Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 12 Continuous Sneak Attack

When the last believer in the team passed in front of him, Raven adjusted his body to the best condition.

"Is anyone chasing after you?"

"Not yet."

Silently waiting for the last member of the Black Eclipse to finish his sentence, Lei Wen tapped the soft mud under his feet, and came to the left rear of the believer like a ghost, and pressed the believer's mouth with his left hand. Like lightning, he tore through the defenseless priest's sackcloth and pierced his left back.

The sharp blade nimbly avoided the shoulder blades, pierced the muscle on his back like a piece of paper, crossed half of his left lung, and pierced into the heart. The blood seemed to be taking advantage of the darkness to escape. In an instant, gushing blood rushed into his lungs, and he struggled violently because of the severe pain in his body. In less than five seconds, his body collapsed due to the loss of life, and his expression was forever frozen in that moment of pain, confusion and astonishment.

"Successful backstab attack! Damage x 2"

"Hits to the point of death! The backstab attack turns into a lethal attack! Additional damage of 20 points."

"Target dies! Gain 100 killing experience points!"

"The special effect of Obsidian Thorn [Forbidden Speech] is triggered, and a 5-second silence effect will be generated within a radius of one meter from the pierced part."

Lei Wen didn't look at the flashing battle records. The moment the sharp blade entered his body, the former god-level assassin knew from experience that this guy was dead. Combined with the heaven-defying silence effect of the Obsidian Thorn, this cultist died silently. It took less than ten seconds to drag the corpse aside.

The fastest way for an assassin to kill is of course to cut his throat, and then leave the body behind to kill or bury him.

If all the enemies add up to only five or six people, it is naturally refreshing to do so.

If you want to continuously assassinate a team of more than 10 people whose overall strength exceeds your own, it is called death if you play throat cutting as soon as you get started. This is a semi-enclosed corridor-type confined space. The amount of bloodletting caused by cutting the throat did not kill a few people. As long as the nose can breathe, anyone can smell the blood.

[Forbidden Speech] Although it is against the sky, the only thing that can be banned is sound, and the sense of smell is another matter.

Relying on continuous backstabs and [Forbidden Speech], Lei Wen quietly killed the last three people. From here on, Lei Wen no longer dragged away the corpses but put them down on the spot.

The disappearance of so many people is unexplainable as long as one person turns back.

The action suddenly changed from concealment to efficiency.

He covered his mouth again, and the obsidian thorn in his right hand pierced through the temple accurately, and the sharp tip of the blade smashed the soft brain into a paste, instantly killing the fourth one.

Putting down the corpse, he continued to pounce on the fifth one. This one was because he was running with his head down. The movement of Raven's left hand remained unchanged, while the dagger in his right hand pierced directly through the chin, along the right side of the cervical spine and obliquely upward into the brain.

Gently put him down from his previous pouncing posture, and accelerate towards the sixth one.

The sixth one was nearly two heads shorter than Lei Wen, and his strange gait when running caused his head to shake constantly. That round little head gave people the feeling of being able to bounce a knife when pierced. For the sixth man, whether it is a backstab or a stab in the head, it is a bit inappropriate.

Such a thin body is estimated to have a low fortitude save. Lei Wen chose not to use the dagger, and directly covered his mouth with his left hand, and crushed the opponent's throat with his right hand.

It was a risk, but Raven was right. I don't know if it was the son of some big man or something, anyway, the other party failed the Fortitude Test, and then Raven's fingertips felt his throat being crushed.

The seventh person was probably in charge of taking care of the little guy. When he heard something inappropriate, he stopped and made a gesture of looking back from the right.

Raven struck with lightning!

Because of the size and angle of this one, Lei Wen chose to stretch out his left hand to slam the opponent's chin. At the same time, he pulled out the dagger while moving at high speed and stabbed it through the throat and pierced the mandible to the brain.

When he succeeded in putting down the corpse, let his lower jaw press against his neck tightly to minimize the spilling of blood.

Unfortunately, something happened at last.

Maybe it was because he found that there were no rushing footsteps behind him, or maybe it was pure fear. Anyway, when Lei Wen had just finished the seventh one, the eighth guy suddenly turned around.

In the dim light, he saw that his fellow believer was tightly covering his mouth, and the protruding eyeballs showed that he was enduring extreme pain.

The eighth guy immediately yelled: "There are enemies..."

He yelled halfway and stopped abruptly, only to see Lei Wenwen making a ghostly rapid lightning, and the black dagger stabbed in the face with a wave of air.

Lei Wen pounced on him and pierced the guy's throat with a dagger. Unfortunately, the whole team was always alarmed.

There are six more enemies! The strongest six!

Face to face, Lei Wen's only end is - die!

The Black Iron Warrior and the Fallen Arcane Knight Ludi were the quickest to respond.

When Lu Di turned around with the long sword in his hand and passed the three of them to see the movement of Lei Wen's hand, his face lost all blood in an instant.

Because Lei Wen punched an inconspicuous gap, only Lu Di knew what Lei Wen wanted to do - Lei Wen wanted to activate the collapse trap on the tunnel. Originally, this trap was used by Lu Di to stop the pursuers, but why? Can a trap be triggered here?

The cracks in the gap meandered to the fragile ceiling in less than one tenth of a second. The ceiling collapsed, and the boulders fell as expected. With Ludi as the center, the ceiling nearly 30 meters in front and back collapsed.

Before he even had time to shout, or even protect the priest Fakalin, Lu Di threw himself on the spot in the corner of the tunnel.

In the face of tons of boulders falling from the head, any obstruction is futile. The only hope is to shrink in the corner, praying that the boulder will not fall on your head.

There was a burst of flying sand and rocks, and the choking dust made it difficult for survivors who escaped the first wave of falling rocks to breathe. While they were coughing loudly, they were greeted by Raven's back-up knife who pounced on him again.

What Raven has to do is easier than whack-a-mole. With the help of dark vision, he easily harvested life like a god of death.

Hearing the screams in his ears, Lu Di struggled to climb out of the pile of rubble, but failed, a one-ton boulder crushed half of his body. Fakalin, the black eclipse priest, was hit by a stone to death, and his brains were scattered on the spot.

It's not that Lu Di didn't hear the screams coming from behind, he really couldn't get out, let alone his proud long sword was also buried in the rubble.

He only crawled out half of his left shoulder, and he sensed that damned assassin rushing towards him.

"The Burning Hand!"

Without looking at it, Lu Di's vacant left hand suddenly emitted a fiery light, and the arcane energy quickly formed a burning palm. Instinctively, Lu Di shot this one-ring spell towards the direction where the enemy was rushing.

The flaming flames shot out in a cone, sweeping everything it touched. The things in front of him were suddenly empty.


In the light of the fire, the person who saw the rushing person didn't even have time to scream, and flew back upside down with his whole body on fire.

While he was rejoicing, he suddenly felt a severe pain in his left hand, and he knew that his tendon had been broken.

Glancing at the corpse thrown by Raven just now, it was already a roast pig, and lightly put the dagger on the back of Ludi's neck, Raven said slowly: "I'm sorry for making you happy. A mature assassin must I will not rush to an arcane knight rashly."

The guy who got in the way was finally killed!

Lei Wen was panting heavily, wiping his sweat with his left hand, and could barely lift his right hand holding the Obsidian Thorn.

Coincidentally, only one of the most likely breakthrough characters remained alive.

Lei Wen didn't expect to find out anything from the priest. Anyone who could be a priest must be a die-hard fan, even if he was executed, he wouldn't be able to ask anything. This Lu Di happened to be, and I heard just now that he was actually a mercenary.

A dagger hit Lu Di's vitals, and Raven, who was hiding behind him, said in a rough voice: "Dear Guardian Knight, if you don't want to become like him, please answer me one thing."

While talking, Lei Wen broke off the priest's head, letting Lu Di appreciate the remains of his former master with only half of his head left.

While admiring, Lei Wen gently slid his fingernails across Lu Di's pretty face, his ears, his throat...

In front of him is the only chin left, the hideous twisted limbs, the blood all over his body, and the fingers that slid back and forth over his vitals. These things remind Lu Di all the time that the man behind him with the dagger against him is exactly the one who killed him. The devil of all acquaintances!

Lu Di, who was half of his body crushed in the rubble, was originally a weak-willed fallen paladin, and he hadn't received any anti-interrogation training, let alone a diehard member of the Black Eclipse Church. He collapsed easily.

"I say! I say! I will tell you what I know."

Raven took out the portrait on Punk's body, handed it to Fakarin, and lit a torch at the same time.

With the light of the torch, Lu Di trembled when he saw the portrait.

"Do you know who released this thing?"

"...It's the chief priest Fakalin."

Raven could feel Lu Di's body trembling: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Fakalin hesitated. But Raven's dagger pierced into a point immediately. The stabbing pain on his neck immediately made Fakalin scream: "I say! I say! This is a task directly issued by the dragon god through the oracle. It is not necessary to kill three people by accident in the city of gold. is one of them."

"Three? Which three?"

"The list is in Fakalin's arms!"

Lei Wen took out a well-folded secret document from Fakalin next to him, and there were indeed three names on it, except for Leylin, the other two were Frank Aristo and Libel Maddis. Lei Wen searched the deepest part of his memory, and found that he had never heard these two names even in the game in his previous life.

"Who are they?" The dagger in his hand couldn't help but moved forward a little bit.

Lu Di was in pain, and there was a cry in his voice: "I really don't know why the Dragon God let us kill these three inexplicable guys. One is a commoner boy who can be seen everywhere, one is a third-rate blacksmith, and the other is a blacksmith. Potion Apprentice. Killed them all without much trouble anyway."

"You really have no idea who they are? Or what do they have in common?"

"I really don't know! The only thing I know is that they were all found out with divination."

The three people in a row were all found by divination? This is a big deal!

Asked again and again, but couldn't get anything out of Lu Di's mouth.

Seeing Lei Wen's plan to kill someone, Lu Di also panicked: "Don't kill me, I still have a treasure that can change my life."

Lu Di said so, but Raven saw a guilty conscience from his twinkling eyes, thinking about it, too, how could a fallen paladin face the pursuit of a paladin group, so how could he have the time to bury good things elsewhere?

"No! I've told you what I know! You can't kill me! Killing me will only get your hands dirty... I have a daughter..." Lu Di kept begging for mercy.

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