Daomu Biji

Finale (Part 2) Chapter 24 Accounts and Accounts

After Judekau returned from Banai, he lived for another three months and then returned to Hexi. The shareholders of International Salvage Company were reorganized and some assets were auctioned. There were some people in the Judekao team who had personal relationships with me, and when many project teams were cancelled. Many files were taken away. Of course, these volumes were sent to me, but they were not as important as the twelve volumes given to me before. Although I found a lot of details to supplement the content of the story, the overall story pieced together did not move forward.

I had coffee with a few of them, and they told me that International Salvage executives are still looking for more possibilities and that they are well-funded. Several big bosses who may take over asked them to tell me that if there is a chance, they would like to continue to cooperate with us, and the conditions will be more generous than when Jude was admitted.

I made a * gesture and asked them to help me convey the meaning back.

Sister Ya got married six months later. The groom was a very inconspicuous man, a little bald. When people reach middle age, they don’t seem to have much money. Many people say that he doesn't really like Sister Dumb, but covets Sister Dumb for her money and status. I attended the wedding. This man's name seemed to be Abang. His eyes were full of slyness, but he was very attentive. He kept toasting everyone and passing cigarettes to everyone. Sister Ya was expressionless the whole time, looking at the empty man next to me. seat.

Many men are not remembered because of this or that. He is remembered because he will never come back.

It is said that the dumb sister got close to this man because this man was a wine delivery person in a wine store. He delivered wine frequently. Every time he saw a female customer drunk, he took care of her and they had a relationship.

After the injury on the leather bag healed, I changed my mind. I took the self-study exam, and my major seemed to be international trade. But he failed every major exam, in his own words. With my own level of education, I often can’t even read the questions, let alone how to answer them. In English. He couldn't even recognize all twenty-six letters.

In the end, he returned to this business, but he would never do big business. His partner said that his current mantra is "If you have money to make money, it's better to go home and sell tofu pudding." Leibao became the most skilled but the least courageous person in their group. I think he will soon become a powerful man, at least quite wealthy.

Speaking of Xiu Xiu, I think Xiu Xiu likes Xiao Hua. After all, they are people who have really grown up together and done things together, but that kind of love may not be the kind of love I think, because the two of them are too familiar with each other, and many of the emotions they should have have not yet arisen. Something deeper.

Xiuxiu didn't contact me again. Maybe she was hurt by me, or maybe it was the tragedy of the incident and the decision I made at that time that made her unable to face me again.

At this time, my inner mind has been cultivated well enough. Her avoidance seemed irrelevant to me.

One last thing to say. It's just a bottle of stuffy oil.

Some people say,

It's him I'm most worried about. Because he doesn't seem to belong to this world. He is a person who keeps moving forward for his purpose. Even if there are countless barbs on the road he is walking on, he will keep moving forward, regardless of any harm along the way, until all his flesh is scraped off by the barbs or He reached his destination alive.

In fact, for the two generations of us, I already know about the things of the previous generation, except for him. I really don't know his purpose at all.

Purpose for all. I can list them all clearly. But Menyouping, he seems to have always been a very passive puppet. In everything he does, he seems to act for other people's purposes.

However, judging from my experience with Men You Ping, he is a person with a very clear purpose. Every time he goes into a place, he has his own purpose. Judging from his professional missing skills and his frequent sleepwalking state along the way, he must know much more than us.

Many times I felt that in his mind, our goals were ridiculous, but his goals were the core.

At that time, he refused everyone's companionship again and resolutely embarked on the path of his choice alone.

"You have walked with me enough. The next road is the final road. None of you can bear it. I hope you will stop following me."

***, what is this thing? We were involved in such a big conspiracy. I finally saw the situation clearly, but I found that Men Youping didn’t care about this at all. He cared about something that none of us knew about. matter.

Should I have hugged his lap and cried "Don't leave us"? Given the emotions and conditions at the time, no one had the strength to do so, so we just let him go.

Now, this designed conspiracy seems to be over, and most of the mysteries around me have disappeared. However, the mysteries surrounding him have never shown any signs of dissolving.

After I broke up with him, there was no news from him.

Everyone is content with their destiny, and he heads north all the way, seemingly towards his own end. Judging from the look on his face when he left, all our misery was insignificant to him.

I still remember what the fat man said: If a relative around you dies and the others are still alive, you will feel that this death is a huge catastrophe. And if your loved ones die one after another within a year, you will slowly become numb. The look in the boy's eyes when he left seemed to be the latter. Over a long period of time, you watch the people around you die in various ways one after another, and you find that no one can stay by your side. At this time, you will have another view of death.

A layer deeper than numbness is indifference, indifference to death.

Time passed slowly, and I kept waiting for the secret mentioned in the letter to be revealed, but nothing was ever sent to me. At first, I received emails twice a day, then once a day, then once every three days, and finally once a week, but I never received any messages.

I thought that no more mail would be sent to me, that I had been deceived again, and that this was the end of everything.

I'm not sad, or even confused. Later, I even hoped that the email would never come. Every week, I open the mailbox, then close it silently, look at the scenery by the West Lake, and scold my subordinates. Such days seem to be quite good.

In fact, the email had arrived a long time ago, but I didn't know it at the time. Someone who looked exactly like me had already taken the email away. I only found out about it a long time later.

A year later, at the beginning of autumn, I rode a bicycle around the West Lake to exercise. Although after this period of exercise, Wang Meng was already a particularly calm child. This expression now means that he encountered something that he couldn't solve today.

I asked him what was wrong, and he pointed to the side, and I saw a man standing in the corner of the shop. He was looking through some unsalable rubbings that we sold.

I was quite familiar with this man's figure, but at that moment, I didn't recognize him. He was wearing a black sweatshirt and had a large backpack beside him.

"Brother." When he turned his head, I recognized him. "You...how...why are you back?"

He looked at me indifferently for a long time before saying, "I'm here to say goodbye to you. My time has come." To be continued

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