Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 345 The Bat Appears

Soon Chen Lu rushed to the place where the distress signal came out, which was a building surrounded by police. e┡wwom can see that a large number of armed special police are rushing from the fire escape of the building to the top of the building, while the door on the first floor is locked. Intensive gunshots were heard from the building from time to time, showing that this was a very serious incident of violent resistance against the law.

It's also normal, if the police can fix things, they won't call Batman here.

It's just that Chen Lu didn't see Batman, the protagonist of the operation, presumably he had already parachuted onto the roof and rushed into the building from the rooftop. Chen Lu, who took so much time to come here, certainly wouldn't turn around and leave without watching the show, but he couldn't enter in a way that was too conspicuous.

Soon Chen Lu set his sights on an lone Gotham City police officer. This was a Chinese criminal who was smoking a cigarette in an inconspicuous corner. It seemed that he had completely left the matter to his colleagues and Batman, and took care of himself. Go lazy on the side. Chen Luxun touched the detective's side and held his mouth from behind, so that all the cigarettes he was holding were swallowed into his lips.

Before the unfortunate guy could cry out, Chen Lushi stretched out a tentacle from the palm of his hand and poured it into his brain, instantly cutting off the detective's consciousness. After getting rid of the policeman, Chen Lu just shook his hand, and the human body in his hand turned into a black sticky substance that was swallowed by Chen Lu from his arm. Under the transformation of the black light virus, when Chen Lu stepped out of the shadows, he had completely transformed into this policeman.

"Okay, let me see what you're up to, Batman."

Chen Lu, who turned into a police officer and mixed into the assault team, naturally did not arouse anyone's suspicion. In fact, in such a sudden and tense operation, even the commander did not necessarily remember clearly the tasks he assigned to everyone, let alone those who were active in the operation. Armed police on the front line.

After following the group of special police officers into the building from the roof, Chen Lu finally understood what kind of trouble these police officers were facing. This is a huge jewelry showroom. Almost all the glass windows displaying the exhibits were smashed, and the glass fragments mixed with gold and silver treasures were dumped like garbage. Occasionally, one or two bodies of security guards can be seen, and the shop assistants and The merchant was nowhere to be seen, and was probably taken as a hostage.

And all these masterpieces come from the hands of a group of terrorists with hundreds of people. These guys are all stubborn, and at a glance, they know that it is not the first time to do this kind of thing. Their equipment is even more luxurious. They don't talk about assault rifles and pistols in the street. They even have typical military equipment such as flamethrowers, infrared night vision devices, and m6o general-purpose machine guns. Are they here to fight or to rob.

Under the terrifying light and heavy firepower of this group of terrorists, the special police officers who entered the building were so suppressed that they could not lift their heads. . The police's offensive has been deadlocked from the very beginning. The turmoil in this situation should not be dealt with by the special police, but should be attacked by an elite US military force, and the casualties of the hostages must be ignored.

In such a difficult situation, there was a black figure lurking in the shadows, and from time to time fierce sneak attacks on those terrorists opened a gap for the police's attack. He was so swift and hidden that the bullets the terrorists poured at him went straight through his ethereal afterimage, as if he never existed.

Then a few darts emerged from the shadow's hands. These bat-shaped darts crossed a strange arc in the air as if they had long eyes, and precisely pierced the gun-wielding hands of several terrorists. Palm, let the gun handle slip from their hands.

Taking advantage of the moment when these strong men lost their weapons, this shadow rushed in front of them and fought hand-to-hand with these big men who were at least one or two heads taller than him. The black cloak was raised high, covering all these criminals in. But in the blink of an eye,

The cloak suddenly retracted like magic, leaving only a few criminals on the ground groaning in pain from the limbs.

When the next wave of bombs hit the terrorists, this mysterious shadow had long since disappeared. He is like a bat hiding in the dark, criminals will never figure out how he got close, let alone how he found them.

Because he is Batman.

"It's really troublesome. If someone came, this group of people would have been sent to prison by now." Watching Batman dancing gracefully on the tip of his knife, Chen Lu complained so, even though he knew that he couldn't Comparing the abilities of a mortal to that of Kryptonians, Batman's actions are too cumbersome in the eyes of an efficiencyist.

In order to implement his no-kill principle, he must ensure that every criminal is disarmed and incapacitated. The only way for him, who is incapable, is to knock them down one by one, while carefully dodging With the opponent's attack, while secretly conducting a non-lethal sneak attack. Once he attracted too many people's attention, he had to stay away from the edge for a while. Because even in armor, he, a mortal, is not invulnerable, and if he is not careful, he will easily be sent to see the god of death.

If it was Tony the Iron Man to solve the incident here, he should have used his long guns and short guns to shoot at this group of scum until no one survived. There are so many troubles. Of course, it's not that Batman can't do such a thing, it's just that he doesn't want to do it.

He always kept in mind that he was a vigilante, not a judge, and that even the most vicious criminal should not be the one to issue and enforce the ruling.

But unfortunately, Chen Lu is now a Gotham police officer.

Ability Possession Device Activation

Possessors: The Winter Soldier

With the sound of this system upgrade, Chen Lu's left hand quickly turned into a biochemical electronic arm glowing with silver metallic luster. This is not the structure of his metallization ability, but the arm of the Winter Soldier was meticulously projected onto Chen Lu. on the law.

"It seems that in this weakened state, I can't possess such a strong guy." At present, Chen Lu's strength has returned to about 1o3% of the heyday, and naturally he can't possess people such as Magneto and Scarlet Witch. Those who can. But it is more than enough to deal with dozens of well-armed thieves.

"I'll kill you for a while."

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