Daomu Biji

Qionglong Stone Shadow Chapter 30 Getting to the point

Chapter 30 Getting to the point

It took me a second to understand. Almost at the same time, I saw that Xiuxiu's face changed, and she looked at the fat man coldly. I thought she would quibble, but suddenly she shouted: "Grab it!" The voice belonged to a man.

I didn't have time to be surprised. As soon as I said it, the three people had already pounced on him. Instead of jumping on us, they rushed to the side where we put our bedding.

I immediately understood their purpose. There was the jade seal there, and I immediately shouted. Menyouping over there had already reacted and kicked the jade seal out from among them. I caught it immediately. The three people immediately turned around and rushed towards me. The room was too small and the distance was too close, so there was no way to hide. I was knocked down by them in an instant. Fortunately, at the last moment, I threw the jade seal towards the fat man again.

The fat man was already prepared, and one after another, thanks to the extremely quick movements of those few people, before I completely fell to the ground, they had already jumped over me and rushed towards the fat man. I hugged my legs but didn't even hug any of them. I looked behind the fat man. There was no way to retreat from the wall, so I immediately said to the fat man: "Hurry and throw it to me!"

The fat man cursed "throw it away", picked up the jade seal and smashed it, knocking the person closest to him to the ground. The other two people pounced on him and tried to knock him over. The fat man immediately rolled with them. The three of them hit the wall. The fat man threw the jade seal out and caught the oil bottle in his hand.

The three people realized that this was not possible, and two of them held on to the fat man with all their strength. The "Xiu Xiu" got up alone and rushed towards Menyou Bottle again. I got up and hugged him from behind. I felt that this man was so soft that he seemed to have no bones. As soon as he let go, he came out of my arms and punched me on the beam. I was immediately defeated, but the moment I fell to the ground, I still used a tackle to knock him down.

He staggered but did not fall to the ground. At the same time, I suddenly saw him pull out a strange dagger from his sleeve. It seemed to be an antique. He held it in his backhand and rushed towards the bottle of stuffy oil. I immediately shouted to be careful. But he saw that the stuffy oil bottle was no longer in its original position. At the same time, a shadow pressed down from mid-air like lightning, and instantly pushed the kid out with his knees.

The fat man was restrained to death, and he didn't suffer any loss even though they were fighting each other. I knew that the real ruthless character was this kid, so I didn't go to help. Instead, I and Men You Ping surrounded me and subdued this kid first.

That "Xiuxiu" got up from the ground, and suddenly stretched out in a strange posture. Her body suddenly became bigger, her shoulders became wider, and her height became taller. At the same time, she tore off the scars on her face. mask.

When I saw it, I immediately recognized it. It turned out to be the pink shirt. He gasped and laughed: "It hurts several times to be beaten while shrinking. It turns out it's not a lie."

Looking at his strange condition, cold sweat broke out on my back. I had seen this before. It was bone shrinkage. Menyouping had done this once before when he was pretending to be a bald man. At the same time, we heard a lot of footsteps on the stairs and turned back immediately.

"Damn, there's still support outside!" I screamed in my heart. The fat man on the side immediately shouted: "You go first! Don't be trapped in their nest."

I looked at Pink Boy fiercely and quickly backed away, thinking about how to retreat. Do I have to climb up the skylight? But they saw him inserting the dagger back and shaking his hands at the other two people. The two people who grabbed the fat man also let go of their hands, and the three of them got up with blood in their mouths and noses, pushing each other. The door was pushed open, and we turned to look defensively. Mrs. Huo and Huo Xiuxiu walked in one after another, with no surprise on their faces. The smelly girl was still sticking out her tongue at us.

The pink shirt rubbed his joints, walked over with a smile and patted my shoulder. He turned and nodded to Mrs. Huo: "You are qualified. You have a good taste." He pointed at the oil bottle and said, "This guy belongs to me. "

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