Demons Beside You

Chapter 226: Eyes (second, ask for a monthly pass)

In three days, two kilometers of asphalt road have been laid.

Asphalt roads have more advantages than cement roads.

Laying is simple, efficient, and easier to maintain quality. The cement road must be dried for at least one week before it can be used.

And the cement road has poor swelling properties. Once the temperature difference is too large, the road surface will collapse or crack.

Asphalt roads can solidify within a few hours as long as they are in normal weather, and can be opened to traffic in 24 hours.

There are no more pure asphalt roads, because asphalt can produce carcinogens at high temperatures.

Therefore, nowadays, when asphalt roads are paved, some mixed materials are used. Asphalt is used as the raw material, and then fibers and various materials are mixed to reduce the toxic release of asphalt roads.

The price will also increase a lot, and Chen Yan would rather spend more money.

A large amount of building raw materials began to be sent to the construction site, and the first was to dig the foundation.

Because the soil near the lake is soft and moist, and a part of the main building is below the ground, the foundation is relatively deep.

And part of the building is built in the lake, so the construction is relatively troublesome.

Of course, these do not need to worry about Chen Yan, and Felix Cisco is fully responsible.


When Chen Kun returned from the construction site, he received a call from Dell.

"Chen, can you come? Fisher seems to have a problem."

"Huh? Mary is not taking care of it?"

"It's not Mary's problem. You'd better come over. I'm not sure."

Chen Ye listened to Dell's tone, not like a joke.

Dell usually talks to Chen Yan, even if something goes wrong, Dell still says two witty words.

But today Dell was so serious all the way, Chen Ye felt really a bit problematic.

Feeling Dell's home, Dell hurriedly brought Chen Yan into the house.

It seems that Dell really cares about Fisher.

Although Dell is very unreliable on weekdays, in this matter, he shows the seriousness and seriousness that a parent should have.

"Dell, what happened to Fisher?"

Dale didn't speak, and went into the living room, and Mary was holding Fisher.


"Chen, you are here."

"Give me Fisher."

Chen Yan took Fisher and found nothing wrong with Fisher.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Fisher's eyes don't seem to see anything," Dell said.

"Huh?" Chen Yan sat on the sofa, took out a small flashlight with one hand, and radiated it to Fisher's eyes.

Fisher didn't respond.

Chen Yan slammed his fingers in Fisher's ears again, and Fisher immediately responded, reaching out to touch Chen Yan.

According to preliminary judgment, Fisher did not see it.

"Did you take Fisher to the hospital?"

"not yet."

"Go now, I'll go with you."

"Chen, what if Fisher can't see it?" Dell asked worriedly.

"Even if Fisher doesn't see it, you have to be in charge."

"I didn't mean that. I mean, if Fisher couldn't see anything, what would happen to her in the future ... I hope she can grow up healthy and bounce like other children, instead of fumbling in the dark for life. "Dale looked solemn.

"Go to the hospital for an examination and wait until the results of the examination come out before discussing this issue."

Chen Yun and Dale sent Fisher to the hospital and were quickly taken to a dust-free isolation test by an ophthalmologist.

Chen Yun and Dell could only sit in the corridor, waiting for the results of the inspection.

At this time, Farr came over, and when he saw Chen Yan, Farr was also somewhat surprised.

"Chen, why are you here? Don't tell me, there are your patients here again."

"My friend's child is here," Chen Yan said.

"Come here, I have something to say with you." Farr pulled Chen Yan and walked to the side.

"what's up?"

"How is your relationship with Fari now?"

"We are dating." Chen Yan replied, "Is there any problem?"

"I'm fine, but my dad is a very old-fashioned person, and he may not agree with you and Fari."

Chen Yan rolled his eyes. What age is it now? Why are there such old-fashioned parents.

"My dad is a very strong person. He won't talk so well. If he thinks you and Fally can't be together, I'm afraid the means will be very tough."

"The matter between Fali and me can't be turned around by others, even if that person is Fari's father." Chen Yan said equally strongly.

"Well, hope you can convince my dad."

After Farr left, Dell came together: "Chen, who is your beauty doctor? I think you seem to be in a very unusual relationship. Did you go to bed?"

"She's my girlfriend's sister, that's all." Chen Yan said, "I think you put it on for a night, and it's skinning again?"

"I was anxious in my heart, but anxiety was useless." Dell said helplessly.

An hour later, the doctor in charge came with the report, and a nurse behind him was holding Fisher.

"Mr. Dale, the situation is very bad."

"What's wrong?" Dell suddenly became nervous.

"Your daughter has congenital choroidal hypoplasia and has no light-sensitive response."

"Can it be done?" Dell asked.

"On the one hand, the child is too small to have surgery, on the other hand, the choroidal insufficiency is a congenital factor, so it cannot be repaired, and the child is of Diego blood type."

"Chen, what is the Diego blood type?"

"Diego was discovered in 1955. It was named after the first patient to develop an anti-neoplastic system antigen. This patient gave birth to a baby with neonatal hemolytic disease and found an antibody in its serum. This antibody can attack the red blood cells of the fetus through the placental barrier during pregnancy. In 1967, the second diego antigen was discovered, and until 1995 other diego antigens were successively discovered. "

"Speak simple."

"It's a rare blood type."

"and then?"

"Fisher now has choroidal hypoplasia, so someone needs to donate his eyeballs for surgery. That is to say, if Fisher wants to see the light again, then he needs to replace the entire eyeball. You may not have a single donor for decades, do you understand what this means? "

"Can I buy it on the black market? If I can, I'm willing to pay for it. Is one million dollars enough?"

Chen Yun slapped his head on the back of Dell: "idiot."

The doctor shook his head and left, Chen Yan stared at Dale: "Be careful, this is not your home. Fortunately, the doctor did not take it seriously. Otherwise, you may be prosecuted for this sentence."

"Why, what's wrong with me, isn't it okay to talk?"

"Do you know how the human organs sold on the black market come from?"

"how did it get here?"

"Everywhere in the world, there is a place called organ slaughterhouses. Some tourists from outside are stared at by these organ traffickers, and then those tourists are dragged into the organ slaughterhouses, and their organs are removed. It will be found on the river or on the coast. "

I am on the 8th in the new book monthly ticket list, so happy, I hope to continue to improve, thank you

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