Sometimes things really can be resolved, no matter what? It's not clear what to say next.

Yan Jun directly picked up the statue, left quickly, and went out. After all, this place is not suitable to stay for a long time. If you stay in this place, I am afraid that even bigger things will happen in the future.

"Brother Jun, since we have already done this, what should we do next?"

"Yeah, the two of us can't make up our minds either, it's up to you to decide."

Seeing these two people with a frightened look, Yan Jun immediately didn't know what to say, and then quickly said.

"Didn't I make it very clear just now? We're going to play a scene where you caught us, and then you contact them now and say you've caught me."

Yan Jun wanted to hear what kind of language or tone of voice the gang would say. After all, it was too easy for him to arrest people now.

It's just that some more troublesome things are placed in front of them all, that is, what kind of result will this matter end up with.

If the result is unsatisfactory, it is very likely that it will be slapped to pieces, but if the result is very smooth, there is still a good chance of solving it.

"I never thought about what you would do to me, but you yourself should know the priorities of your actions and take care of it yourself."

When these two people heard this sentence, how could they still calm down and make a call? The two randomly discussed for a while beside them.

"What shall we do now?"

"How do I know what to do? We are in a dilemma now. Maybe both will be offended. It's better to please the other side first."

"But if it's discovered, it's a dead end!"

"What are you afraid of, let's take a step by step!"

Although the two are afraid, their reason still exists, and all the things they think about are also in their own hearts.

How this kind of thing will be resolved well, this is the biggest consideration between them, and this kind of thing is the biggest idea.

"It is true that we should take a step by step, but this kind of thing is probably a little difficult for any of us to solve."

Indeed, sometimes the words stay in this aspect, so it is impossible to talk nonsense for the time being, and the only blank that can be solved is themselves.

"There is nothing to solve now. As long as the two of you can help me get this thing done, then I won't treat you badly for what you do next."

Yan Jun has always been a man of his word, so no matter what happens to these people? They are all solvable, and one that must be explained.

"I know what you want to express, you don't have to be afraid, just call."

Yan Jun did it quickly, and the other side was waiting for their good news, and the two of them were already on the shelf.

Even if they don't want to, I'm afraid they can't help themselves. This is a choice point, so they can say such a situation.

And the two people quickly called the phone directly, yes, now they have to change their minds.

The moment the phone was connected, the two immediately entered the play.

"We've caught people, should we pay us the wages now?"

"What are you panicking about, bring people here first and let us see."

How did Xinyang hear the news, he did feel a burst of excitement, but no matter what? This has to be made clear first.

If it is not clear, then if they are deceived, they will suffer, and he will not mess around with this kind of thing.

But since the situation has changed, it is not certain what will happen next, and Yan Jun himself is very naughty.

It can be said to be very cunning, so they must first find a brain in this matter.

"I'll send it to you later. You can just bring people with you. As long as we see people, the money we should give you will naturally be no small amount."

After saying this, the believers quickly hung up the phone. They also knew this matter in their hearts, and it was not so easy to explain.

But now that the words have been put in this place, then what to do next? I'm afraid they all have to be resolved.

"If we don't resolve this matter now, I'm afraid what will happen in the future, none of us can handle it."

"In short, as long as we see that person in this matter, everything is easy to say. Now I don't know why this matter is going on. It's a little smooth, but it makes me a little uneasy."

Sure enough, this group of people will notice that something is wrong, but what is the situation? I'm afraid they don't understand it themselves.

In any case, there must be a good solution to this matter. Even if it can't be solved, everything that happens after that is probably meaningless.

"By the way, why hasn't Ning Xue arrived yet?"

"It should be soon, I'll contact them first."

The person speaking quickly dialed another number, and the other number was quickly connected after ringing for two seconds.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Is it so slow to fly a plane?"

"I'm really sorry. We encountered a little problem on the way. We'll solve it right away, and we'll come back as soon as we're done."

The tone of that person's speech was very pious, but as for what would happen in the end, it was really impossible to say.

When Ning Xue watched them say this, she was helpless for a while, but she was helpless. There was really nothing to say about this matter.

"Then do it as soon as possible. If Yan Jun arrives and you haven't arrived yet, don't blame us for being rude. Don't blame me for not giving the remaining 5 million."

When those people heard this, they immediately became anxious.

"Don't wow! I'll be right back, give us 20 minutes!"

After saying this, they quickly hung up the phone, and Ning Xue's expression became very nervous, she also heard that sentence.

"What do you mean? Did they catch Yan Jun too?"

"Listen to what they mean, it seems like this, but we can't show any flaws, we must be careful."

Ning Xue also knew that she had to stay calm now, otherwise there would be a big problem.

"I know, I will keep calm, let's hurry over now, absolutely can't delay any more minute."

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