to make a cameo. Later, we were afraid that you might have some broken bones, so we didn't dare to move, so we just waited here for you to wake up."

Looking at the fat man's eyes, I knew he wasn't talking nonsense, and I immediately fell into deep thought.

It was an unexpected development. I thought I would have some adventure after I fell into coma. I was discovered in time by Fatty and Menyoupin, and then rescued. But now it seems that is not the case. However, I couldn't have gotten here by myself while unconscious, nor could I have gotten here through teleportation. How is this going?

Could it be that there was someone else who saved me? Someone else rescued me and sent me here?

There is an abandoned shaft at the bottom of the lake. It is impossible for someone to pass by. In other words, someone is following me.

I told the fat man my thoughts and asked him if there were any traces of this, but he and Menyou Ping had no reaction and seemed to disagree.

The fat man smiled bitterly, patted me, and vented loudly: "What the hell! This is impossible. If someone can bring you here, then damn, it must not be a 'human' in the first place."

"Why?" I asked.

He smiled bitterly again and said: "Can you stand up? I will take you to walk around this cave. If you see for yourself, you will know where the problem is."

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