DC Tyrant

Chapter 86 Discovery

The darker the night, the more it can set off the brilliance and beauty of the stars.

The sky that hangs like jewels on a curtain of darkness.

The dark blue and white villa has a classical charm, but the furniture is placed in a standard manner. Feeling a bit unsmiling.

For the owner of the villa and the people living in the villa, outsiders dare not be casual.

There are only Louis Jr. and Lieutenant General Sam Ryan in the villa.

Sam Lane played with his daughter with the doll for a while, and when the daughter giggled, he threw it high to catch it, and then carried her daughter around for a while.

It was warm and happy, and it was rare for him to have time to spend with his daughter, so he was very happy.

It’s just that the little girl is small after all, and she can only play for half an hour. In addition, during the day, even though she is not at home, the little girl is very active and wild, crawling around, and until night, she is also tired In the end, it hung on Sam Lane's chest, and fell asleep after being patted on the back by Sam Lane.

Sam Ryan smiled knowingly, and put her on the bed lightly. His daughter's sleepy face was twitching, as if she was eating in a dream, which made Sam Ryan couldn't stop laughing.

Kissed her daughter's forehead lightly, but her daughter turned over with her mouth pouting again. Obviously, her father's little beard made her itchy and uncomfortable.

He lightly covered the quilt, smiled and shook his head, but in his heart he lamented how cute his daughter was, cute, cute...

Holding it in the palm of your hand and holding it in your mouth, it's so cute that it won't melt.

Pressing down on the handle of the door lightly, he closed it tightly before slowly releasing it. The door closed slightly without waking up his daughter. Sam Lane seemed relieved in his heart. He lifted his heels and left the door, farther and farther away. Gradually, he walked more and more like a dragon and a tiger, with a steady momentum.

He took the yellow paper file bag from the shoe cabinet, flipped through the surface twice, but he didn't see a signature, and he didn't know the source, so he felt a little confused in his mind.

Of course, he would not think that someone could easily stuff boring or dangerous things into his mailbox. This villa area is a military area, and the management is strict. Dangerous things have long been excluded.

Holding the paper file bag, he went straight to the study on the third floor, but subconsciously slowed down when passing by his daughter's room.

Entering the study room, it was lit with soft warm lights. He sat on a chair, put the paper bag of unknown origin aside, and picked up the two test documents on the desk to read.

It's about the town of Ston, the crater in the sequoia grove and the scraped sequoia grove.

Gradually, a serious expression appeared on his face, matching his tough and upright face with Chinese characters, it looked unusually solemn and sharp.

"There is indeed weak radioactive radiation from outer space in the soil, which is not much different from the meteorites detected in the past. But there are no elements of rocky meteorites. Even after two years, there should not be a trace of them. "

"Unless... what fell was not a meteorite, but something else."

Sam Ryan's face was tense, and there was seriousness in his eyes.

He put down the test data, and his heart was full of gloom.

General Vic, sure enough, concealed it and got something.

Is it alien biotechnology?

Thoughts flashed across Sam Lane's eyes. With these things, General Vic could not be defeated.

He saw the yellow paper file bag on the table.

Subconsciously, I held it in my hand. The yellow paper file bag was slightly smooth to the touch, like touching the surface of a book. There seemed to be a small round object protruding out of it like a few small pieces of paper.

What will it be?

Sam Ryan looped the loop of the paper file bag, opened the file bag exit, stretched it wide, and took a look inside.

What he saw caused his eyes to shrink suddenly, his breath to shrink, and his heart to tighten.

There was a film and a few photos inside. Due to the angle, he only saw that the photos were very dark, but the film was clearly visible.

Judging from the specifications of the film, this is very similar to the film of the Pentax K1000 camera in Mike's hand when I went to the town of Ston two days ago.

Doubt and excitement flashed in his heart, as if he could witness the fall of General Vic, and he became the youngest general.

Quickly, he turned the opening of the file bag down and dumped out the contents.

The film rolled out smoothly, and then a few photos slipped out of the file bag and lay on the table.

Sam Lane stopped the rolling film with his hands, picked it up, and checked it up and down. It was indeed a Pentax K1000 camera-standard film.

His breathing became heavy.

Someone gave him a big gift.

There will be evidence to bring down General Vic.

His eyes tightened, with a bit of sharp edge, and he turned to look at the photo on the desktop.

Putting the film aside, he picked up the photo with both hands and looked at it.

The environment in the photo is dark, which does not affect the identification. It is exactly the location of the Giant Sequoia forest and the corner of the meteorite that he had been to before.

Batty was hung on the spaceship, and the angle of the photo was even close to his face, giving him a true portrayal, clearly showing the scar and appearance.

The material doesn't look like a spaceship made on earth at all, and the firelight reflects a scene of a crash.

Sam Lane's breathing became rapid, his pupils opened in shock, and the photos in his hand flashed through his hands one by one.

"This is……"

His heart beat faster suddenly, and he looked at the photo in his hand in disbelief.

"A living alien."


There seemed to be a chill rising from Sam Lane's spine straight up to his head, causing bumps to pop out of his body.

He knows Batty.

Knowing what Badi was doing in the suicide slums, he created the 'Pamilodi'.

In the past, Badi, who he thought was just a biological soldier, used ordinary people to create gangs to fight back against General Vic.

The few gangster forces are not in his eyes at all.

But now, if you think about it carefully and boldly, Pamelodi is an alien. He made himself a god and created power, which always made Sam Ryan feel a sense of aggression that frightened him.

This is not a battle within humans, it may even be a war between Earth and alien creatures.

He may be the advance scout of alien creatures, and there may even be a civilization behind him, waiting to invade the earth.

Humans and aliens, he doesn't believe can coexist peacefully.

This is like the ecological circle of nature. The entire universe is also an ecological circle. It is too normal for the weak to eat the strong.

The more Sam Lane thought about it, the more frightened he felt.

'boom! '

Sam Ryan slapped the table with his palm angrily, making the table tremble. The documents on the table trembled a few times, and the sound echoed in the study.

Anger suddenly appeared on his face, and his eyes were full of anger.


He growled angrily at General Vic.

General Vic was too bold, and too selfish.

Such a serious matter, aliens of unknown origin, even want to hide it from the country!

It is simply life and death.

Sam Ryan's angry face was full of gloom. He could bring down General Vic 100% now, but there was no excitement in his heart, only full of anger and tight worries.

Quickly, he stuffed the film and photos into the file bag and walked out of the study.

The file bag must be handed over to the upper echelons of the US military immediately, and Pamelodi must be arrested immediately.

This is a very serious matter.

The quiet villa and Sam Lane's tight mood seem to be in contrast, like the time flowing quietly in a ghost movie, the villa is extremely quiet.

Only his footsteps.

at this moment.

His own home actually gave him a feeling of suffocation in his heart.

He stepped out of the study and felt the atmosphere.

Just like in a ghost movie, there is no background sound.

It seems that... something exists in the villa, which is frightening and frightening.

He looked around in the corridor, and it was still the regular, solemn villa, but it gave him a feeling of oppression, as if an unknown existence was staring at him, making him oppressed and difficult to breathe.

With a gloomy face, he came down from the third floor and passed by his daughter's room.

Only then did I realize that the door of my daughter's room was open, and there was a faint white figure in the darkness.

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