Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 183 Make a decision

After hearing Chen Lu's conclusion, Helen couldn't help but have an even more bad idea in her heart, she asked Chen Lu awkwardly: "If they succeed, this is the end, then what will happen if they fail? Sample?"

Chen Lu smirked and asked Helen, "Then who do you think will be regarded as the main reason for the United States to launch nuclear bombs on its own territory? First, the army of zombies that cannot be known to the public, and second, acting without authorization in disobedience to orders. If you were a politician, which one would you choose?”

It would be strange if there was a choice for this kind of thing, even if Helen didn't know much about politics, she could have expected who would be used as a scapegoat for this kind of war. If the troops led by Captain America can really win, then at least they can fight for their vindication in the days to come. And once the matter evolves to the point where the S.H.I.E.L.D. sky aircraft carrier hits New York and detonates a nuclear bomb, and everyone follows the zombie army to the point of death, then Captain America and the soldiers who fought bravely will bear the blame for the demise of the United States for thousands of years!

Helen was really scared the more she thought about it, and then she realized that the consequences of failure were more serious than she thought. It is too sad that the heroes and the soldiers who risked their lives fought desperately for the survival of the United States.

Helen couldn't bear it anymore. She finally told Chen Lu her last trump card: "Chen Lu, in fact, I may have a solution to this crisis..."

So Helen completely told Chen Lu the formula of the regenerative cradle she received and the idea of ​​the zombie control helmet controlling the constructive creatures. After a long explanation, Helen breathed a sigh of relief as if she had lifted a heavy burden, lowered her head and asked, "Chen Lu, what would you think if you were?"

"It's undeniably dangerous. Not to mention the possibility of constructing creatures being manipulated by the enemy, just doing this on your own will doom you to the same fate as Captain America—with the determination to save America, but with the burden of The infamy of destroying the United States." Chen Lu was not in a hurry to affirm the benefits of the formula, but first explained the nature of the matter to Helen. He knew that this girl with a strong sense of justice was not the one who feared her own doom, and that classifying her actions as those of Captain America would incite her resolve.

Things were just as Chen Lu expected. When told that she would end up the same as Captain America, Helen did not flinch but said firmly: "I won't be afraid, if I can help Captain America and their battles. , it doesn't matter how I become!"

"Don't make a decision in a hurry, Helen." Chen Lu pretended to be concerned about Helen's safety again, but immediately continued to induce: "Your approach may not be correct, but there is only one thing for sure. That is whether you No one can blame you for the decisions you make. At least I think you're the same hero as the soldiers who fought in Queens."

"Yeah!" Helen nodded heavily as if she had made up her mind, and hurriedly turned and left without saying goodbye to Chen Lu. Looking at her hasty and firm steps, you can understand what kind of decision she has made. After Helen's figure completely disappeared in front of him, Chen Lu ordered from the zombie spirit link:

"Hawkeye, the time is ripe, prepare to act..."

When Helen returned to her research room, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who persuaded her to evacuate were still waiting for her inside. After seeing Helen back, he shook his head and greeted her, asking her, "How is it, I've already seen Chen. He really doesn't want to leave,

There is nothing we can do. Anyway, Dr. Helen, please come with me out of here. Your Ming is a valuable asset to the whole world, and we don't want you to die here. "

"No, no need, I have the final say in my life."

Helen's unexpected and strong answer surprised the agent. After all, this young female doctor has always been a good child since she joined SHIELD, and has never disobeyed any orders from SHIELD. The only time he spoke more proactively was the meeting in defense of Chen Lu. Why did he suddenly choose to refuse at the juncture of life and death?

"Dr. Helen, I'm not joking with you, the situation is really critical now..." The agent solemnly reminded Helen, but it didn't work.

"I'm not joking with you. If this sky carrier is going to crash, please let me live and die with it. Now, go and rescue others, I have to continue to work."

After saying this, Helen half pushed the agents of SHIELD out of her research room, which was the most rebellious thing she had done since she entered SHIELD. But next, she has to make more bold actions.

Helen reopened the laptop that showed the formula for the cradle of regeneration, and at the same time took a few tubes of zombie blood from the freezer and put it on the table. On her left, there was also the zombie control Nick gave her for theoretical research. helmet.

"Chen Lu, Captain, I'm going to do what I need to do." Helen said to herself as if to cheer herself up. Under her control, more than a dozen regenerative cradles in Nuoda's laboratory were operating at full power at the same time, emitting a dazzling blue light. The creatures described in the mysterious structural formula began to be rapidly produced within S.H.I.E.L.D.

The battle situation on the Queens side is still very fierce. The casualties of the troops led by Captain America are already very tragic. According to the real modern warfare process, if the casualties reach this level, it should have been announced to retreat and regroup, otherwise the morale will be too low to continue. the point of battle.

However, they have no way out, there is absolutely no option to retreat. And no matter how many casualties they witnessed and how much disadvantage they faced, they still fought hard with a fierceness in their hearts. Therefore, although this unit has to pay a great price for every step forward, it is also really advancing towards the New Umbrella Building.

On their way forward, the superheroes who were blown away by Daredevil's explosion also returned in succession and rejoined this brutal war. With the addition of these powerhouses, the Desperate Thunder Beasts and Chasers who are responsible for blocking the work can no longer control the battlefield. The number is constantly shrinking, and the resistance to the advancement of Captain America's army is getting smaller and smaller.

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