Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 49 Stormwalker Bell

Seeing that Bell fell down, Raven appeared, dodging in front of Bell's huge body. His front and rear legs were separated, his center of gravity sank, his right hand was empty, and his left hand held the Obsidian Thorn behind his back, and he glanced at Bell from the corner of his eyes.

Seeing the bloody javelin that Bell pulled out while he was in pain and throwing it all over the ground, Raven felt warm in his heart: "You idiot, do as I say until you fall down. But I didn't betray you. To abuse you is to give you a bigger prospect."

The armored bear sounds awesome, but it's a pity that it can only stop at the golden level. After all, it has no ability to cast spells, and going up is just a pile of armor and enhanced survivability. Its characteristics limit it to being a war machine.

If Bell's other ability is introduced, it will be different.

Without giving Lei Wen any time to contemplate, those mechanical horrors focused their attacks on Lei Wen instead.

"Srustling——" The fierce breaking wind sounded non-stop. Twenty gold and silver horrors were divided into two groups, firing javelins as long as human arms at a rate of two every three seconds.

Even after observing from the sidelines for a long time, when he faced the shooting like a storm, that feeling still strongly shocked Lei Wen.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!" Almost three times the agility of ordinary people made the black thorn in Lei Wen's hand almost dance into a phantom. Mortal eyes can never keep up with Lei Wen's hand movements. At first glance, Lei Wen's left hand seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

However, the constant knocking of javelins made it clear that such attacks were useless.

The lowest challenge level of gold and silver horrors is only level 8. These constructed creatures have very simple procedures, and they can be done remotely, and they will never fight hand-to-hand. If you can't handle long-range javelin shooting, then switch to melee immediately. After making this decision, these spider-shaped gold and silver horrors closed the shooting holes of the pressure javelins, raised their chainsaw-like saws and rushed towards Raven.

And when Lei Wen was entangled by the gold and silver horrors, two more advanced gold horrors appeared secretly.

They caught Raven 'unprepared' with lightning bolts. A beam of lightning that was one and a half meters wide and 15 meters long instantly illuminated the entire underground passage. Insidiously, they did not choose to attack Raven who was entangled by the gold and silver horrors, but directly attacked Bell who was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

If Bell was an ordinary half-orc, then this blow would definitely make Bell die terribly.

Bell is not!

As early as in the battle on the Shadow Plane, Raven accidentally discovered the power of lightning in Bell's body. Bell's bleeding wound was immediately scorched by lightning is the best proof.

Orcs and half-orcs do not have the profession of a mage. In the previous game, there was even a fatal talent of orcs born with -2 intelligence.

It is impossible to become a mage or a warlock, and he is not a shaman. Such Bell has the power of lightning, which only means one thing-Bell was struck by lightning and survived, which made him unintentionally activate the lightning in his blood strength.

So for Bell, lightning is not a harm, but a great tonic!

Sure enough, Bell was shocked and his body twitched, but nothing happened.

In the next second, Lei Wen heard more snoring.

Nima! He actually fell asleep on the battlefield! ?

All right! Life is like a play, all depends on acting skills.

Lei Wen yelled while fighting 'heartbroken': "No! Baimao! You can't die! Don't hurt him, come at me if you have the ability!"

As the middle and lower level gold and silver horrors and gold horrors among the mechanical horrors, their intelligence is quite limited. Instinctively feel that what the enemy is afraid of is what you should do.

The two gold monsters immediately discharged vigorously, almost as soon as the cooling system was completed, they immediately used electricity to serve Lord Xiong.

"Oh! Bell! No—"

"Don't call him again—"


While shouting, Lei Wen watched silently as the parameters in the system prompt, such as performance, intuitive dodge, and reflex immunity, were gradually increasing.

It's even worse over there.

"Hmm... baby, I can't eat anymore, let's give the children some..." The ugly bear man was already so happy that he started talking in his sleep under the lightning massage.

The gold is probably still discharging vigorously, over and over again, as if it is about to be charged forever.

Finally, the power of the Golden Horror ran out, and Bell suddenly jumped up when the power was cut off.

After waking up, he saw that Lei Wen was in the crisis of 'life hanging by a thread', and Bell was anxious.

"Roar—" With an inhuman roar, two balls of lightning with dazzling eyes suddenly appeared in Bell's two bear paws.

"Boom—boom—" Bell used both hands and feet, and he killed Lei Wen in a few steps, and the violent bear's paw hit the gold and silver horror like a tornado.

"Crackling——" None of the gold and silver mechanical horrors was Bell's single-handed enemy. With a palm strike, the shell was seriously dented, and the parts were shot by the lightning from Bell's bear's palm, and sparks flew everywhere;

In just half a minute, the gold and silver horrors around Raven were cleaned up by Bell.

The two golden monsters in the distance wanted to slip away, but were killed by the shadow.

The world is quiet.

"Uh, what happened to me?" Seeing the docile lightning ball in his palm like a kitten, Bell's bear eyes the size of copper bells were straightened.

Raven put away his dagger and patted Bell on the shoulder: "I helped you activate the lightning blood in your body. As for whether it is a storm lord or a storm walker, you have to ask yourself."


"The power of the bloodline will awaken under two circumstances. One is to increase the concentration of the mysterious power in the bloodline through various means, and the other is to activate the bloodline power instinctively when your body is in a dying state."

"So, you deliberately didn't save me just now because you wanted to bleed me and put me into a near-death state? Wow, boss, why didn't you say it earlier, I thought you thought I was not pleasing to the eye and wanted to abuse me!"

Lei Wen's eyes turned white: "Can this kind of thing be said in advance? I told you that I will definitely save you. If you believe it, your subconscious mind will not think that you are in a dying state. The difficulty of activating the blood will increase several times!"

"That's it! Anyway, I still believe that you won't leave me alone, Boss. Hehe." Bell extinguished the electric ball in his hand, scratched his head and smiled: "Yes, Boss, how do you know that I have the power of thunder and lightning? "

"I saw it in the shadow plane. After you were injured, the wound was scorched by lightning. This should have something to do with you being struck by lightning!"

"Ah! Boss, you are amazing, you know that."

Lei Wen was a little embarrassed: Of course I know, whether it is man-made or natural, being struck by lightning and then not dying is a necessary prerequisite for a storm lord or a storm walker. I don’t know how many idiot players died because of this in the previous life... Bell, you are not dead, and you have activated your blood, what a shit luck!

"I don't even know how to be your boss. Well, let's not talk about this, do you feel a voice in your head calling you faintly?"

Bell was stunned, and turned his head: "Hey, it seems to be true. A guy who called himself Talos called me and asked me to go to a place."

When Lei Wen heard it, a shadow step silently flashed into the distance...

"Boom—" A blast of thunder and lightning crossed time and space, and suddenly struck Bell's head. A certain bear screamed, and instantly changed from a white bear to a grizzly bear, kneeling on the ground with its buttocks in the sky.

"Who the hell slapped me!?"

Lei Wen continued to cherish life, stayed away from Doubi, and hid farther silently.

"Boom——" is like a large group of radishes who swore to the sky, "I will only love so-and-so in this life, otherwise there will be lightning strikes", and then it was fulfilled...a large string of thunderbolts greeted Bell.

The light caused by the chain lightning is so strong that it is estimated that all kryptonite dogs will be blinded.

After a while, the thunder stopped, and Lei Wen walked over carefully, and stabbed the black bear's butt with the javelin on the ground.

"Hey! Dead bear, are you still alive?"

A bear claw knocked off Raven's javelin, and the black bear's head lifted up, revealing the only pair of white eyes on the whole body: "Woooooo! Boss, I'm dead, that tower..." Bell covered it. My own mouth stopped for a while before continuing: "He forced me to go to a place within a month to find a job as a 'Stormrunner'. If I dare not go, he will electrocute me to death! He is so powerful, I think I don't care Wherever you go, you can't escape his sight."

Lei Wen didn't know what expression to use to face this lucky tease.

Talos, the god of storms, holds the five priesthoods of storm, destruction, riot, fire, and earthquake. He is a powerful god with powerful divine power and his combat effectiveness is among the best among the gods. With the original power of the world, he doesn't even need any believers to live a good life.

It can be said that if he likes someone, it is definitely someone's luck.

The only trouble is that Talos belongs to the chaotic evil camp, moody is certain, and it is more difficult to serve.

Being favored by him is generally a good thing.

Raven started to congratulate Bell and explained to him about the God of Storms in detail. As one of the two rare professions unique to the God of Storms, Storm Walker has too many benefits. Although the Stormwalker does not have the long-range attack methods of the Stormlord, such as throwing electric spears, the Stormwalker has greatly enhanced its movement speed, which is definitely a boon for the slow bears.

And after taking up the position of Stormrunner, the chain lightning will become Bell's talent skill, greatly reducing energy consumption and maximizing power. This is another boon for bears who are short in opponents and lack short-handed group attackers.

The stormwalker's advanced level is the Storm Overlord, and the next step is the Sanctuary-level Storm Master. No matter how you say this path, it is much better than the pure physical attack profession like the armored bear.

The most important thing is that the storm walker does not conflict with the armored bear. The professionals under the God of Storms are not good at armor, but the transplanted armor of the armored storm bear is not included in the armor. It would be best if there is a metal that can provide strong protection and has its own levitation technique.

At first, Lei Wen thought about using Shadow Steel to do this, but later gave up. It is true that the shadow steel can float by itself, but the shadow energy on it is eroding the human body all the time. This is highly toxic to non-rogues.

We'll talk about this kind of thing later.

"Boss, thank you very much. I have gained so much... Is there anything I can do to help Boss?"

"Yes! I want you to call me."


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