Demons Beside You

Chapter 567: Old things (fourth more, ask for a monthly pass)

Steven was agitated and immediately put the lid on the bamboo tube.

Khalifa Oliver followed a spirit, and then came to his senses.

Khalifa Oliver looked at the bodyguard in front of him, and the other bodyguard was much calmer.

Their response was quite different, and the other seemed unaffected.

"Steven, what wine is this?"

Steven wiped the tears from his face.

This wine is so amazing.

Just the smell of wine can make people feel strong emotions.

"Steve, give me this wine," said Halif Oliver.

Although memories are painful, they are also joyful.

Some memories have been obscured, but after the scent of the wine, it began to become clearer.

It was a fascinating feeling.

Just like the scent of wine, people are deeply trapped and cannot extricate themselves.

"No, this is what my friend gave me."

Steven was equally reluctant.

He also missed that feeling, making people happy and sad.

In just a few seconds, it seemed like I remembered every bit of the past.

"Boss, I want to take time off ..."

Khalifa Oliver stared at his bodyguard: "Give you three days."

"Yes, boss, bye."

"So divide me up." Khalifa Oliver demanded again.

"Don't you see that this wine is packed in special vessels, if you use other containers, it will definitely lose its effect." Steven had a very understandable expression.

"Did you ask me to drink? Now that you have good wine, hide it? Is this your sincerity?"

Steven really wanted to hide it and taste it by himself.

However, he was so pointed out by Khalifa Oliver that he could only share it.

When the bamboo tube was opened again, although it was still full of wine, there was no strong emotional impact.

But this wine is more fascinating.

"This wine is too fragrant. I have never smelled such a fragrant wine."

Khalifa Oliver is also known as a wine tasting expert. He has a lot of wines in his house.

But she promised that there was never a kind of wine, just scent, it made people feel so charming.

Steven poured a small cup for Khalifa Oliver: "You are not in good health, drink less."

Khalifa Oliver looked up and drank.

"Remember the plot we met for the first time?" Halif Oliver's mind suddenly flashed that picture.

Steven took a sip, and a picture flashed in his mind.

"I was shooting my graduation project at that time. You were the only girl to audition. I was wearing a floral dress, white and very beautiful. I thought then, if you could be my woman . "

"Remember the restaurant you first met me with?"


As people get older, there are more memories.

However, they were still sweet memories at the beginning.

Gradually, the two began to quarrel.

"I said, I didn't derail. It was the woman who ran into my room and arranged for a group of reporters to disguise herself as victims."

"Don't think that such rhetoric will fool me again."

After a few glasses of wine, the status of the two turned into mutual complaints.

"Remember at your fiftieth birthday party, the striptease guys I was looking for, two hundred dollars each, for a total of ten." Steven said with a laugh.

"It's you! You old bastard."

"Remember that you dated an old man eight years ago. I asked someone to break his leg," Steven said again.

"By the way, what's his name?" Khalifa Oliver couldn't remember.

"Come, have another drink and you'll remember."

Steven tipped the bamboo tube, but only dripped a few drops of wine.

"Fu ** is gone." Steven was impatient.

"Why is that?" Halifa Oliver was in a hurry too. It wasn't fun yet.

"You should have been quieter."

"Old bastard, you don't drink less than me." Halifa Oliver licked his lips, and the scent of the wine was still pervasive.

Alcoholic but not intense, can make people's emotions fluctuate, but it won't make people headache.

"Let your friend bring two more bottles of wine."

Steven's eyes brightened, right.

Steven called Chen Chan's phone: "Hi Chen."

"What are you doing, Steven."

"Chen, I'm done with the wine you sent, and you'll send me two more bottles."

"No, I made a few bottles myself, and gave them to Rasfa, Zola, and my other friends. Don't tell me that we have such a good relationship, that's the one anyway."

"What? Just a bottle? You just don't give me a gift, just one bottle. Is there a gift like this for you?" Steven cursed there. "Lasfa recently quit drinking. Give me a copy. "

"Crap, you are my friend, and he is also my friend. It is impossible to give it to you without him." Chen Yan replied, "If you still want to drink, go and drink with others in the short term."

Steven's heart moved, yes, go to Lasfa for a drink.

"I'm going to Rasfa, will you go?" Steven asked.

"Go, of course."


"Fu **, you lose my wine, you two thieves, thieves!" Rasfa yelled there, "I took a sip, bastard."

Rasfa's mouth was still reminiscent of the taste of glycol, and has been hovering in those memorable years.

But by the time he returned to God, Steven and Khalifa Oliver had already drank half.

"Lasfa, when did you get so stingy? It's just a bottle of wine."

"Who and you have a bottle of wine? This is a wine from Chen. Don't you know how precious the wine he sent?"

Lasfa snatched the wine, but Steven held on to it. The two of you rushed to grab me and knocked the bamboo tube over.

The two quarreled directly, and finally stopped after Khalifa Oliver's persuasion.

"Come and clean up the living room for me."

A maid came in with red eyes and tears on her face.

"What happened to you? Who bullied you at home?"

"Sir, no one bullied me, just remembering when my grandmother was alive." The maid said choked.

"Is there magic in this wine?" Khalifa Oliver said in astonishment.

Both Steven and Rasfa were cockfighting, staring at each other.

They were still blaming each other for overturning the wine.

No one is drinking now.

"No, if you can find a way, get some bottles from Chen."

"Chen said he didn't have a few bottles in his hand, and that one bottle was given by every friend.

"By the way, he seems to say Zola also gave a bottle, we asked Zola for it."

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