Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 100 Battlefield Ghost

The moment they heard the "" command from the communication channel, the SHIELD soldiers on the front line were naturally prepared to die. Inside the makeshift bunker, a soldier handed an envelope to Captain America, his eyes wandering for a while, but he didn't say much.

The white envelope neatly read: "To My Family - Leo Fitz"

Several other soldiers came over one after another, took out the same envelope and handed it to Captain America, one of them looked into his eyes firmly and said, "Please be sure to complete the mission and go back alive, Captain. "

This kind of act of confessing a last word is by no means an exaggeration. At this moment, the SHIELD soldiers on the battlefield understand that only if they sacrifice without fear of death will they have the opportunity to open a bloody path for the Avengers. Even if they are lucky enough to be captured by Hydra, the air carrier will not continue to bombard their lives, which is clear from the moment they joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

Captain America squeezed the heavy family letters, his lips moved a few times and he was speechless. He was prepared for heavy casualties, but he did not expect such a tragic outcome. The more than 300 S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers present were wiped out, and only the Avengers evacuated under their cover. Is he really ready to accept such a plan?

"Is there really no other way?"

The captain looked at the extremely fierce battlefield ahead. Tony's power of thunder and lightning seemed to be getting weaker and weaker under the uncontrolled use. Although Hulk still galloped the battlefield unmatched, the advancing soldiers who followed him. It was inevitably swept away by the powerful artillery fire of the enemy. The gap between the combat effectiveness of our own troops and the enemy is too great, and even another Avengers may not be able to fill this vacancy.

There is not much time left for them to make a choice, and the continued expansion of casualties will only make Plan B unenforceable. And the remaining soldiers will only be reduced to a burden that needs the protection of superheroes.

"Yes, you only need to charge again."

Suddenly, a slightly unfamiliar voice was inserted into the communication channel. Most of the people were stunned for half a second before they realized that it was the voice of Chen Lu, a new member of the Avengers.

"Chen! Where are you now?" Captain America hurriedly looked around, but he couldn't find Chen Lu in the entire battlefield, as if he hadn't come to participate in the war from the very beginning.

"I'll be there wherever you need me, give me orders, Captain."

Of course, Chen Lu didn't go as a deserter. If the S.H.I.E.L.D. army couldn't get in, it would be difficult for him to get the Loki scepter alone, so he naturally had to help S.H.I.E.L.D. It was actually beyond Chen Lu's expectations to be so stubbornly resisted by Hydra, but with his strength, it was not irreversible.

Spirit Possession · Winter Soldier!

The Winter Soldier, as a seasoned killer with over 70 years of experience who has performed numerous infiltration, assassination, and overthrow missions, his greatest strength has never been his combat effectiveness, but his incomparably subtle stealth skills. This is a near-instinctive ability trained in a long career as a killer, and has withstood countless life-and-death trials with the Winter Soldier. But at this moment, it was all in the hands of Chen Lu.

And Chen Lu's physical fitness is more than ten times that of the Winter Soldier, as well as the use of dexterous metallization abilities, all of which make Chen Lu a stalker far superior to the Winter Soldier. Being able to pass through the blind spots of the enemy's field of vision at a faster speed, to climb higher cliffs, and to hide in tighter corners with the help of metallization abilities, when these abilities are combined with the stealth skills of the Winter Soldier, there is one more human being on the battlefield. Captured horror ghost.

In fact, Chen Lu has been walking on the battlefield all the time, but no one can pay attention to his existence, or in other words, every enemy who sees him has lost consciousness.

"Chen, unless something miraculous happens, there's no point in having the soldiers rush up.

"Captain America faced the enemy's powerful firepower and deeply felt the gap in strength between the two sides. Even if there is another Hulk at this time, it is probably a drop in the bucket, and how much miracle can Chen Lu create alone?

Chen Lu chuckled and said arrogantly: "Captain, just do as I say, you will find that the so-called miracle is actually a very simple thing."

Captain America is still skeptical, but he has always advocated the creed of trusting partners, and finally chose to believe in this new Avenger. He commanded decisively in the communication channel: "Team A starts to move forward, Team C and Team D provide fire support for them, Team B, send your best artilleryman to kill the bunker at 2 o'clock!"


Just as Captain America uttered the word "bunker", the fort that was stuck at a key location suddenly exploded violently, and the entire bunker turned into a fiery red mushroom cloud, pouring a large number of bullets into the machine gun. He became dumb, allowing the soldiers of Team A to advance smoothly. Amidst the thick smoke from the explosion, a figure in a gray-black tactical stealth suit flashed by, but disappeared the next second, as if that person had never existed.

"Chen, is that you?" Even Captain America couldn't confirm that it was Chen Lu, and asked in surprise on the communication channel. In fact, Captain America has more than once wanted to ask Hulk to help clear the fort accurately to open the way for his own troops, but for the Hulk who only uses brute force, just being able to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy is Bruce Banner doing his best to restrain own result.


The sound of the explosion in the communicator came at the same time as the sound of the explosion in reality, and another bunker with a tricky location was bombed into the sky. All this happened without warning and for no reason. No one on the entire battlefield could see what happened. Whoever did it, because the enemy who saw even the slightest trace of it was already lying on the ground unconsciously.

"In the end... Who is it?!"

After this happened twice, the Hydra soldiers who witnessed it all became terrified. They could accept being crushed by Hulk, or killed by Thor's lightning, because at least they could die. One understands that he can even dodge a little when he finds out that the crisis is coming, and maybe he will be able to survive.

But the two bunkers that exploded in front of them were completely ignorant, and they were bombed to the sky as if they were self-destructing. This kind of unknown fear like encountering a supernatural event made their nerves tense. .

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